
Yep, I once spoke to a Russian and his wife years ago who came to the small mountain town I live at. They came to work in some restaurants and had three jobs each. They told me they made enough in those 3 months of work here to live off of for 2+ years in Russia.

So I guess I'm bad. I spoke to some russians years ago. Oh I've also posted on and spoken to Russians on Steemit. I must be bad.

Guess what, I'd do it again. I think in general citizens of countries are pretty reasonable until government and propaganda stirs things up.

Russians are some of the least whiny, most independent people. It can be very refreshing if you are often surrounded by western millennials.

I really enjoyed talking to the two I've spoken to in person. I've also enjoyed speaking to some online over the years.

People that actually lived in authoritarian and/or "communist" or "socialist" countries tend to have a more realistic perspective about such topics.

I fear we may have to go through that pain before our PEOPLE "Get it!"

"People that actually lived in authoritarian and/or "communist" or "socialist" countries tend to have a more realistic perspective about such topics."

And a wide-variety of do-it-yourself type skills that come in handy.

"I fear we may have to go through that pain before our PEOPLE "Get it!""

Considering the alternative is getting through to them with reasonable discussions, I would have to agree wholeheartedly. Still, we try, as is our wont.