Scam Alert - Fake Email Claims MyEtherWallet Was Hacked.

in #scams6 years ago


Today I found this message in my email. It was a message that appeared to be from Storj warning that MyEtherWallet was recently hacked and how to protect myself from losing funds.


Very official looking and all. After an initial flash of panic that my wallet had been hacked and drained, I stopped, took a deep breath to calm myself and took another look at the message. Immediately I was struck by how odd it was that MyEtherWallet had created a different domain and instructed users to unlock their wallets on the new domain. This sounded a little fishy. Actually it sounded a lot PHishy.

I did a quick google search on MyEtherWallet and hacked, but it did not turn up any news on a breach last week. So I went back to the email and performed an old trick I use to check the authenticity of any suspicious email I receive. I viewed the raw message. This is what I found.


And there it was, proof that the email message was a scam. They had substituted an upper case i for the l in help. This email was nothing more than a phishing attempt to lure unsuspecting users to unlock their MyEtherWallet at a scam site so they could drain your wallet of all your funds. Don't fall for this scam! If you receive an email like the one above, just delete it. MyEtherWallet has NOT been hacked.

Until next time...

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Scammers don't miss an opportunity to rip us off. Thanks for posting about all these scams and keeping us informed!

I hope it helps you and everyone else stay safe.

recently the official site was compromised but some scammers think they can use this opportunity to scam lol

Trying to jump into the recent confusion and scare people into acting before thinking. Classic scammer tactic.

good job...(thanks for your support.)

My pleasure and thank you for your continued support also.

Thanks for the heads up buddy.This things are really becoming a pain.
Will be careful .

They do keep a person on their toes. This reminds me that I should always, ALWAYS, stop and think before I act.

It’s funny that the audience they are targeting is expected to not know what a sub domain is. They have it reversed (for obvious reasons) but they’d be better off using one of the weirder urls that look like MEW and using an actual sub domain that makes sense.
It was good thing that you searched it immediate in Google. you got sense, i hope nobody will be able to scam you too easily, but also thanks for this Warning post, hope it will help lot of people.

Everyone has got to be careful. It's getting more and more dangerous out there.

In this case, the scammers like Storj also are out in the open impersonating well-known figures in the cryptocurrency community or the tech world, such as Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin, Elon Musk, and John McAfee. The scammers often reply to tweets from the real accounts they are impersonating, in an apparent attempt to catch distracted users who might not notice that the Twitter handle is different, or that the account lacks a verified checkmark.

If someone visited these links and checked the Ethereum addresses they advertise. If someone clicks on the short URLs, they are taken to a page that looks like this:

Everyone should be very careful about these scams their phising are about similar.A Big Thanks to @gregory-f Who always make scam alaert post in this steem community.By doing this you are helping lot of people in this community.

This fucking phising can ruin your everything, many people cheated and scammed by this storj. Thanks You made a awareness post for us. Appreciate about your help always. Thank You so much @gregory-f Sir,
for describing about this latest scam.

This is a really a scam thanks a lot for updating sir.

they are now faking to new level lol the newbies

They always target the newbies. I'm trying to educate them as best I can.

thank you for warning us ! great job

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