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RE: High school jock, club leader, but never the class nerd? How were your high school years?
I was a Tech Rat meaning I attended vocational technical school every other week. I studied Commercial Art. We got bussed to the school over an hour away. I was at my home school every other week for my basic education. We were viewed a bit differently at the home school, but I met my best friend there!
In college, I met some of the strangest and coolest kids that just happened to also be home school. I always found it interested and thought about doing it for my kids. Then I realized, I didn't do so hot in school and probably shouldn't do that to my kids. lol
lol I was a high be or an a student. I homeschooled for 4 years and I enjoyed it. At first it gave me panic attacks because I was afraid I wasn't able to do it. But I came to find out that love can help with doing a multitude of things! Actually, it's not for everyone. But that's a decision that each mom makes at one point. Either way, being involved parent is what counts!