in #satire6 years ago

...due to extreme weather circumstances.

I just got a phonecall from a friend who is on vacation in Voralberg in Austria with his family.
He said it has been continuously snowing now for two days already, with temperatures at night of minus 16 Celsius and gusts of wind of 130 km an hour.

Although they're completely isolated, the good news is that they at least have enough food and the heating is working fine.

The bad news is that his mother-in-law does nothing else than staring through the kitchen window all day long.

He thinks that if this bad weather goes on, he's got no other choice than to let her in.

sources: &



Good to hear that your friend has a sensitive side at least and hadn't closed the blinds of that kitchen window ...

Yeah he sure knows how to treat a woman.

The bad news is that his mother-in-law does nothing else than staring through the kitchen window all day long.

He thinks that if this bad weather goes on, he's got no other choice than to let her in.


Jajajajaja you have to be a funny friend i mean your friends have to be happy with your chats while sharing a beer. Regards

LOL love the ending.

Thanks man.

As I am on the border of where the mild snow is with a small travel to snowmageddon I am absolutely cool with it. But it does remind me a bit of Galtur about 20 years back and hopefully this will not be repeated again... Avalanche is a serieus risk at the moment and also most of the helicopters cant fly out (this medical karin speaking ofcourse) which is a TOTALLY dangerous situation.. Tuesday/wednesday the next snow bomb will be coming in... lets see what happens and hope that the wind stays out

'does remind me a bit of Galtur about 20 years back'

Do remember that. I was in Sölden back then when it happened.

ever seen the 'seconds from disaster' episode about it?

good info in there always on how these kinds of events build up

Just watched it. Very interesting. These were really exceptional cicumstances from what i understood.
Thanks for the tip. See that there a lot of other subjects in the series.

Yah, the snow really looks intense.

What did his mother-in-law do that he refused to let her in already? Hahahahaha!!

Nothing. Just being a Mother-in-law is enough, hahaha.

Hahahahahahaha!!!! You are really funny here man!!!!

Ahahahahaha...oh man you just made my day...

Her look...waiting the perfect moment. Lurker...the least.

Jokes aside, I watched the news and it's snowing like the end of the world is near...

He hasn't spoken to his mother-in-law for 18 months now. Just because he didn't manage to interrupt her ...

Yeah the weather is crazy in the Alps right now. And it ain't over yet they say.

LOL you are funny @smasssh
But I bet that your friend loves his mother-in-law a lot. :P

Thanks man, glad you liked it.

If it was my mother-in-law I would have phoned the police to get her moved on.

Well funny @smasssh

Yeah, remember a while ago when you told me you were not exacly "best friends" so to say.

You know that word hate, well that is too much of a nice word to use with how I feel about that women. and when she is in hell the devil will take his pitch fork and make her his bitch on a stick. hahaha

Haha, take it easy man. You won't want your wife hating on your mother like this, no matter how bad your mother-in-law is would you?

My wife hates her mother too, bad times as she is the worst mother-in law ever.
my wife and my mum are like best friends so I have no danger in her feeling like this towards her :D

OK. Just take it easy with your mother-in-law because at the end of the day, she just a human being with flaws.

Maybe the mother in-law has not experience such intense weather before, but the weather is freaking cold there @smasssh

bahaha, brutal! :D

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