The story of a woman ... From criticized to forgiven

in #sc-v6 years ago

Real life story:

She was a very nice girl physically and with a spirituality that many admired, she was barely 18 years old but spiritually and emotionally she was very mature, she was a very wanted girl by many boys of her congregation but nevertheless she had her mind set on serving nothing more to God, in his profession, and in his time he would give the right person.


The years passed and she became a very dear leader in her congregation, her maiden status gave her the opportunity to serve in all kinds of activity and give all her free time for the work of the Lord, you could say she was an example to follow a girl totally devoted to God.

But it happens that even the most devoted to God are tempted at a certain moment and that is the case of this woman.

There was a boy in college, who seemed very spiritual and good feelings that quickly won the confidence of all. This boy was impressed by the beauty and intelligence of this woman and by the role she played, she knew that she had never had a boyfriend and was waiting for the right person.

But what happened was that really many times we see faces, but we do not know people well, this boy was not as good as he looked, much less brought with him good intentions, it was as well as with his spiritual appearance was approaching and frequenting to this girl to the point of thrilling her and confusing her in her feelings.

She had never received so many compliments and attentions, less if they came from someone who showed a lot of "kindness", she thought she had found the boy she had always hoped for and this boy took advantage of that, and soon they began a courtship.

The courtship began as everyone, very respectful and "nice", but this boy had bad intentions, he just wanted to steal the most precious without her realizing it. That's how this woman was seduced,

After some months of this form, she had fallen in her spiritual rhythm and in her service, she was not the same as before and the same pain of knowing that she was breaking God's wishes for her led her to limit herself to serving or Do some things that you previously freely did.

One day what this boy was looking for happened, she married him, even knowing that God did not agree, it was an unequal yoke. We do not know what he was thinking, a girl so beautiful and spiritual was now making a mistake that would bring harsh consequences.

After that day that boy changed in a surprising way, little by little it was extinguishing the dreams and the life of her, she no longer thought about God, nor exerted her ministry, destroyed, hurt, this woman sought refuge in what had been her life in the last years, he looked for God again, he repented of heart and he started again. But, what I did not know was that I was pregnant.

The congregation, realizing what happened, criticized this woman harshly, everyone looked at her badly, they talked behind her back, the friends who for years had been close to her walked away, it seemed that she had leprosy or something similar because everyone tried to move away It was her, she felt the contempt and it hurt her a lot in the heart, because I never expect such reaction from those who claimed to love God.

Unfortunately we live in a Christian culture that harshly criticizes those who stumble or make mistakes, it is hard to recognize but sometimes we say love God and we do not show even compassion for those who have made mistakes. We live judging them harshly, passing by without reaching out and sometimes even cruelly trampling the fallen, this is the culture of "perfectionism" without realizing that we can all be in that place in one way or another at some point in life.

The Bible says: "Beloved brothers, if another believer is dominated by some sin, you, who are spiritual, should help him return to the right path with tenderness and humility. And be very careful not to fall into the same temptation. "Galatians 6: 1 (New Living Translation). The least that many do is treat them with tenderness and humility, we treat them as if they were inferior to us without realizing that we have sometimes made major mistakes that nobody has noticed.

And it is that in the Church there are many who believe themselves to be perfect, those who believe that they never sin and just thinking that they are sinning with pride, the Bible therefore advises us: "That is why no one feels sure that he is not going to sin, because he can be the first to do it. "1 Corinthians 10:12 (Translation in current language).

What we really should do when someone has stumbled or made mistakes like this woman or others, is to forgive them, comfort them and extend the same hand that God extends to those who repent from the heart. That is why the Bible teaches us the way we should act in front of people who make mistakes: "However, now is the time to forgive and comfort him; otherwise, it could be overcome by discouragement. So now I ask you to reaffirm your love for him. "2 Corinthians 2: 7-8 (New Living Translation).

She did not receive that and with much pain she had to leave that place where she only received criticism and contempt, she was consoled in a new Church where they extended her hand, where they did not support what she had done, but they accepted her because they are very clear Jesus came for the needy and not for what they think themselves perfect.

The baby was born and I am very happy about her life, because that offspring is not the fault of anything, she got stronger and soon became better than before, because she had at her side a true spiritual family, that despite her mistakes believed in her, they forgave her, consoled her and treated her with love and as a result of it. Today, she is one of the most prominent leaders in her country, giving testimony to huge groups of young people, telling them of the importance of staying pure for God based on their painful experience but with a beautiful ending.

Now she is happily doing the job she likes and God is with her.
How many women are there in the churches that far from forgiving them and helping them to get ahead we turn our backs or criticize them harshly? How many would have become very used if only we had helped them to get ahead?

While it is true that there are sins that are committed that seem difficult to forgive, we must understand that it is not for us to dictate, it is God who decides to forgive and therefore our task is to reach out to the fallen and raise it.

Let's stop criticizing those who fail, stop trampling those who fall, stop isolating those who made mistakes, stop turning away from those who committed public sins, instead forgive them, comfort them, extend their hands, let's show them the God's love, let's restore them and then what we sow in them will soon bear surprising results.

The will of God is that we can love each other and that we help each other in this pilgrimage to eternal life, forgive rather than criticize.


What a beautiful message today apostle @darlenys01, it is so true what you have written here, it is not time to judge, it is time to love and forgive.

Good teaching to remind us of the wonderful and merciful of God, never abandons us and always comforts and encourages us to move forward.

We are not judges, we are gatekeepers, thank you for sharing Darlenys.

Beautiful reflection apostle @ darlenyso1, unfortunately this is how some act because of the genuine ignorance of the true love of God.
Jesus did not come to this world to condemn, but to save, and to recover the lost example that we should take as worthy to imitate.

You delight us with these powerful messages, worthy of an apostle, forgiveness is a wonderful gift that God gives us and we should not give them to our neighbors. Thank you, you have raised my spirits today.

We have as a church to learn how to raise the fallen, just as Jesus did, a very touching story and an uplifting apostle.

Spending days without writing, and coming back with a message of this kind is great, thank you apostle @darlenys01. There is no better way to live than to forgive.

God always restores his children and we must give that same love to others, forgiveness is an act that gives us freedom.

I upvoted your post.

Best regards,

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Sister that chapter of galatas 6: 1 is one of my favorites, is a very central teaching of the character of Christ. These impartial judgments do not await them within the children of God, however sadly they happen.

That is why Pablo expresses the following:

5 To shame you I say it. So what, there is not among you wise, not even one, who can judge among his brothers,

6 But the brother with the brother pleads in judgment, and this before the unbelievers?

7 So, by the way, it is already a fault in you that you have quarrels among yourselves. Why do not you rather suffer the grievance? Why do not you suffer rather to be defrauded?

8 But you commit the wrong, and you defraud, and this to the brothers.

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be wrong; neither the fornicators, nor the idolaters, nor the adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor those who commit adultery with men,

10 Neither the thieves, nor the covetous, nor the drunkards, nor the revilers, nor the swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.

11 And these were some; but you have been washed, you have been sanctified, you have been justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Look at how strong this word is, it's about remembering. We must love as Christ loves, because we were among those mentioned here, but we also sin every day, because no sin is higher than another, injustice is as serious as homicide.

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