Robin's quest(science-fiction)

in #science6 years ago

images-10.jpegThe starry sky has always been a wonder for Robin, every night he used to look out of his room's window. Today, however, he stood by the bedside window of his creator and gazed into the void. His AI brain always sought for the factual explanation for the existence of life around him, he thought, like our ancestors, that staring at the stars will help him find the answers. An actual human form and self consciousness were a gift from his creator, or master as he calls him. Though self aware, he could only digest the conceptual understanding of the world, he was unable to appreciate the beauty it holds. He would always watch humans enjoying a warm sunny day at a beach, feeling miserable over a movie and fearing death and build up a whole lot of questions in his wired brain. For a 14 days old AI robot with self consciousness having a lot of questions is normal, he thought. But he never spoke to his master about this.AI-22016.jpgHe heard hurried shuffling on the bed and found a flash lighting up his face. When the light lowered he found his master, fully woken up, putting off the flash. "Robin, you gave me a fright. What are you doing here?" Although his master has given him intelligence, one code line persists him to tell the truth. And so he does. "I am here, examining the stars and wondering why I couldn't appreciate them shining so beautifully up the sky. These being my mere words, I couldn't feel that inside me." The robot's face went gloom on saying those words, "I have a face that laughs, cries and frowns but they don't express my thoughts. They are just protocol follow-ups of my voice intensity. I do not feel happy when I say I am happy. I do not feel sad when I say I am depressed. I do not know if I mean what I say."images-11.jpegTheon, the 28 year old young scientist, spotted the uncertainty in Robin's voice and smiled. He was happy that his creation is finally doubting its existence. But when he saw the puzzled look on Robin's face, he pulled a straight face and began, "Answer me this Robin, you're sitting at a bar, a girl approaches and hits on you, would you take the bait?" Robin thought for a second and drew a conclusion to his answer, "It is a simple yes or no answer depending on whether I want to or not."images-12.jpegTheon smiled and said, "When this question is asked to a human, there were multiple responses such as 'Is she beautiful/ hot/ sexy?' 'What kind of girl is she?' 'I am not into girls'. It is never a simple yes or no question to a human because his mind processes the question to be incomplete. Because he has his own tastes and preferences in a woman that makes him feel differently with different women. I hate social gatherings, it makes me feel miserable but some people they love it. A person's feelings are based on his/her tastes and preferences. Now, emotions are for expressing our feelings. You see both of them are interlinkedimages-13.jpegEmotions and feelings are not programmable, they are inculcated. Why do you think you have been taking sessions with me? I am teaching you how to feel. On the very first day, you were like a baby unaware of your existence but look at yourself now, you are questioning your own reality. Ain't that feeling? It did arise in your head, didn't it?"

Robin had many speculations about his surroundings, "This is one of the few things that I had in mind which is now totally comprehended. But why were you frightened to see me?" Theon laughed loudly at his innocence, "Poor Robin, I thought you were a ghost or something. When did you see a burglar staring out of your window for long?"

The speculations of Robin were pushed even further upon hearing that answer, "What is a ghost? My database informs me that it is a spirit, a soul of man, a disembodied soul. Do I have a soul?"

"No, you don't."

"Why don't I have one?"

Theon took a deep breath and explained him that a machine is only clockworks and 1's and 0's but never has a soul. To have a soul one has to have a body, a corporeal body. He further said, "Doing what is good, judging right from wrong and showing compassion means to have a soul. Good and Kind are the two pillars of having a soul. Scientifically, a soul is not a spirit but being kind and doing good. So, I say this to you Robin, you could have a soul tooimages-14.jpegRobin smiled, or his lips twitched into it, at knowing that he could have what the humans had but his speculations didn't end there. "Why must I be like a human? I can help the mankind by just the way I am. Am I not a resourceful, creative and solution-oriented robot?"

"You are what you are meant to be. You are a companionable robot, you are supposed to be human otherwise the whole idea would be pointless. Humans disregard other species, they trust only humans and that is why you must look like a human, talk like one, walk like one and be like one. A companionship or a relationship is based on mutual trust. In this case, you do not have the need to trust your human but he/she must trust you. That way your are a success. Now that people are so used to robots, you will be cordially invited in their lives. You are not meant to help mankind, you are here to reshape humanity. You should show them how human a robot can be. Hopefully, making them learn what they forgot." Theon hoped Robin would understand but then he thought around trusting him to believe.images-15.jpegThe night seemed to take one step at a time, the wind filled the silent spaces in between and Robin had just one last question to ask his master. "Why do I look like a male? Why my name is Robin?" He was programmed never to hesitate but to ask this question he needed all of his strength.

Theon chuckled, "This will sound silly. I am aroused by men." He saw the confused look on Robin's face and went on, "I like talking to men, women makes me uncomfortable. I was to test you but all the machinery inside was very distracting. So, I gave you a human appearance and masculinity to make myself comfortable."

"And the name?"

"As a child, I grew up reading comics, Batman was my favourite. Robin was his apprentice. Since, I am to teach you humanly nature, you are my apprentice." He was tired working late to have this conversation but it proved to be fruitful and he was kind of feeling sleepy. "I think you have just finished your final assessment. Tomorrow, I will introduce you to the world."

Robin's mouth twitched into a smile, he left his master's room and went to his. How am I to make any impression on these people? Will they love me? Or will they cast me aside? Can I achieve what my master wants me to? And why are these questions making me uncomfortable? Am I being nervous? He was. He finally was nervous but was very happy to be.

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