Scary Story Contributions by my Steemian Friends

in #scary6 years ago (edited)

Hi Everyone who is reading this post. Gonna wish you all a great day ahead if your just starting out your day.

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I have created my own storage vault for all the great articles that have been contributed or I've written that I think can be indexed. I guess, this is one of the ways which I could curate everything in one page for easy access. Currently everything written is stored here but the older post would be harder to get to.

I am going to share some stories that have been contributed by my two friends here.
Do follow them. The first is from


note: I have made some minor editing, only on grammatical areas but the story is exactly as told by him

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It was About 7 or 8 years ago.

It's been a long time since I last felt goosebumps for a while not until now. There are some things that I refuse to believe as there aren't explanation. I remember that time when my eldest daughter who was only 3 at that time. My wife and I had never told her about the existence of "Monsters" and any other terrifying , not even let her any watch a movie about it. In other words she never had an idea what ghosts or spirits look like.

I can never forget the sound of her voice really frightened calling "Daddy!". I was on the 3rd floor and rushed to the ground floor where she was taking a bath with her mom. She covered her eyes and pointed at the ceiling told me that there was a kid up at the ceiling who was trying to hurt her.

A week before

We were at our rented apartment. Prior to that incident, we had a relative who visited us. While we were in the middle of a conversation, She suddenly looked angrily at the door and said in an angry tone "get out of the room". When we ask why, she just smirked and said that there was a child who trying to get into the room.

This had me thinking at that time that my daughter was the only child in the apartment.

I guess that this was the same child that my daughter pointed at when she screamed.

To be honest, It really puzzled me. I did not know what I should have done to protect my daughter from an entity that did not exist in a physical form.

She is 11 now. A few months ago, I ask her if she remembers that child she had seen. She remembers but prefers not to talk about it.

I'm just going to leave it that way, it's for her best not to think about it and not to pay attention to stuff that science cant explain.


The Cabin in the Woods

The second true story is contributed by my friend

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Great stories! I have one!

When I was in my 20s my buddies and I would go to my Dads cabin. Mostly to drink, shoot off fireworks, B.B. guns,etc. It was in the middle of nowhere, that always gave it a creepy vibe. We started bringing up a Ouija board, try to contact some spirits. It was fun and sometimes creepy, but everything that happened could be explained. Except this one time....

We were all gathered around asking different things, when someone asked if this is real show us a sign. From underneath the wooden floors, in the other room was the sound of what sounded like a claw scraping up at the floor. SCRATCH SCRATCH SCRATCH. I still to this day can remember it. We all looked at each other in fright.

To understand how weird this was you have to understand how the cabin was built. It was wood on top of a concrete “crawl space” there was no openings for an animal that could make that sound. Maybe mice could get down there, but there has always been nice in that cabin and I was aware of what they sound like. The only access was through an opening in the cabin. Which none of us dare to open and peek. I still talk to one of the guys that was there, we remember it the same and can’t explain the noise. 👻


Hope all of you had a great time reading these stories, if you have do drop it here, I will post it up and give you a shout out.

If you haven't read mine, do click on the link below.

Do follow me, if you find my work great.

Click on the vault link below for more articles (Currently under construction).

Have a great night everyone. Logging off

Currently it's 10.52 pm at the Equator. I saw on the news that Chicago is experiencing a Polar Vortex and the city is on halt.

On another note, there was this New Steemian who I actually initially thought was kind of a decent guy and resteem his post. He then said commented in one of my post that food are like human waste. This is the first time, I have heard someone said such things. Well, I love food and I would never make remarks about food in such a way. I have no idea what food or me has done to him. I'll just let it be.

I have never made comments like that to others. It won't make me post less food just because he doesn't like it. He told me that, if he wanted to look at food, he would have gone to Facebook to check them out. Since the day , I joined Steemit, as I know what Steemit is, it is a social networking site which is a category that Facebook falls in. As I have checked and search about food, there are uncountable post about food. As that Steemian refers to it, food is human waste (Well, I don't want to be like him so I'll use a more polite word). - Why then do we pay so much for our food?

Facebook Wikipedia page here
Steemit Wikipedia page here

According to Facebook and Steemit Wiki pages, both are social networking Sites which is a place where you built relations with others who share similar


, activities and etc.

Well, I have replied him in an appropriate manner.


Some scary stories!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wow great post man! 2 thumbs up! You really did spent time on this. Hahaha thanks for mentioning also.. since i talked about that "event", some old memories started to have chain reaction, what happened why a friend of mine woke up with a hand mark on his neck bigger than any average mans hand, like someone choked him.
Lets keep that as the next freaky friday episode. Good night!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yea. I spent around an hour to type everything. I was thinking this morning to do something like this starting from today so it can add some value to readers.

Posted using Partiko Android

Okie do send me for the next Friday. Anyways, post some pictures of your place. In the place I am at there are many people from the Phillipines. The people from the Phillipines have really great manners and I used to have school mates and workmates from there. One of my friend has a wife who is from the Phillipines.

Posted using Partiko Android

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