in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to my blog.

Be blessed all the people who read this message, which is something reflective. Last week, I was in an act with some Christian women, we were talking at a conference that we agreed, they tell me their experiences in the church, at that time, she got a call to her cell phone, she answers:

I can not give you an appointment with the apostle because you belong to another church and that is something delicate.

From that moment my head did not stop spinning, thinking:
What is this woman talking about, apostle, appointment, church? I felt so much regret, to realize that we have become religion, legalism, doctrines of men, except what Jesus wants.

When did the word "religion" become something negative? The big problem was that at some point the church began to use religion as a pejorative to talk about everything that relates to those sad and dying legalistic churches that have coined a gospel of works, not one of grace and truth.

I could not find a way to tell this woman about the mistake she was making, until God gave me the opportunity, she subtly asked me:

Darlenys of what church you are, what is your doctrine?

Then I said, I have no doctrines of men, I am of the religion that loves the neighbor, is not proud of what God has given me, haughtiness is not my best ally, the one who does not hold a grudge in his heart, forgive everyone , I am not a judge, serves others. I do not know exactly where all the biblical verses are, but each of them lives, of which he dreams every day of placing a grain of sand so that the suffering of his brothers is less, of which they believe in truth, in fidelity, and in honor.

My greatest wisdom is that I follow in the footsteps of Jesus, not of Christians, because I know that God is bigger than what history and tradition tell, it is something to know it is to come, with a prostrate heart before the Father, then they will understand what it is to live. God is God of all, not only of Christians, of Catholics, he died for all, I do not believe that God is on the side of religious, when the religious were hanging Jesus in a cross. The religious blames God, the evil one the devil, and the proud the others.

Nobody is less, no more, we were all destitute of the glory of God, we were all dirty before him. Before leaving to change the world, we change what we have in our four walls, we give our heart to God, we do not desist in being improve each day, and bear fruit of kindness, love, patience, meekness, let's do good, let's not use our life to plan badly against our brother, be happy and grateful with what God has given him.
Let us face with humility and wisdom those roads that rob us of peace, let us seek prosperity from the inside out and let us share our bread with all those who need it, sow time and quality, be humble in errors but humble in victories, take advantage of time here, because when we leave we will be like everyone else.

My doctrine, is the legacy of love, the love that God has given me through Jesus, we know that there is a spiritual world, but there is also a physical one, where we must show Christ, when they ask me where is God ?, I know that he lives, I see it in a child's laughter when I'm passing by.

Jesus lived an unblemished life and showed his deity in all the miracles he performed ... giving sight to a blind man, calming a storm on the high seas, lifting people from death, providing food to thousands of people in an instant. The religions of the world give have leaders who gave interesting messages, but none of them showed a miraculous power like that of Jesus. Jesus said: "Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me; otherwise, believe me for the same works. "

Kingdom is power, government and authority and if the Church is not exercising authority or influence, it is not the Kingdom of Jesus, who with his influence managed to divide history in two. The world has a concept of Jesus as the greatest leader who has walked the earth, and they subscribe to their power, life and teachings to a single religious circle; Was not he a leader in other areas? Do not you have anything to teach us about economics, government or authority? That is a lie of the devil, because when we read the Bible we see that it is not so. The Bible is not a religious book and Jesus did not come to found a religion, he came to conquer a Kingdom, which is totally different. He never called himself a priest or prophet, he came to recover what Adam lost, because God did not give Adam a religion he gave a Kingdom.

The message of the Bible is unique. It is not a compilation of poetic and incoherent ideas. The Bible reveals God and His plan for our lives. The Bible records that in history something went wrong and our relationship with God was made rubble. She tells us how we can rebuild that relationship and the benefits it brings.

When we receive Jesus, we do not receive a religion, we receive a relationship. God has a high road, because he has a high thought; and wants to change your way of thinking to change your path, and if you change your path, change your destiny.

Enough of so much legalism, religion and doctrines of men it is time to show the true God, and that is the God of love and grace, that is Jesus!



Well, the truth is that I enjoyed this message. Very explanatory and interesting, and although the fastening is a principle in the Christian it is evident that we should only follow the steps of Jesus and the gospel of his grace.
Blessings @darlenys01.

A very beautiful message @darlenys01 that talks about the real
Christianity, focused on love, the love that Jesus gave us!

A beautiful message apostle @darlenys01, only the love of Jesus moves us towards a better destiny.

Great message apostle Darlenys, God is a God of love, of opportunity.

religion crushes us consumes us, but knowing Christ leads us to our perfect path.

Religion is a human misery, by itself died the savior handed over to a death on a cross.

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Jesus is not religion is relationship, and it is love.

en total acuerdo, en un tiempo muy lejano el hombre estuvo perdido y las iglesias se formaron con la idea de encarrilar a los hombres y estuvo bien solo que la religión se aferro al poder externo olvidando que el poder realmente esta es dentro de nosotros por tanto debemos seguir a nuestro guía interno...

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