Learning Doesn't Have To Be Boring

in #school6 years ago

Students in public school today are reportedly desperate for a change to their environment that newly inspires them and fosters increased engagement.

Many students today also report feeling high levels of depression and anxiety.

10+ years ago a similar survey discovered that students were overwhelmingly bored during the learning process; two out of three saying that they were bored in class every single day.

But learning doesn't have to be boring, there are other alternatives, possibly far superior alternatives out there.

Individuals aren't best served by a heavily standardized curriculum.

People learn at different rates and forcing students to all move at the same pace is unsurprisingly going to eventually fuel some problems down the road. Families have been searching for solutions and that has likely driven a growing number of families toward considering homeschooling and other schooling alternatives in recent years.

One recent survey discovered that as much as three-quarters of high school students report feeling bored regularly at school today.

For some students a great deal of their time can be wasted while they're stuck in school, being forced to learn at a pace that doesn't cater to their own unique abilities.

A student might be able to learn more from reading a few books on their own in the library for an hour than they could by spending an entire day in class.

A potential solution to the boredom that's being fostered in these highly-standardized settings rests in educational freedom and having the opportunity to explore a much richer learning experience. There are other alternatives and families and individuals should always have the option to choose what they want to learn, when they want to learn it, how they want to learn about it, and so on.

When there is some genuine intrinsic motivation that's directing that self-learning you might be surprised at the results that you get.

Previous research in this area also suggests that expecting children to adhere to structured activities can possibly worsen their decision-making skills, impeded their goal-setting, and negatively impact their behavior.

Researchers in Colorado previously discovered that for children who spent more time involved in less-structured activities that they had more highly-developed self-directed executive function. The pressure that comes along with this highly-standardized system arguably helps to foster depression, anxiety, and quickly takes the fun out of the learning experience.

For the teachers, they should also be given freedom from having to stick to a rigid curriculum that could stunt their creativity and intelligence, limiting them by decreasing their ability to do what they do best. If students are grossly disinterested in what they are learning then it isn't likely that this information is going to be retained for a lengthy amount of time. This unique and personal interest is what should drive the learning experience. You might be quick to assume that this could stunt their potential, but they might end up learning more because of it.


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People who want to learn are almost impossible to restrain. People who are mandated to learn are almost impossible to motivate. The incentive structure and methodology are all wrong in modern schools. Colleges are a better model because they are (largely) voluntary, and they offer students a path the student must choose to follow to achieve a specific degree.

Learning doesn't have to be boring, but...

Schooling has to be boring.
They have to discourage you from learning to much.
Just enough to be a good worker, but not to smart to buck the system.

You are right friend. I have experience this because I went to a public school and sometimes, I can tell you that our learning are always boring and boring. Maybe it is because of the school environment we are back then or we were not interested to learn who

Another great article my friend. You really kick ass here. I'm always impressed when I stop by, and almost everything you write about I can relate to in one way or another.

For this one. I dropped out of university after two years cause I felt like since learning how to read and write and do simple math back in grade school, EVERYTHING else was useless and a waste of time.

I can honestly say I've learned more from one year of travel than all of high school and college combined. In fact the first few years out of the USA is where I learned the most.

Travel is so educational. Especially if you travel how I do, with a curiosity of exploration and understanding. Thanks again for all the great work you do here and supporting my efforts as well. Have a great day from Pai Thailand! -Dan

thank you for the support man, very much appreciate your kind words!
✌ bet you've got some stories to tell! safe travels my friend!

Yes, I have endless travel stories, if I can remember them. Can't believe I've been really living internationally/ traveling for more like 16 years! Where has the time gone!

Yeah i find that really stupid in school. Everyone is forced to learn at the same rate and this is why we have so many kids failing. If they took the time to care for the kids and actually Help them, which they are trying to do, but i feel they should have like a form of after school help but have it during school hours. Give the kids like an hour break in school and have them use that time to go to a tutor class of their choice within the time period. This would make kids want to go more instead of staying after school, which personally i hated and was a reason I never really stayed in for additional help.

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