in #sc-v6 years ago

The first stage of the physical, psychological and social development of the person is childhood, and feeding is one of the most important factors that determines the growth and development of girls and boys. The needs of different nutrients vary depending on the individual growth rate, the degree of maturation of each organism, physical activity, sex and also the ability to use the nutrients that the foods consumed during childhood.
That is why proper nutrition and nutrition during school age allows the girl and the boy to grow healthily and acquire a food education nutrition should be the main objectives for families and teachers, since the malnutrition, either due to deficit (malnutrition) or excess (overweight and obesity), can have unwanted results in the short and long term.



To grow and develop

• To avoid getting sick

• To better face the diseases we have

• To be able to play, work, love and learn with ease

• To enjoy the pleasure of meals

• To care for others and feel cared for

In short, to feel good and enjoy a healthy life. Therefore, food is one of the rights
fundamentals of all people.

We must also think that not only is it important to eat, but to eat well, for which we have to take into account
account the different stages of the feeding process:

a) The selection of foods: what do we buy when we go to the fair or the market and why.

b) The elaboration of the meals: what dishes we prepare, how we cook and how we conserve them.

c) The service of the food: time to feed and share.


Feeding inadequately or insufficiently (eating a lot, little or badly) can cause illness.
Some appear quickly and produce vomiting and diarrhea. Others, however, take longer and we They bring heart problems, high blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.
Also, if we feed poorly we can have nutritional problems. Some are easy to recognize, because people are fat or skinny. Others, such as anemia, can not be seen with the naked eye, that's why it calls "hidden malnutrition".
It is important that we take into account that, although all people should eat healthy and in quantity enough, boys and girls, adolescents, and pregnant women are particularly sensitive to nutritional problems and therefore we must ensure them access to adequate and balanced nutrition.



We already talked to you about the importance of food. Now we will see how achieve a balanced and healthy diet. The first thing we need to know is that all foods are important, and that large quantities of each are not needed to maintain good health. So, when thinking about menus and buying food, try to be as varied as possible.

"It's good to eat in moderation and include
varied foods at each meal "
Eating varied and in moderation means distributing
foods of this drawing, in the different foods that are
They do throughout the day.

"It is good to consume milk daily,
yogurt or cheese, because they offer us
calcium and proteins "
Especially boys and girls, adolescents and women
Pregnant or breastfeeding. It is recommended that
babies, from birth to six months of age, receive
only breast milk Then, until two years, in addition to the
breast milk, should gradually incorporate other
foods. Remember that milk replaces yogurt and is more
cheap Also, with milk you can make homemade yogurt.

"It's good to eat fruits and vegetables daily
vegetables of all kinds and color, because
They offer us vitamins and minerals.
Especially vitamin C and potassium "
Let's try to include raw fruits and vegetables in some
of the daily menus.

"Including some type of meat in the day ensures
meet the needs for iron and proteins "
Include meats in the menus of each day. Tea
We remember that the tripe, the liver, the heart, the
brain and kidney are also meats. Let's moderate consumption
of cold meats, sausages (sausages, sausages, salamis,
among others). Remember that an egg replaces
protein from meat and that is a very good food,
but avoid eating it raw.

"Children under the age of one year
they should receive a different meal than the
that they are served to older children
or adults, because your body is not
prepared to assimilate it "



Keep in mind that there are fresh foods and dry foods and, depending on the case, can be purchased with
lower or higher anticipation.

How do we recognize the foods that are in
in poor condition or at risk of transmitting a disease?

All the meats in poor condition, are sticky, soft and smelly.


The adequate conservation of food is a fundamental aspect to avoid food poisoning
(ETAs or foodborne diseases).
Some products should be kept in the refrigerator or in the freezer; others, we can store them on shelves
or deposits. However, whatever the proper form of conservation, we must bear in mind that:
First that comes in must be the first thing to come out. This will prevent some foods from expiring during the

The preparation of the food

We must be careful to prevent food from becoming contaminated or lose their nutritional value. For this it is important:

1.-Always use drinking water network. In case it is well water and we are not sure it is safe, boil it for 3 minutes or add 2 drops of bleach per liter of water and let it rest at least 30 minutes before using. Avoid boiling the water for a long time so that the salts it contains are not concentrated.

2.-Wash fruits and vegetables with potable water before using them.

3.-If the milk is not pasteurized it is important to boil it, allowing it to boil three times. Remember to take a clean container when we go to look for milk.

4.-Separate raw foods from cooked foods that are ready to be consumed.

5.-Do not use the same utensils (blades, cutting boards, etc.) for raw and cooked foods, without previously washing them. This will prevent the microbes of some pass to others.

How is the dining room?

What type of benefits (meals) are served? Breakfast lunch snack, snacks, dinner?
How many people come to the dining room?
Is the quota exceeded? As soon as?
Who eats in the dining room? Children, pregnant women, adults in general,
entire families?
Are there adults or children diagnosed with malnutrition?
How many people work or help in the dining room?
What task does each one do?

The menus

It is important to be able to define the menus for a whole week. To do this, we must take into account what was mentioned in the first part of this manual. To help you in this task, in the last chapter you will find
a list of menus.
Now that we've seen the main tasks of the dining room, let's think how plan them; that is, how to order the work "step by step". That we will save time and money, and ensure the quality of meals to be served.
What type of benefits (meals) are served? Breakfast lunch snack, snacks, dinner?
How many people come to the dining room?
Is the quota exceeded? As soon as?
Who eats in the dining room? Children, entire families?
Are there adults or children diagnosed with malnutrition?
How many people work or help in the dining room?
What task does each one do?
So that they do not lose their nutritional value it is important:
When you have to peel the fruit and the vegetable, remove a very thin layer to avoid losing the vitamins. For that, use peelers. Cook fruits and vegetables with little water and with the pot covered. Use the broth for other preparations. Eg: soup.

For Mondays and Fridays, let's think about making lunches and prepare more, to make up for the weekend. On those days, remember to buy more bread for breakfast.

For an orderly operation, we must clearly define the tasks to be performed and who will do each thing. It is important that we put this in writing so that everyone knows what they have to do throughout the month. A table like the following can be useful:

Let's calculate the quantities according to the number of people who attend the dining room before going shopping.
Remember the tips for choosing food well.
To not forget any ingredient and ensure that we buy enough of everything necessary, we suggest using the "Weekly food purchase form"

The registers

It is important to have a record of attendance of people who come to the dining room. This will help us calculate the amount of food we will need each month and see how the number of servings served increases or decreases. It is useful to have a list with the names and ages of the children to be able to work with the Health Center in the weight controls, vaccination and other activities.

What activities can the children do in the dining room?

At the time of the breakfast or the snack to distribute biscuits, to put the cups on the table ... In order to organize this activity, you can designate one or two children for day, so that they help to distribute the elements and the food. It would be convenient to make a list with the names of the boys and girls who are going to help every day, so that everyone has the possibility to perform that task.

Important considerations:

If we want school-age girls and boys to reach adulthood with healthy eating habits specific to the culture of your geographical area, you have to "introduce" them to food at home and at school so they can learn to have proper nutrition and food from children.
Nutrition education requires parents, dedication and respect for girls and boys, given that many of the children have a good appetite, are curious and love to try everything, which facilitates the educational task on food and nutrition.
On the other side are the girls and boys who are more inapetent, lazy, disinterested for food, and some even use it to get what they want. The important thing is always to keep in mind that school-age girls and boys are consuming the amount of food necessary to cover their nutritional needs and that they are growing adequately, which is You can easily follow up by taking the weight and size to know your nutritional status, throughout the school year.

Nutritional Guidelines for the preparation of School Menus:

Menus should provide daily calories necessary in terms of:

recommendations Nutritional.
vitamins and minerals.
Adaptation to needs according to age and sex.
Consumption of all food groups in the Pot of the Food Guide.
Variety of foods within the 7 groups.
Variety of the Menus Variety of the preparations adapted to the culture local.
Simple and varied recipes based on production of school or family gardens.
Offer of an accompaniment like baked goods or cassava and water in all meals.
Other considerations in the elaboration and conservation of the menus Time and method of conservation of the menu from its preparation until the moment of serving.
Promoting the participation of families in the preparation of the menus and the participation of food and nutrition workshops.

Other recommendations

The family should know and participate in what they can in the preparation of the menus according to age.
Food and Nutrition Workshops will be promoted from the dining room that girls and boys, teachers and families know about food, as the way of preparing menus based on food available and the traditional recipes of the communities.


Food is a fundamental right of people. With a practical guide we will provide more guidance to children! God bless the bread of heaven program!

Indeed Apostle @Darlenys01 is a woman of virtue and substance, coupled with her depth of scriptural knowledge. Taking a cursory look at the blueprint of the children's dinning room above shows that it covers the psychological, physical, social, health and spiritual wellbeing of the child. This is an epic design I must confess . God bless you Ma.

Please be free to engage me for any task involving the project (though am in Nigeria). It could be design, content or research inclined.

#heavenbread is a reality.

Amen! @uyobong!

Important information, at this time, it is really nice to know that you can help people in many ways and this is one of them. God bless you @darlenys01

excellent information @sc-v is very important for this that is lived in Venezuela.

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Your topic is very complete today.
I would add with respect to the cutting board food, that it is not enough to wash it is preferable to select them according to the food that is cut there; She comes in colors for that.

God will bless heaven bread program and I know that with God everything is possible

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