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RE: School is a form of child abuse

in #school8 years ago

I know I'm late in commenting, but still I wanted to thank you for writing this poignant article. Peach liquor can do that do a person. ;)

Your experience reminds me a lot of my own: school became so intolerable by the age of 13 that I became extremely depressed and felt utterly powerless due to the apparent hopelessness of the situation, despite my excellent grades. I wanted to drop out, but instead forced myself to graduate high school a year early just to get the hell out and finally step into the real world. Ahh, that first paycheck... I know what you mean about work-related stress and obedience being nothing compared to the torture a gifted student is expected to endure.

You're so right that the current model of education breeds passivity and strips students of the their own judgement. I hope that one day in the near future, as technology continues to grow, new modalities of education will become more common. Great article in every way, thanks so much for sharing.

Also, shoutout to Zoombinis and Neopets, haha!


Oh thank you. It was very cathartic to write that article and I enjoyed the peach liqueur! It's also very life-affirming to know that I wasn't alone through all that.

A book I found very helpful was "Why Smart People Hurt?" - It explained a lot and helped.

And oh my I do miss Neopets. I remember all the guilds and groups. In fact Steemit reminds me of an adult version of that (without the cartoon neopets). I'm following you and look forward to more. Thanks for commenting!

Thanks so much for the book suggestion, it looks excellent and I put it in my Amazon cart. Definitely going to have to check that one out.

And thank you even more for following me! I'm definitely following you as well and look forward to your future posts, whether written with the inspiration of liquor or without. ;)

Ahh I confess I miss Neopets too at times, but Steemit is totally the best neoguild that never was - plus, no TNT freezing our accounts for profanity or controversy haha.


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