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RE: Ever wondered what pursuing a career in science is like? The perks and disadvantages of being a natural science researcher.

in #science7 years ago

My cousin is getting her PhD in Pharmacology at UPenn. She debates about working corporate or staying in academia all the time. I debate about going back into academia and leaving corporate. The grass is always greener on the other side. I work long hours as well but get to travel the world. However, in sales, i'm forced to network, drink, and mingle (i'm introverted). Often times this is with people I would normally never mingle with.

My cousin does all this testing on genetics through mice. Unstressed mice vs. stressed mice. Apparently a stressed male mouse that mates and has offspring, the offspring are more likely to be less susceptible to stress compared to normal male mouse who mates. Basically if the male mouse mates while severely stressed, his children handle stress better. Obviously this isn't exactly applicable to humans but that is the goal of her study, to somehow correlate it.

I'm a big history buff and love that picture in Jordan. It reminds me of Indiana Jones and the last crusade.


That mouse study sounds amazing! I would really like to know about the outcome once the trial is finished (although I know first hand how much time that can take!). Truly interesting and really relevant for all of us.

About the grass being greener, it always comes as a trade-off: Academia offers more freedom on the way you conduct your work, but the salary is much less than those offered in industry; there's also the matter of job instability.

(By the way, I really relate to what you wrote about mingling; I am an introvert as well and during conferences that last more than a couple of days I really need to push myself to try to "network" and connect with people, but I still take as many opportunities as I can to get some alone time instead of tagging along with the group 24/7. And after the whole ordeal is finished I always feel like I need to "detox" from too much social interaction for at least one day)

Visiting Petra was such an amazing experience, and surely, I also got that feeling of "must watch Indiana Jones now" haha!

Yes. The mingling and sales part of having to be outgoing is surprising to many who don't understand introverts. People at work think i'm a social butterfly but they don't realize outside of work, I rarely go out (i exhaust myself from work so I mostly just stay home). Even when I hang out with my friends, people think i'm very closed, reserved and standoff-ish but if you catch me at a conference or traveling for work, i'm one of the friendliest people you'll meet. Two sides of a coin.

My cousin is wrapping up her PhD this year I believe. This was her last article on her research below. She mentioned that human research would take lifetimes to study and that's why they use mice (their brains mature significantly faster than humans).

Will keep you posted!

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