in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

Blessings brothers of @steemchurch:

Within the framework of the activation of the "bread from heaven" social program, this Saturday we carried out the installation of the first fixed dining room in a space of a local church in the city of Barcelona, State of Anzoategui. It is satisfying to see the results and what can be achieved with an organized team, willing to give the best service to the little ones. There is a long way to go but it is comforting to fill the lives of these children with joy.

The most important thing is that they can be instructed in the right way, with ethical and Christian values, that they feel loved, and with a hope for their future better .

During the reception of the children, singing activities were carried out, as well as practices with musical instruments.

Then the teaching of the word with the teacher-evangelist Obscelis Miranda who kindly supported us in the ministry.

It was a wonderful afternoon, the prayer before dinner was in charge of the Apostle Darlenys , we offered him as dinner our delicious arepa stuffed with meat.

the children served in the dining room were selected by the same neighbors, after a survey that they applied and showed that they are the ones with the greatest food needs.

The main reason for which this project was proposed was the people of limited resources who can not have access to a fundamental human right such as food.

Short-term project objectives.

Mitigate the high levels of "hunger" in the most vulnerable communities of the city initially.
Instruct mothers who are heads of families on food in and for their homes, in an economical and recursive way, and likewise serve their community with projects like these.
It will try to reach several cities, each of the populations with the lowest levels of nutrition.
The construction of urban and rural gardens will soon be carried out with the participation of the children.
Steemchucrh Venezuela will soon carry out sowing activities in plots donated by the community, as an incentive to promote agriculture and that our canteens can be supplied.
Each time we will look for new support from official companies and sectors of the population, Christian churches and all those volunteers for the execution of the project in the rest of the country.
We will be announcing advertising campaigns so that all people with a desire to help can join the bread from heaven program.

Thank you @Sirknight for your support, to all the people who support us every day with the work in the street, collecting information, the team of @sc-v, to all our brothers @steemchurch for their prayers.

Thanks @pennsif, with your project @adollaraday and its team of collaborators @coruscate, @globocop, @goldendawne, @hopehuggs & witnesses @drakos, @followbtcnews, @helpie, @noblewitness, @quochuy, @steemcommunity & @yabapmatt.

Our contacts available for volunteers, questions, suggestions or any other information:

[email protected]
whatsapp: + 58-4265810831


Because I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you picked me up; I was naked, and you covered me; sick, and you visited me; in prison, and you came to me. Then the righteous will answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see you hungry, and sustain you, or thirsty, and give you to drink? And when did we see you a stranger, and we picked you up, or naked, and we covered you? Or when we saw you sick, or in prison, and we came to you? And the King shall answer and say to them, Verily I say to you, as soon as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me.
Matthew 25: 35-40

Excellent initiative apostle @ darlenys01, to feed the neediest children through a physical dining room and designed as "bread from heaven", this social service is fantastic, I am pleased to be part of this great church, we are motivated, enthusiastic with faith and Hope that this project will become a continuous and growing program and it will be overwhelming in our nation.
God will supply, whatever it takes, according to his riches in glory, and will bless with double portion all who are making this project possible.
¡He who gives to the poor, to God lends!


SteemChurch Venezuela @sc-v has been chosen to receive another donation of 8 SBD from the A Dollar A Day project - supported today by @pennsif, @coruscate, @globocop, @hopehuggs & witnesses @helpie, @noblewitness & @yabapmatt

Contact @pennsif if you would like to know more about A Dollar A Day.

The A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.


You are doing a great job our apostle, is only God that can repay your caring heart

We fill their bellies with food, with the word we fill their hearts, and with love we say that they are important for God. God Bless the program of bread from heaven and strengthen all the team to keep moving forward.
Gretteing Apóstol Darlenys!

Excellent work you are doing apostle @darlenys01 with the entire team of @sc-v. It is a blessing for these children.

God will be adding every day all that we need apostle @darlenys01 because this project vinio to bless crowds.

Glory to God, what a joy to see that the project is progressing. God bless all the people who have collaborated and made this possible and may God continue to open doors for everything that is needed.

God sees everything that Darlenys is doing, which is why he supports you in your journey. Congratulations!

The love of God is immersed in your heart that has led you to promote this beautiful work, I am happy to be part of this celestial team.

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