in #sc-v6 years ago

The human mind produces more than 60,000 thoughts per day and most of these thoughts are negative. This is what the scientific investigations of the Stanford Research Institute (USA) tell us. This confirms, even more, that we are in excess when we attach ourselves to the involutive energy, determining a true prejudice for us, in all the areas where we live.

Our frequent thoughts become "habits". It is habitual thoughts that shape our "beliefs".
produce more thoughts according to these beliefs and these they create realities for our lives.
It is deductible now, that the repetitive thoughts that constitute our beliefs, are those that shape our reality.
Said Richard Bandler, one of the co-creators of the Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP): "Your beliefs are not made of realities, but rather it is your reality that is made of your beliefs".


Thoughts create "mental images." The images that you place in your mind influence your "behavior". The act of thinking; is to conceive images in your mind, since it is a mechanism that the brain requires to be able to interpret data. Without the image that is thought, there is no thought. The thought and the image are always united.
Dr. Maxwell Maltz (1899-1975), creator and promoter of an important psychological concept called "Psycho-Cybernetics", develops a point that is crucial to understand that human beings have the existence of two realities to consider:

  • The Objective Reality.
  • Subjective Reality.

Objective Reality is the one that captures the conditions and stimuli that you receive through your five senses (smell, touch, sight, taste and hearing) and that develops in the outer realm or tangible or palpable reality.
Subjective Reality is the one that governs your behavior, your habitual behavior and that is determined by your beliefs or habits of thought. That is, it develops within Yourself. Your brain can not differentiate a reality determined, be it objective or subjective (or idealized), so he directs his actions and his energy towards what "You
believe it is "and not what" you essentially IS ". If you believe you are a winner, you will initially be imagining it. You will be visualizing scenes linked with achievements of personal goals, smiling, solid, safe. His behavior will be oriented towards that personal belief and will generate the necessary energy for that happen Soon you will be interacting with people who think and believe that success is part of them.

As an example of negative beliefs, it will be enough to visit a cafe and stop to observe ... You will see that many people sit down to complain about the situations they are living, the country, their work, their marital relationship. And the people who are "sharing" this complaining dialogue, are people with similar energies, given that they have the same beliefs.


Close your eyes, relax and imagine this scene mentally:
"You are located in the kitchen of your home. It's time 03:00 p.m. and feels suffocated with the 40 degrees of heat that is at that time of day. You have an exasperating thirst, so you approach the refrigerator. Open the white refrigerator door and all you find is a LEMON. There is nothing refreshing to drink, not even water; just that LIMON. You take the citrus fruit, close the door of the refrigerator and moves towards the counter. Now open the drawer where the cutlery is located and pick up a sharp knife. Close the drawer. Take the LEMON by the ends to cut it in half. Once cut, you lift one of the halves of the LIMON with your hand, smell it ... and now you bite it to extract all its possible juice and place it in your thirsty mouth ".
It is likely that, with this visualization, you have secreted saliva. How did your mouth water, if the lemon does not exist in reality?

The answer is simple: The brain can not differentiate an objective reality from another subjective, so it acts ordering the body to secrete saliva, since it is believing that the image it has in its mind is "credible" as a reality.
If something as simple as imagining a lemon, makes your brain issue the order to secrete saliva to fulfill a biological function of protecting itself from acid, since it believes that the lemon is real; Imagine what happens to you with every self sabotaging thought with which you feed your mind.
In particular, I recommend that you be very attentive to the expressions you make, whether verbal or mental, such as: "I am not good for anything"; "Nobody loves me", "I'm ugly, nobody is going to notice me", "I'm poor, useless, I can not do anything", etc.
An important aspect for you to consider is paying attention to the subtleties of your expressions that you use at every moment, because without realizing it, these self-sabotaging beliefs appear. An example can be when a person forgets something and when they remember it, they say: "How clumsy I am! ... or use similar expressions. This is an invitation to exercise the power of language. If you change your AUTOIMAGE, you will be changing your current "behavior". If you replace your harmful beliefs with positive beliefs, your own life will really change. Believe it or not.

"Self-image marks the frontiers of individual achievement"
(Maxwell Maltz).
How can you change all your sabotaging beliefs?
How can you change your AUTOIMAGE?
We all know that ... The issue is to get you to lead yourself to start, from now on, to change everything that makes you suffer in your life and choose your mind to produce permanent and inexhaustible positive thoughts that build, second by second, a concrete reality based on the "merit" of happiness and fulfillment for you.
I wanted to leave for the end, the most important thing, and I will do so in the form of a "reminder", for the purposes that you have all your life present; because to forget it - even for a fraction of a second - you will have lost the sense of truth in your life:


If you accept that there is a divine power that guides and predestines you, you will notice that your life begins to be enlightened by this Power, which goes beyond your own power of individual thought. It is the Supreme Power, the supreme mind of God first slogan, your mind - in addition - will produce constructive thoughts, which will not only be loaded with positivism; but also of FAITH. If your mind puts God, above all your things, you will be acting in your life with Spiritual Power.**
Always keep in mind that "God and You are a multitude". That if for a thousandth of a second it moves away from the divine power of Our Supreme Father, his mind will begin to be impregnated with dark thoughts. This is the loneliness of the soul, reflected in his mind, which sabotages; a war that the Ego will be fighting to achieve the purpose that you believe that God abandons you.

"When I contemplate your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars that you have formed, I say: What is the
man, so that you remember him; and the son of man,
for you to visit? You've done it a little bit less than
angels and you have crowned him with glory and honor. "
(The Bible: Psalm 8: 3,4,5).


This is true of our thoughts, but we must discard the bad and take possession of the good, that is, discard those negative thoughts and embrace the positive ones with the help of our God. The apostle James said: He who knows how to do good and does not do it is sin.
Good teaching @darlenys01.

that's why the word says darlenys that we should think about all the good, the just.

We must all cultivate those thoughts of goodness, love and justice, knowing that we were of great esteem for God, the work of his hands.

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fill our mind with thoughts of life, of Christ and we will see how they change our environment.

our life is reflected in everything we have in our hearts, and this in turn we nourish it with our thoughts, our mind must be renewed in Christ.

Most of the times, our thoughts are usually negative! But it is up to us to change our mentality and not let our belief be wrapped in negativity.

When I'm sitting down with someone for the first time I'm working with them I always say I don't care what your sin is I care what you're believing because your belief system is what shapes how you think how you feel and how you act if I focus on the unhealthy fruit and just point at that thing you're going to act out more because you're going to feel like you are not good enough

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