
The only thing I see in Common is booze and more booze, but well I guess number 4 wins it for me

'The only thing I see in Common is booze and more booze'

I must admit you have a real sharp eye for detail ...

Personally I think it will be a "close finish" with nr 5.

Hahaha yeah it'll be a close finish look at that!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Last one. Clear victory. Period

Last one was a banger 😂😂😂

Hats off for nr 4, absolutely.
But the dedication of that last one makes me kinda melt.

No 4, because them look like some good steins ahead!

Vote listed and understood.

But imagine nr 5 being The Good Lady. Wouldn't that change your mind?

Damn, I thought it was, that's why I chose another! ;0)

I like the last one:))
Thanks god she didn't leave a baby in a shop to get more space for beer;)

She did fine I think. The kid even had a great view being on top of all the beer.

thanks to beer!:) the case when alcochol can help a child;))

Number 4, in line with the Octoberfest, pretty amazing job there. The weight of all those glasses, still no sweat and no spilling. What a dedication to getting the job done.

Looks like it's between nr 4 and 5, your vote and that of myself included. The score sofar ... 3 - 3

Gonna be a close call...

Don't expect much more comments and voting (for the women I mean), but I can live with both nr 4 and 5 sharing the award ...

Number 1 had two bad things and it is not what you might think... First: She drank the beer, second: wearing 'Lederhosen'.

And it very possible to live with 4 & 5 sharing the honor.

Tough call to pick one from such fine nominees!

Just let your heart speak ...

Yeah right! This is purely a choice made on "rational" grounds ...

heart says 1 but if 3 is bringing those to the beach and keeping the sun off them then that's the winner :)

Sounds more like: 'Home (Mallorca) is where the heart is' ... :)

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