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RE: How I was scammed for the First time ("Find the Lady" scam).

in #scammers6 years ago

Hahahahahhahahaha gosh...sorry I am laughing but this is funny. You know why? Coz I was duped in just a similar manner in the streets of Lagos when I went visiting my aunt over there some years back. I think what kills us is our level of inquisitiveness . If only we were able to mind our business, we wouldn't have been duped. I will tell u my story.

Back then in 2002, I was still very young and my adrenaline was very high. I had high energy and wanted to explore everything I saw. Wanted to get involved with everything I saw others do.

On that fateful day, I was sent to the nearby market to get some stuff for cooking dinner. We wanted to have rice and stew that night and I was sent to get some tomatoes , meat and a few other items. Lagos has always been known for its mischivious occupants and so I was sternly warned to be careful...if only I listened.

I set out for the market and on my way there I saw a group of guys gathered and just like the inquisitive cat that I was , I went to know what was going on. This time they weren't dealing with cards but with a special kinda Stine and three cups. They guy would cover the stone quickly, roll his hand over and ask the spectators to choose the cup underneath which the stone was. And just like in your own case, people were winning and I was getting interested the more.

I though to myself , if I use the 2000 naira I was given to play this game, I could easily make 4000 and keep 2000 to myself. I tried fighting the urge but couldn't resist anymore and I finally gave in.

I opted to play the game and I won. When I won, I took the money and wanted to leave but they said I couldn't , that I had to play for atleast 4 times. I was scared but at the same time excited. I was excited coz it was another opportunity for me to win 4 more times and that's a lot of money (foolish me).

I played again and won. Again I played and won and at this point I was feeling really comfortable . After playing 3 times , I opted for the last shot so I could leave and that was when they struck . I was asked to put all in. I asked why and they said it was the rule of the game. I bet all I had and when it was time to select the cup, with sweat all over my face I reach out for the cup I new the stone was under and behold I lost...I couldn't believe my eyes. My eyes were Red and I couldnt say anything.

When I lost, the man started parking his stuffs to leave I asked him why and he said he was done for the night and at that point others started leaving one by one too...What I didn't know was that they were all working together and it was a collective effort to dupe me.

I went home that day without money and I was given the beating if my life.

If only I was less inquisitive, I wouldn't have fallen a victim. But I am happy is happens coz I learnt my lesson that day and have never fallen victim again.


Much later we learn that NOBODY ever wins this game.

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