Future Cops: Episode One

in #sci-fi8 years ago

"This is Fire Team Delta, responding to the active shooter in the Freemont complex. Looks like a crap shoot out here, send backup ASAP." Isaac Kyzer shouldered his rifle and joined the rest of his men outside the APC.

"Alright, we've got gunfire on the south side of the building, crowds heading towards us. Brit, Savior, you come in from the east side, Doc and I will come in west. We'll start our sweep ground floor and follow the stairs up. Remember, these are enemies of the state. No mercy, and no hesitation." The four man unit split off, each team heading for opposite ends of the building. People trickled out of the building, interrupting lines of fire. The young team swept their sights across the courtyard as they approached the entry.

"Brit, Savior, are you in position?"

"Roger that, sir. Breaching on three." Isaac counted down, then stepped into the building. Doc followed closely behind, covering Isaac's back. They swept down the main floor, clearing it of civilians, meeting up in the middle of the building.

"All right, up the stairs. We've got two more floors to cover." A burst of gunfire rang out from above them, and they sprinted into action.

"This is Fire team Delta, we have confirmed gunfire at the Freemont complex. Moving to engage hostiles. Request perimeter security and immediate fireteam backup. All right, breach!" The two man teams breached the second floor, threw in flashbang grenades, and then rushed into the room. Two men with assault rifles and body armor stood covering their eyes. 

"Light em up!" Isaac sighted down his barrel, squeezed the trigger, and watched the bodies fall.

"This is Fire team Delta, we have hostiles down."

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