in #sc-v5 years ago

If you have ever felt stress (and who has not felt it?), it was more likely that it was because you had the feeling that you did not have enough time to do what you wanted with the level of quality to which you had committed. You can feel that frustration, for example, because it focuses attention exclusively on the demands of the moment: demands, challenges and current events. In that stressed and overburdened state, your effectiveness decreases rapidly. The solution is very simple: take charge of the control of the time structure on which you focus your attention. If the present is stressful, get more resources to face your challenges by focusing on the future and the successful term or resolution of the tasks you have now. This new approach will instantly change your mood and give you the resources you need to turn things around in the present.

Stress is often the result of the feeling of being "bogged down" in a particular time structure. A good example of this occurs when a person continually thinks about their future incapacitatingly. You can help that person, or help yourself, by refocusing attention on what can be controlled in the present. Some people having to face a challenge, start
for focusing attention exclusively on his past and poor performance. By staying in the past, your stress increases. A change towards the present, or the anticipation of a future positive, it could instantly change your emotional state. Our emotions, then, are powerfully impacted by the structure of time in which we operate for the moment.
We often forget that time is a mental construction, that it is something completely relative and that our experience of time is almost exclusively the result of our mental focus. How much is "a lot of time", for example? It depends
of the situation, right? Staying in a queue for more than ten minutes can seem like an eternity, while an hour of lovemaking can happen very quickly.

Our beliefs also filter our perception of time. For some people, twenty minutes is a lifetime, regardless of the situation. For others, a long time is a century. Can you imagine how these people walk differently, Speak differently, see their goals differently and how stressed would they feel if they tried to relate to each other operating from completely different frames of reference?

That is why the domain of time is a skill that takes a lifetime to learn. The ability to make your experience of time more flexible is the ability to configure your life experience. The word says that we must make good use of time because the days are bad. We can apply three tips that can "save time".


Once you have mastered the ability to change the time frames by changing your focus, you are ready to move on to the second great skill of time mastery: distort it so that one minute looks like an hour and one hour looks like an hour.
minute. Have you noticed that when you feel completely engrossed in something you lose track of time? Why? Because he no longer focuses on that. It makes minor measurements of time. He has focused attention on something he enjoys and, therefore, time passes more quickly. Remember that you are in charge of the control. Direct your focus and consciously choose how to measure your time. If you do nothing but continually check the time on your watch, time will seem to crawl slowly. Once again, your experience of time is controlled by your approach. How would you define your use of time?
Are you spending it, squandering it or killing it? It has been said that "killing time is not murder, but suicide."


The third and perhaps most critical distinction of all is the understanding of how urgency and importance control their decisions about what to do with their time and, consequently, their level of personal fulfillment. What do I want to say?
Let me ask you the following question: have you ever done your work day little by little, completing each of the pending things on your list and, despite that, have you still felt not done at the end of the day? That's because he did everything that It was urgent and demanded his attention at the time, but he did not do what was important, those things that would have made a difference in the long term. Conversely, have you had days when you only managed to do a few things but in the end you felt that day has really mattered? Those are the days in which he has focused attention on what is important, rather than on what urgently needed his attention.

Urgency seems to control our lives. The phone rings, and we are doing something important, but we have to answer. After all, what if we missed something important for not answering it? That is a classic example of managing what is urgent; Could one miss a telephone conversation with a computerized supervisor! On the other hand, we buy a book that we know can make a difference in our lives, but we postpone reading it again and again because "we do not find time" between opening correspondence, putting gasoline in the car and watching the news on TV. The only way to really master your time is to organize your program in such a way every day I spend most of my time doing what is important before what is urgent.


The most powerful way I have learned to compress time is to learn through the experience of others. We can never quite master the time if our fundamental strategy to learn and master the world around us
it consists of trial and error. Imitating those who have already achieved success can save you years of pain. That is the reason why I am a voracious reader and a committed student of tapes and seminars. I have always seen those experiences as needs, not as accessories, and they have given me the wisdom of decades of experience and the resulting success of them. I challenge you to learn from the experiences of others as often as you can, and to use what you learn.

"We have enough time if we want and use it correctly."

Today's assignment:

During today begin by exploring the change of time structures.
Each time you experience the pressures of the present, stop and think about the future, in a way that is enabling. Think, for example, of those objectives that drive you and fully associate with them. Visualize the image, listen to it, go inside and observe how it feels, Sit in the middle of a treasured memory: your first kiss, the birth of your child, a special moment with a friend. The more you develop your ability to change with Quickly the time frames, the greater your level of freedom and the range of emotions that you will be able to create within yourself in an instant. Do it often enough, until you really know that you can use this change of focus to change Instantly your mood.

The best gift we can give is ours, giving time is giving life.



@darlenys01 time management is important due to the brevity of our lives. Regarding time, the apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Ephesians, "Be careful, therefore, how you go, not as fools but as wise, making good use of time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5: 15-16). Therefore living wisely involves using our time carefully.
Excellent reflection. Blessings.

The theme of time will always be relevant to the success or failure of our lives, let's be good time managers. Thank you for sharing @darlenys01.

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

They say that time is gold @darlenys01, very good teaching.

The man who does not know how to manage time is absorbed by the same time. As Christians we must wisely manage our time.
Excellent reflection @darlenys01.

You have helped me to understand what has been happening in my life in the last days, where time has been a fundamental issue, before much more things than now, one hour has 60 minutes and the day 24 hours ... this does not has changed ... then the question: why do not I have time?
and your publication has helped me understand what the strees can cause.
I will take some actions in this regard.
thanks @darlenys for this message.
God continue blessing your life,

Hi, darlenys01 thanks for your writing, it has been very helpful for me this morning to analyze this writing.

God bless you greatly

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