in #sc-n5 years ago


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It is a huge blessing to be a part of the favoured who are alive to partake in the blessings that are embedded in July, 2019. It is significant to not that July is the beginning of the THIRD QUARTER as well as the SECOND HALF of the year. It clearly shows that we have already lived out 50% of the chances of fulfilling our purpose.

I am certain that many people reading this blog had set goals for the year 2019 and had marked out strategies to accomplish them. I wish to emphasize here that this beginning of the second half of the year should call us to the consciousness of where we actually are concerning the achievement of our dreams.

In @Steemchurch International Ministries, we had dedicated the past four weeks to encourage parishioners to state their goals and define their projects which they wish to execute in love to share the blessings we have received here to others. Having received 30+ entries, it is time we begin to take steps to actualizing it. It is time we begin to engage our various strategies towards accomplishing our goals.

Las year, I published about innovation here ehere I stated that life seems to afford us a leveled playing ground and a generalized living. By this we tend to see ourselves so woven with family, friends, colleagues, associates that we end up forgetting how unique we are in our being, purpose and pursuits. We were able to clearly elucidate and convincingly discussed why we all have to STEP OUT. According to the blog, we established that stepping out will help an individual to:

  • Think Differently
  • See issues in different perspectives
  • Act Differently
  • Change the status-quo
  • Become a solution
  • Be a change agent
  • Become an Innovator

The concerns of this blog is on "ACTING DIFFERENTLY". Many times we do more of the talking and thinking and we expend energy that would have been used to ACT. Having brainstormed on many solution options which has bred inspiration and or fear, it is time for someone to rise to an action!

A biblical picture of the attitudes of Jesus' disciple in Matthew 14: 22-29 inspired a great lesson in my heart that until we step out, our miracle and breakthrough may seem yet too far, whereas, it is within us. Here, we see Jesus put the disciple to a typical situational test of Character and faith. The emphasis of my message can be drawn from verses 25 to 29

During the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went out to them, walking on the sea. When the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost!” they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately spoke up: “Take courage! It is I. Do not be afraid." “Lord, if it is You,” Peter replied, “command me to come to You on the water.” “Come,” said Jesus. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water, and came toward Jesus. (Berean Study Bible).

From the above passage, we can see a man Peter who was tired of a fearful cuddling within the boat with others. They might have suggested many things having been experienced with the sea, yet, their skills did not work. He decided to take a ;leap and challenging to be like the master and living above the laws of life.

At the voice of Jesus' call “Come,” Peter took a leap and began to walk. Many people are still sitting and watching with potentials within. They are so scared of the roaring of the storm because they are nit ready to step out. The undulating nature of water would become a hard ground for a man like Peter who will determine to take a step.

We are so blessed to have our Master as the Lord of the storms. He's already walking and has giving us a command to GO and claim the territories. We must not wait any longer. we must not , use and think any longer. We must RISE and ACT.

A Thousand Intentions is never as Good as One Action, The Lord has made a call, Respond in Obedience with A Step out of the Boat!


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I see Steemchurch Telos Village. beyond a "conventional village setting." As captured above by @Sirknight in the working proposal, Telos Village is a community for the prosperity of the community.

A shout-out to the great supporters of #steem - @sirknight, @sniffnscurry, @Surpassinggoogle, @theycallmedan, @destinysaid @Ejemai @Stach @Air-clinic @Singhcapital @Aggroed @pennsif, @adollaraday, @fundition, @charitycurator, @curatorhulk, @partiko @Darlenys01 @top-exchanges @Destinysaid @Clixmoney

Contact Steemchurch:


I am UYOBONG MBABA, your brother, teacher and analyst


Long Live @Steemchurch International Ministries
Long Live Steemchurch Nigeria - @Sc-n
Long Live Nigeria


This message has the support of @steemchurch International Ministry, the community that leads the crusade for freedom through the love of Jesus, freedom of the body, soul and spirit to impact the world. Created on the blockchain steem and expanded to the improved blockchain Telos.

Read more about our vision here

Steemchurch is a community that establishes social projects in countries like Venezuela, Nigeria, Ghana and the Philippines, educating and training children, so that they are men and women who change history tomorrow.


Each time you support with some delegation you will be collaborating with the feeding, education of thousands of children, the restoration of the family, and the promotion of blockchain technology in the world

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It is always a blessing to receive from Steemchurch this endorsement

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Thank you

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This is a powerful message, if we don't step out we can't stand out.
Stepping out might look hard because we seem to enjoy our comfort zone.

Remember our comfort zone maybe detrimental to us but we are not seeing because we are too comfortable there to even make a move.

But I pray God should cause something to happen at our comfort zone that will cause us to step out and launch out.

Thanks for sharing @uyobong.

Posted using Partiko Android

I am glad that this post was found impacting

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes indeed it was.
Once again thanks for sharing.

Posted using Partiko Android

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