
Thanks 😂

I think that there are four of us right now, @galasek and @fullcoverbetting have entries as well.

@lovetaxi005 is also in.
So it will be a fierce battle 😁

I don't doubt it, he won the first SBC League 😃

EDIT: @numpypython is in as well!

Lets see if he can make win it back-2-back. We will make it hard for him!
I am curious if the previous format was better than this one. No too much entries at the moment :(
I guess we will have to evaluate it after the world cup. Also only 16 more days left for the first month! Hope that I will be in the green figures after the 30th of June!

Btw: Thanks again for all the effort you are putting into our community!

The start will be slow and messy, but I expect that the league will work as intended starting this September.

Is there a way to see all the posts with sbctips ?

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