in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

Blessings my dear brothers:

SteemChurch Venezuela, has been developing several activities such as the vacation plan, the culmination has been scheduled for the day Monday September 10 from 8:00 A.M. Place: Lecheria-Venezuela. Soon we will be publishing a summary of it.

In another order of ideas, food activities have also been carried out for children in the community. We have seen with great concern the state of malnutrition presented by children, school age. The main victims of the crisis we live are minors. Studies revealed alarming figures: in 2017 between five and six children per year died per year . In addition, 33% of the minor population in the country presented some delay in their growth.

"The latest figures show that 11.4% of children under the age of five suffer from moderate or severe malnutrition, and the World Health Organization (WHO) sets the threshold for the crisis of malnutrition in children by 10%".

We have made a preliminary investigation and how to start addressing this situation that causes so much pain in parents, families and society. We are responsible for helping those who need it most, offering a plate of food and a word of encouragement to move forward This is a harsh reality:

In our social action plan is the program "Bread of Heaven" which has begun to activate and is intended to bring food to school-age children, street situation and social risk. In the not too distant future we want to place children's dining rooms At this time, our beginnings will be supported by communities, parents of families or community leaders who will directly support this food journey as many times as possible in several state communities.

In accordance with the provisions of our Project, the dining service will be offered as a complementary service.
a) Educate in healthy eating habits using the food plan offered.
b) Collaborate with the feeding of children in a street situation and social risk.
c) Promote the adaptation of children to the diversity of menus and to a discipline in the act of eating that includes courtesy, tolerance, solidarity and education for coexistence.
d) Engage the family in the benefits that can be obtained from a joint collaboration with those responsible for the dining room, both in terms of health and nutritional education.
h) Foster attitudes of collaboration, solidarity and coexistence, raising awareness of the family in patterns of behavior acquired in the children's dining room. Promote love through the word of God.

Bread of the Heaven , will be deployed in several communities weekly, we will be enabling social networks, to interact in a more objective way with all those people who will collaborate with this beautiful project, community leaders in action. Our vision is to promote a multiplier effect in order to guarantee the feeding of children of limited resources throughout the country, with fixed and mobile children's dining rooms.

It is important to have an attendance record of the children that we will approach. This will help us calculate the amount of food we will need each month and see how the number of servings increases or decreases. It is useful to have a list with the names and ages of the children so that we can work with the Health Center in the Weight controls, vaccination and other activities.

What activities can we do with the families that attend the dining room?

We know that they will be busy organizing the dining room and preparing the food. However, we want to tell you that it is important to take advantage of the attendance of adults and children in the dining room to talk with them about some issues related to food and health care. For that, we can use what we learned or invite professionals from the Health Center to help us organize these activities. We can also agree with them to control the nutritional status of children and their families.

Another task that we can promote from the dining room is the realization of a vegetable garden, or a farm that allows us, for example to have vegetables and eggs to supply the dining room. To carry out this type of activities it is possible to ask the Municipality for help. Also keep in mind that in the communities there will surely be neighbors who will be able to collaborate with us.

So far, we have received many positive comments in neighboring communities, people who are willing to support this program with their work collaboration, assign spaces for the activity.

For the work team of @sc-v, a mobile application will be provided, in this way to enter the needs of communities and perform control and monitoring. In the same way we make an invitation to all those people who wish to participate and collaborate in this beautiful Project communicate with us: [email protected]
This information will be updated on web:

Our desire is that this is more than a children's dining room to eradicate malnutrition, our mission is to carry the message of salvation, to restore the lives of many children and families through the word of God, Steemchurch Venezuela will offer human formation workshops for children and their parents, working on issues of ethics, personal improvement, good manners, among others, which will allow them to have a dynamic of healthy coexistence and eliminate aspects of violence inside and outside the home.

In advance, we want to thank all those people who have been collaborating and making all these advances possible, @SirKnight without you would not be possible, and our dear @pennsif, thanks for all your heart for your time and dedication, we love you very much.



We mice are in tears. Those poor, unfortunate children. They deserve better.

This is about the most amazing initiative we have seen here at Steemit and we mice will do what we can to help feed the children of Venezuela.
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Children are the future of a country, thank you for thinking about them, for that sensitivity and human quality, God will bring rewards to your life.

Great Initiative @sc-v, definitely steemchurch is a blessing. Feeding children who do not have food is one of the most laudable tasks of the human being.

Is it not that you divide your bread with the hungry, and the poor wandering shelters at home; When you see the naked, cover it, and do not hide from your brother? Then your light will be born as the dawn, and your salvation will be seen soon; and your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the Lord will hear you; you will cry, and he will say: Here I am. If you remove from the midst of you the yoke, the threatening finger, and the speaking vanity; and if you give your bread to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul, your light will be born in the darkness, and your darkness will be like noon.
Isaiah 58: 7-10

God bless Apostle Darlenys and the entire team.

It is a noble work apostle @darlenys01, God will help you in a supernatural way, I declare it, because the one who thinks of the poor, on the bad day, will be freed by Jehovah.

Tell the righteous that he will do well and today I tell you apostle Darlenys: It will be good for you, because there are many people but with your heart few, that is why God has chosen you for this time, this is a victory for you! My support accounts as always.

This is a great initiative of @sc-v and apostle Darlenys, you will undoubtedly succeed in this new step, because it is God acting through your heart! Of more, this tell you that you have me for medical-care days.

I get very excited every time I see what God does through all of you. God is wonderful and his love is insurmountable. May God bless you and continue to increase every day, the feeling and doing every day. Wonderful and Blessing Activities for the people God bless you. @sc-v - @darlenys01

It's a great job Sister Darlenys, it's very depressing to see children on the street looking through the trash to mitigate the hunger in their belly.

The time has come to execute the proposed plan! God bless @sc-v

He who give never lack, thanks to @sc-v for this bold step.

Nice one @sc-v, you guys are wonderful keep the flag flying in Venezuela. God bless you all

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