High school jock, club leader, but never the class nerd? How were your high school years?

in #school6 years ago

What were you like in High school?



Not sure what the education system is like in your country, what children and bullies are like in your neighborhood, and if you trust the education process as a whole or not? In the U.S.A, it has mixed reviews on all accounts. If you watch enough American TV shows, which paints an interesting picture of our education system and the children that go through it. In general American school are not that dramatic despite the recent news.

Back in my day.

My best friend was the quiet nerd that loved and loves to read. She often hid out in the library. Most of the girls on the volleyball team were honor students. Two girls from the varsity track team graduated top of their class. They were also best friends. The funniest pair you can imagine. I thought these girls were twins, but they were best friends. Most of the clubs were filled with Hispanic students. Most of the blond blue-eyed Americans were on the swim team. Except for the two Brazilians. One of which did talk much, not sure why he was so shy, but he never chatted much. The soccer team was made up of mostly Brazilians and Hispanics.

After school clubs were taken so seriously. Never did understand their level of commitment. Moreso after we graduated, why did we do so much in high school?! Growing up, I spent many times comparing the school system in the US and in Brazil. I always loved their way of splitting school into two session and students only had to go to one. You could either study in the morning or in the evening hours. Usually, which everyone you choose meant the other time was spent at work. The groups of people seemed to be similar.

Now, I wonder what you were like then?

Before I started this new job, I asked my friend what she was like in high school? I assumed I like her now, I am sure I would like her then. I then asked my boss. She is super social and makes conversation with everyone willing and resisting. It is an impressive talent. Her boss makes me wonder the same question. She is in her early sixties and very much reserved and sweet like a grandma would be while also being tough.

They couldn't answer me and found it odd. Mostly because they are the same outgoing competitive or nerdy person. However, I wonder if many can say the same? Have you changed much over the years? Are you the same person now compared to your high school years? Are you glad you changed or didn't?

High school Between 2006-2010

Post High School until now



What's with all the extra curricular activities in the US? Seems like going to school isn't enough over there. I was in the B group. Not super popular, but not unpopular--could be friends with anyone. Did fine at school. It wasn't that exciting or terrible. Didn't do any of that extra curricular BS cos there was no point and I didn't have to.

The only extra things I can recall we had were school sports teams, maybe my college was just not up with the times lol.

Yeah, if you were into sport, that made sense. But watching US tv shows, I get the impression you have to do extra stuff cos it affects whether you get into uni or not. Seems harsh.

Additional credits towards scholarships etc, yeah it's a bit different to what I had exposure to here in Adelaide.

It is sooo true, they paint this picture that we have to take over the world and live in a constant state of stress in order to get to college. Once we are there we realize what big waste of time it all was.

Wow you look not too different from your high school years, and you post high school till now time, 😀 lol I officially take it that you don't age

Well as for me I was more like the noisy and funny one always doing something creative to make the students cheer

Were you a bit of a prankster in school?

hahsha that's more like me, yeah

lol, I have aged a bit, but high school was only eight years ago!


I always hanged out with a strange bunch. They were just my at school friend as well. We never really had much in common to hang out after school. I was always unpopular and just wanted to be left alone as well. So that kind of whom I ended up hanging out with as people tended to leave you alone if you were in a group. I was mostly a ghost and those days where great until you had a group project in a class.

Glad to see you had quite a few happy memories!

We would have been friends, I loved the quiet ones. They were so smart and fun to talk to.

Oh, I stayed away from females in high school :)

I had one that kept trying to flirt with me in math class. She was not very happy I paid her almost zero attention.

I was a Tech Rat meaning I attended vocational technical school every other week. I studied Commercial Art. We got bussed to the school over an hour away. I was at my home school every other week for my basic education. We were viewed a bit differently at the home school, but I met my best friend there!

In college, I met some of the strangest and coolest kids that just happened to also be home school. I always found it interested and thought about doing it for my kids. Then I realized, I didn't do so hot in school and probably shouldn't do that to my kids. lol

lol I was a high be or an a student. I homeschooled for 4 years and I enjoyed it. At first it gave me panic attacks because I was afraid I wasn't able to do it. But I came to find out that love can help with doing a multitude of things! Actually, it's not for everyone. But that's a decision that each mom makes at one point. Either way, being involved parent is what counts!

I hung out with mostly the skater punks, because I was a skater punk. A lot were stoners. Guess I was too lol. I also hung out with some of the jocks and some of the hood cats. Weed kinda brought us together lol. I was also president of the national honor society, in the future business leaders of America, and link crew, which helped incoming freshman. Graduated 4th of my class. So I also hung out with the nerds and aspiring folks. Strange combination, right? Little bit of errrrthang. Cool post though. It's something I don't think about too much.

I'm not much different now, just wiser and never allowing my cup to fill ;)

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