
Which one? There's two there, with a grand total of 3 quotes in the article in general. I'm kinda hoping everyone remembers them all! ;)

"Being wrong isn't a bad thing it's an opportunity to learn!"

Haha well I'll remember that one but I'll try to also remember the person who said it. I can only take in so much at a time lol.

No but seriously looking forward to the rest of this series, are you planning to do many?

I'm planning to do 2 more in this series. The next item on the list is religion.
Really glad you're enjoying it though!

I've noticed on steemd you continue to upvote the trolls that harass anybody they can find enjoyment in offending. Even their intentionally derogatory comments. I won't be supporting you in this so I'm no longer following you. I wish that you would at least wait until the block function on steemit beta is working properly before pulling their reputation up to a level that we all have to read their disgusting rape threats everywhere.

I know your intentions are good but their intentions are just not and you need to see that.

Replying here because we hit the comment depth in the reply.
I'm sorry you feel the way that you do. The choice to follow someone or not is of course entirely your own. Just remember that I never upvoted a single negative comment from anybody. I've also never intentionally flagged anyone since the rep system was put into place because I dont like what it is.

I believe we can talk and reason with anyone. I've done what I can to stay neutral but supportive and encourage positive behavior from everyone.
Punishment will never work to resolve anything. Friendship usually will.

I will support you @williambanks as long as you are not supporting them. I do not wish to fall out with you over it I just wouldn't feel comfortable giving my vote to somebody who gives theirs to verbally abusive hate preachers. I value your friendship and I know your intentions are good I think perhaps you just couldn't see the abusive undertones of the responses lauralemons & I can see.

It might not look abusive to you out off context, but psychologically you can hurt somebody without even making it look like that's your intention. I think the best thing rather than trying to reason with the unreasonable is to let it all boil over and be forgotten in time. By then hopefully steemit will have a better blocking function.

Even if after pressing mute the responses didn't come up in my replies would make a massive difference.

hey @beanz
you might want to stop with the flagging, I told feminisim I didn't support him doxing you but he gave you a warning and already started releasing your information. he told you this and your still doing it. I can not be held accountable for your or his actions.

maybe look at the info he has already released on you in my post, its transparent so you have to click it to read it. I already asked him to remove it and said I don't agree with him doing it but your not helping the situation by going out of your way to follow me around and flag me. I will not feel bad bout the transparent ones actions. maby read up on what you are doing. their is no one to blame but yourself.

not trying to harass you im trying to let you know what is going on because im not the only person effected by your shitty flagging war. I don't like the idea of doxing. please stop acting like a cunt, im trying to help for once damnit.

That's the nicest thing you've said so far. I saw that he doxxed me. I'm waiting for the gardai to come knocking on my door for flagging something on the internet.

im thinking phone calls mail flooding, fake reports to get account banned, fucking with family members ect. no matter the use its fucking stupid on both sides.

everyone is acting like spoiled brats with this flag shit. we need a thumbs down for dislike and keep the flagg for abuse.

all of you are in the wrong, knock it off.

@beanz and @skeptic
I'm not particularly fond of public displays of affection.
So why do you guys care enough to carry on like this?
You're flaggerbating eachother in my blog and making a mess.
Your mute buttons work just fine and if not, please go to github and open an issue about it there.
Whatever you do, take it somewhere else!

Thank you.

The mute function doesn't work just fine @williambanks. Every day that I check my steemit replies it is full of responses from skeptic, earnest and feminism. I normally don't respond to them. Sorry to have brought the dirty laundry here.

Thank you both. If it were a huge problem for me, I would have just muted you both. I don't like seeing my friends fight. Anyways, click the github link and go there and comment it's important.

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