Theory of relativity shows that the universe had a beginning and a creator

in #sc-v5 years ago

Throughout history we have met with people especially at a scientific level who have put their point of view on the existence or nonexistence of yes there was a beginning in the universe or if it was created or everything happened from nothing.
However Albert Einstein's theory helped to show that God created the universe.
I considered it necessary to take the context of this theory from the book life sciences, where it is related in a specific way that the studies of Albert Einstein and his famous theory of relativity, have helped scientists to recognize that the universe had a beginning and therefore There was so much a creator.
Doing a bit of history it is important to note that Einstein discovered the theory of general relativity in the early 1900s and took out a document about it in 1916.


The British mathematical physicist Arthur Eddington, saw the document and acknowledged that there was an opportunity to test the theory in the total solar eclipse of 1919 in Brazil.
It is necessary to point out that this eclipse was important, because it would prove the theory of Albert Einstein, who said that the gravity of the sun would bend the light of the stars as the light passed the sun. A total solar eclipse blocking the sun was needed to make it possible for scientists to see that light passes through the tip of the sun.


Also the astronomer, Hugh Ross, who is also pastor and integrates the group of faith and science of the organization "Reasons to believe", said that Arthur Eddington traveled to Brazil and observed the solar eclipse and the stars were inclined, according to what the theory of general relativity said.
Ross continued,"That was an incredible confirmation that was picked up by newspapers around the world and suddenly Albert Einstein became a well-known name and his theory was established in the minds of physicists and astronomes

This is the theory of General Relativity, which predicts that there is a beginning for the universe. Before the theory of Einstein was known, astronomers and physicists thought that the universe was infinitely old, "explained Ross." The theory of General Relativity now says, "no, it is finite in time, it has a beginning", which implies that there must be a beginner who was responsible for bringing the universe into existence**. "

Likewise, Ross told CBN that Einstein's steps added more tests with space / time theorems to support this enormously important idea: "That space and time were created, space and time had a beginning, which means that There must be an agent beyond the space and time that created our universe of matter, energy, space and time...

The astronomer and pastor concluded: "There is nothing we can be more certain of than the reliability of the theory of General Relativity, which means that we also have confidence that there must be a God beyond the space and time that I believe our universe. (Taken from the Christian Event .Net)

That said, it is worth saying that these scientists have not been mistaken in that statement, because, the Bible argues that the universe has a creator who is Jehovah God of the Army.

There are many verses that argue this theory. For example:

Nehemiah 9: 6 says, "You alone are the LORD, you made the heavens, and the heavens of the heavens, with all their host, the earth and all that is in it, the seas and all that is in it. they, and you vivify all these things, and the armies of the heavens adore you. "

Genesis 1: 1: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earh."

Isaiah 66: 2: "My hand made all these things, and so all these things were, says the Lord, but I will look to him who is poor and humble in spirit, and who trembles at my word."

¡There is no doubt that God created the universe!.


God is the only author of the universe. In fact this is the most profound and significant statement that man can make and although this statement has brought much controversy at this time it is public and notorious that the Bible is the most truthful argument that God is the creator of the world

Some people and scientists believe that the Bible clashes with science because many of them believe that it is a fallacy to think that the universe has a creator. However, when the Lord appeared to Patriarch Job. (Job 38: 4) Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you have intelligence. This question is still valid and today God asks the currents that have been generated against the creation the same thing he said to Job.
That is, God is saying to man: "You speak of the origin of the universe, but you do not know where you were when I laid theSo God presents us and argues that He is the creator of the universe to describe man's relationship with God and the plan he has for each one of us.


Amen @ricci01, a reality demonstrated even by those who oppose the creation of the universe. There are Biblical and secular arguments that God is the author of everything created.
The theory of General Relativity created by Albert Einstein showed that there is a beginning in this universe and if there is a beginning it is because there is an author.
Excellent. Thanks for sharing.

Lady Ricci, I do not get time to read all SteemChurch resteems, however there was no way I was missing your post linking Einstein's Theory of Relativity to our creator.

A wonderfully researched post and thoroughly enjoyable read.

I can add little to the scientific rationale you have provided here, except to say it put a smile on my face.

Thank you once again Lady Ricci for your many contributions to SteemChurch.


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Thank you very much my beloved gentleman for devoting a bit of his time to my post. I like it when his face is beautiful because of our creator. Blessings

Beautifu l @ricci01. God is the creator of our universe, there is no other who could do something so perfect.

Amen @xiore. Thanks for comment.

God is our maker and he belongs to all things, his name is above all name and nation, dominates the entire universe.. there is no one else, that is our powerful God.

God bless you my sister@ ricci01

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