in #sc-v5 years ago

"38 But the just shall live by faith; And if I go back, it will not please my soul. "Hebrews 10:38


In this verse, we see what pleases God, and what does not. God likes your faith, and does not like you to step back in your faith. Many people are Christians for many years, but they retreat in faith the longer they are. There are people in churches who, the longer they take, the more they exchange their knowledge by faith. In other words, instead of having more faith, they have more knowledge, more understanding, and that does not please God; God does not like you to step back in your faith. The more mature in the Lord, the more faith you must have. The greatest miracles in your life occur when you begin in the ways of the Lord; Because you do not know anything, the only thing you can do is believe. And there is no problem with knowledge, as long as it does not push you back in your faith.

"6 But without faith it is impossible to please God; for it is necessary that he who comes to God believes that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him. "Hebrews 11: 6

In Hebrews, we speak of living by faith. Daily we get up believing that everything is fine, but in reality we do not know if the car will turn on, if it has brakes, you do not even know if you will find the keys. You plan your week, your agenda, simply because you have faith; Innately you think you will be there but that is the subconscious faith, which we need to live. You can not live without that faith. It is the only way to plan and organize your life, not to go crazy; Live by faith The problem is that we do it subconsciously and not intentionally; We are not intentional in using our faith. Therefore, your life is unlimited; You do not have the results you should get. The problem of many people is they never make the transfer in their heart to intentionally live by faith.

Martin Luther said: Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible; Then, faith accepts what is impossible, lives without what is indispensable and tolerates everything in life. Faith makes it possible for you to accept a limit as part of life, with the certainty that it is not a determinant for everything God is going to do with you. When you do not have faith, your limit limits you; Faith helps you to live without what is indispensable. There are many things you can think that are indispensable to live, but faith tells you that you do not need any of that to do what God has for your life.

"Therefore, we also, having around our great cloud of witnesses, let us shed all weight and the sin that besets us, and let us run with patience the race that lies before us, 2 eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, which for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the reproach, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. "Hebrews 12: 1-2

Paul is talking about the power to live in faith; He talks about being able to live in uncomfortable times, accepting them by faith. By faith, you tolerate things that others do not. You must understand this. Christians tend to move between two spheres: Religiousness, or spirituality. So, in the church, there are very religious people, who think that, through religion, they can get great things; And the only way to feel good about themselves is through their religious acts. Those who are not religious, then want to be spiritual. They do not go to church, but they believe in God; But even, in the church, there are; They are those who want to give you the most spiritual greeting, those who ask you how much time you spend praying. You can not measure a person's spirituality by the amount of time he or she prays because it is not about how much time you pray, but how much you believe when you pray. If you pray a minute and believe, you do more than the one who prays ten hours but does not believe anything; Your faith is more effective.

Do not be locked in, trying to project a spirituality that is not correct, because it separates you from what God really wants to do in your life.


I couldn't say it any better than you did. Let the oatmeal spirit of the Holy Spirit drive us, move us, to be led by the spirit, more and more. That's tough and we resist it and yet we should let it lead us like you said. Upvoted. Resteemed.

Thank you @joeyarnoldvn, we are in a time that only the faith that we have will sustain us, and will give us the power to snatch what Heaven already gives us. God bless you greatly.

I love Ephesians 2 which talks about salvation by grace through faith and not through works.

Any person who has ever exercised violent faith has paid a price to achieve that level of faith. When Abraham was at the top of the mountain with his son, the promise of God, bound and with a dagger in his hand on the head of his son, preparing to offer it as a sacrifice to God in total obedience, it took faith to know that God It would provide another sacrifice. When Esther entered the king's chamber without permission and said: "If I die, let her die", all for the sake of her people, it took strength and faith to know that she would come out victorious. When Elijah killed Jezebel's prophets on Mount Carmel after God sent fire, it took faith to know that God was on his side. Peter grabbed the lame man's hand and said, "I have no silver or gold ... but in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk" (Acts 3: 6). It took a violent faith to raise that man without knowing what would happen next.

Faith is to believe despite your circumstances and what surrounds you. No matter how your circumstances may seem, you have full confidence that what you are expecting will happen. The enemy studies you closely in order to identify your weaknesses and use them against you, because he can tell when you have a look of faith and when you have doubt.

what is the faith? Faith is the guarantee of what is expected, the certainty of what is not seen (see Hebrews 11: 1). Faith is the absolute confidence that what I want and what I want as a child of God is already mine, and it will happen. I do not have to think about it or worry; I know what the Word says, and I am firm in faith. When it seems there is nothing left to be firm, I remain firm. I can not see it with my eyes, hear it with my ears or touch it with my hands, but I know that God is faithful to his Word.

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