The right of Christ TO RECEIVE ADORATION

in #sc-v5 years ago

I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved,
Let him know that I am sick with love. What is your beloved
more than another beloved, oh the most beautiful of all women?
What is your beloved more than another beloved, so you conjure us?
My beloved is white and blond, marked among ten thousand. His head
like fine gold; his curly hair, black as the crow. Their
eyes, like doves by the streams of the waters, that wash
with milk, and perfectly placed. His cheeks, like one was
of aromatic spices, like fragrant flowers; your lips, like
lilies that distill fragrant myrrh. Her hands; as rings
gold set with hyacinths; his body, like clear ivory covered
of sapphires. His legs, like marble columns founded
on bases of fine gold; its appearance as Lebanon, chosen as
the cedars. His palate, sweet, and all he coveted. Such is my
beloved, such is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.
Song of Songs 5: 8-16

This passage from the Song of Songs is a parable of our relationship with that called «the Shepherd». The writer is recreated in the Wonderful details of that relationship. Our Lord is the Shepherd; the redeemed Church is her beautiful Bride. In an hour of need, that Wife says to the maidens of Jerusalem among those she inhabits: Designed to love «If you find my beloved, tell him that I am sick with love». Naturally, they ask: "In what sense your beloved is more than another beloved, for you to ask us for such a thing? " It is a legitimate question, and the world has the right to ask the Church. If she insists that the Lord is worthy and a worthy lover, then the world has the right to ask what kind of beloved he is. Why do we have to glorify it? "What Is your beloved more than another beloved ...? ». There are others who are candidates for admiration and the worship of the world, so, why this? What qualities do you have to make it worthy?


Lord of everything

In the book of Psalms, David talks about this: "Overflow my heart good word; I direct my song to the king; my tongue is feather very light scribe. You are the most beautiful of the children of the mens; grace spilled on your lips ... Mirra, aloe and cassia exhale all your clothes; from ivory palaces recreate you » (Psalm 45: 1-2, 8). This psalm is a snatched description of this shepherd king who falls in love with the young wife. If we formulated Peter this question, he would say: «He is the Lord of everything». The purpose and center of our worship is none other than the Lord himself, our righteousness, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is Lord of everything, and to be able to adore it in justice we must know of what He is Lord and why we should love him. This is a fair consideration. Why is he more than any other man? Also, why should we worship him? We can worship Jesus Christ man without falling into idolatry, because He is also God. Through the mystery of the theanthropic union, The right of Christ to receive adoration.

He has united humanity with the deity. Jesus Christ is divine and human in nature, and has brought humanity before God because He Himself is God. Therefore, Jesus could say without lying that "whoever has seen me has seen the Father" (John 14: 9).
We are confident that, when we worship the Lord Jesus, we do not displease the Father, because we worship the Father in Him. it is the mystery of the hypostatic union, which links us forever with God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm going to divide the subject so we can understand it better.
Let's start with a wonderful hymn by Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894):
Lord of all being, high up, your glory shines in the starry sky; center and power of any sphere, the closer you show to the heart that waits!The writer of this hymn did not say: "Lord of all beings", but "Lord of all being", which is something less and something more. He is he Lord of all existence. He is the Lord of all kinds of beings, the Lord of all spiritual and natural beings, as well as the physical. He is the Lord of all existence, and when we worship Him, we embrace all beings.
Some give themselves up to the disciplines of science, technology, philosophy, art and music. When we worship the Lord Jesus Christ, we embrace all disciplines, because He is the Lord of all of them. Therefore, He is Lord of all existence and enemy of all non-existence. He is the Lord of all life.
This is fundamental to correctly understand that Jesus Christ is the Lord of all life: «(because life was manifested,

Designed to love and we have seen it, and we testify, and we announce to you eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested to us) "(1 John 1: 2).
Charles Wesley understood this and expressed it in his immortal hymn "Loving Savior":
Another asylum I will not find, helpless I come to You;

I go in my need
because my danger saw.
Only You, Lord,
you can give comfort and light;
to get rid of fear
I run to You, my good Jesus.



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@darlenys01. We have been designed to worship God, unfortunately humanity itself has changed its course of the true essence with which we were created. God deserves all our adoration, for He is worthy of honor and of all glory.

Only our beloved savior Jesus Christ deserves our worship. therefore we must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Jesus is our highest priority and our highest worship inspiration.

El merece toda la honrra y adoración.

Greetings Apostle Darnelys of Cantaura. Interesting publications Only Christ is worthy to receive honor, adoration and praise. Blessings

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