Scam on AliExpress

in #scam6 years ago (edited)

[Текст на српском] Have you tried buying anything through AliExpress? It usually goes well, except when you run straight into scammers…

I'm very cautios about ordering anything over the Internet. You have a bunch of horror stories from the people who dared to order an expensive item (for example a camera or a laptop). It seems that, as people became aware of the possible scam and quit ordering expensive things, a price limit of scammers went lower…

On November 11th 2017 I have ordered through AliExpress one “Portable Foldable Studio Photo Collapsible Multi-Disc Light Photographic Lighting Reflector with Carrying Bag” — a simple item with the action price of US$15.62 and Shipping Cost of US$2.80. Total Amount was just US$18.42, and the “seller”, a scam company called “An Illusion”, immediately took off the money from my VISA debit card. A few days later asked a ridiculous additional sum “because of their mistake”. I refused, of course, because with this addition I could buy cheaper at several other places. Except that, no honest buyer wouldn't charge customer for their own mistake.

Then, they told me the price stays the same, but the delivery will be after 50 days. I agreed. But when I returned after 50 days of waiting to see the phase of delivery, unpleasent surprise waited there — it said the shipment was delivered on Dec. 1st, and transaction finished! Worse, I could not open dispute since the deadline expired!

Now that was scandalous enough, but AliExpress service aimed to protect customers was even worse. After I have filed a report on these scammers to the AliExpress Customer Protection Service, all I got were the promises of a various bot helpers (five of them exactly — Amanda, Sahara, Jaimee, Andre and Zarah), about the “urgent measures”, “higher level”, “Senior Management Specialist”… and always promising they will contact back, but never did. Disgrace.

In the meantime, scammers from “An Illusion” contacted me through certain Amy Yu, and offered refund over the PayPal. I would accept that, but in Serbia you can't receive money over PayPal, because the Central Bank treats it's citizens as hostages: PayPal in Serbia – Truth and Misconceptions. I have explained that refund through PayPal was impossible, and the only way was for them to send me an ordered product. THEY REFUSED! They blatantly lied they're out of stock while they have advertised 9725 pieces available!

Their only offer was (impossible) refund through PayPal! Great “business plan”, really.

At the end, I can safely predict a return of the old fashioned brick and mortar stores. Online scammers will make their return welcome :)


e-vizitka - 2017-10-28_131026-mala.jpg


The whole business of Alibaba Group Holding Limited is filled with scam and phishing and its not something new.. Actually chinese business that are focused on exporting goods are 99.99% scam and its very common for them not to ship products or show something on photo and deliver another damaged item.. and these bastards can easily go away because of their laws which protects their business at the expense of customers.. I think US don't need to put any sanctions on China because people will stop doing business with China sooner or later because of their fraud activities with their customers..

You may not believe, but China is rising because scam was US main branch of economy. Chinese are just learning from the best :)

primanje novca preko paypal-a radi vec neko vreme . ja ga koristim ...

@smidge-tv, погледај одговор кориснику @dejan.vuckovic. Важи и за тебе иста молба — детаљан текст на српском који описује како да КАО ПОЈЕДИНАЦ добијеш новац ИЗ ИНОСТРАНСТВА?

kratko i jednostavno

  1. otvoris nalog na paypal-u , svako moze da ti posalje novac . bilo je ogranicenja ranije ali je to proslost
  2. dodas svoju karticu kao izvor finansiranja paypal racuna , ja koristim visa-electron intesa banke
  3. kad ti legne novac na paypal racun dobijes opciju da povuces taj novac na istu tu karticu . ceka se 3-4 dana da ti legne novac na karticu i provizije su prilicne ali radi

Колике су тачно провизије? Примаш ли ти новац из иностранства?

primam da , oni ti uzmu proviziju i kad primis novac i posle kad prebacujes na karticu . ceo proces kosta dosta , na 100 eura oni ti uzmu vise od 10 .

Хвала лепо, @smidge-tv, управо сам започео тест. Видећемо како ће проћи.

nema na cemu

Ево како се завршио покушај уплате из иностранства, @smidge-tv:

Amy Yu: We try to give you refund by paypal,but it's failed to give you refund by paypal,could you accept to minus price in your next order

Wow! That really sucks. It is getting harder to know what is real and what is a scam nowadays.
Seems once they have your money they forget about you.
I am having the same problem from I ordered a set of earrings way back near the end of November and have not seen the product which was an Xmas present for my wife.
Strange because they have always had great service before.

So sorry @acwood, I hope you didn't pay too much for that earrings…

Oh, I will keep on them until I get some satisfaction!
Thanks, my friend!

Congratz, your post has been featured in The Daily Spotlights of 6 March 2018!

Ukoliko vezes pay pal za neku karticu (najbolje virtuelnu) mozes da imas prilive. Za ovaj iznos te niko nista nece pitati, a preko nekog limita ce banka zaustaviti priliv i traziti da odes da popunis izjavu o poreklu novca. Ako ti se ovo drugo ikada desi, a nemas fakturu kojom bi potvrdio da je povrat u pitanju - samo kazes da je donacija i sve prodje bez dodatnih pitanja. Govorim o razumnim sumama do pa stotina eur. Radio sam to puno puta, ako treba pomoc - tu sam

Најбоља помоћ би била текст о томе како да оспособиш прилив ИЗ ИНОСТРАНСТВА преко PayPal-а, а да не отвараш фирму. Довољно је да текст буде на српском, јер остатак света (осим можда Северне Кореје) тај проблем никад није имао. И молим те, буди детаљан, опиши сваки корак и ништа не подразумевај, јер ја не видех да је НБС повукла ову декларацију:

To date, PayPal has not filed an application with the NBS to be licensed as an electronic money institution. Hence, for the time being, Serbian legal and natural persons can use PayPal to perform only international payment transactions, in accordance with Article 32 of the Law on Foreign Exchange Operations, and not to conduct mutual payments in the Serbian payments system.

Датум је 19.09.2016. Ако су нешто променили а то нису описали, молим те, напиши ти како си успео да примаш новац из иностранства и изрекламираћу твој текст на све стране.

Haha... pazi, ako postane masovno, nekome mozda upadne u oko. Nista komplikovano, vidim da si se vec snasao na osnovu instrukcija od @smidge-tv , samo vezes karticu za paypal i povuces novac na nju. Vec kad registrujes karticu, povuci ce ti sa nje neki mali iznos i vratiti ga nazad kao nacin da je potvrdis. Potvrda je 4-cifreni kod koji ti posalju u transakciji kada ti vrate tih par centi. Od trenutka kada je kartica potvrdjena, mozes da prebacis sredstva na nju. Svaki korak traje do 5 dana, dok se rasknjize izvodi po bankama i prodje potvrda da ne peres pare za Kolumbijski narko kartel ili kupujes oruzje za Severnu Koreju ;) Banka se omasti svojom provizijom, tebi ostane 90-95% novca i to je to.

А шта шаљеш као Paypal account? Како да ти нпр. кинеска страна уплати новац на рачун, @dejan.vuckovic?

paypal account name je e-mail adresa kojom si se registrovao na paypal

Хвала @dejan.vuckovic, управо сам започео тестирање. Нису примили линк, који би нормално требало да служи за те ствари :)

Ево како се завршио покушај уплате из иностранства, @dejan.vuckovic

Amy Yu: We try to give you refund by paypal,but it's failed to give you refund by paypal,could you accept to minus price in your next order

Mislim da je to do prodavca, a ne do paypal-a. Naleteo si na scamera. Jbg...

Ето зато сам и написао текст, @dejan.vuckovic :)

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shock to hear this scam

Narucujem cesto preko Ali expressa i zaista imam samo pozitivna iskustva, mozda ste imali nesrecu da naletite na nekog loseg prodavca.

Баш о томе се и ради @invazijaleptira — ови овде, An Illusion, су преваранти на које упозоравам. Имао сам ја 13 успешних куповина док нисам налетео на њих. Тужно је, међутим, што АлиЕкспрес ништа не предузима да их казни. Сутра ће променити име, и превариће неког другог.

Da, to je strasno, ostavite im negativnu ocenu. :)

Е, да, треба да видиш како их је забринула негативна оцена, @invazijaleptira :)

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