If King Henry the VIII Wasn't Just A Dick.

in #satire4 years ago (edited)


Maybe they should have learned to communicate better. Perhaps IF Henry wasn’t oh so patriarchal.


Dear King Henry the VIII,

There is something I must get off my vulnerable chest.

I think it’s because there is an element of truth for me of this —
that I feel like can also apply to you.

I love us (friends, colleagues, KING AND QUEEN— platonic/friendship “us”). I adore the bond I will always share with you. I have done things that have hurt your feelings, I am sure. You have done things to hurt mine, yes. You have chosen to forgive me, and I have chosen to forgive you. There are many many many things we have in common. Some of the things that united us as once Catholic lovers have allowed us to endure and to have deep conversations. We share a known common strength, a common belief system. And of course, we share our love for our dear and lovely Elizabeth.

Let’s learn to rule together.

You have challenged me, deeply. I absolutely love that. You challenged my way of thought. You challenged and shaped my beliefs on certain things. You planted seeds, you planted hope, you inspired a tiny bonsai to repot herself as motherfucking queen.


So when I tell you this. Know that I am ripping pages from my diary and my heart — I do this to be right with you.

To be right before God.
To be right before myself.
Because ultimately, big picture
— people grow.

I know you are gay.
I too am bisexual, baby.

I’ve known it since we met.
I’d chop off my own neck if I wasn’t right.

Charlie* this oh and Charlie that. It’s ad nauseam. I am exhausted. Physically, mentally, emotionally exhausted Harry.**

Just let me be. Look we can rule together.
I know about all your ‘free love’ nonsense. I know about all your friends. Let us take the throne together and rule the nation we want to write about in the history books — thatwewillpushonalltheschoolchildren. Let’s make England great again, Harry.


Look keep your boys. I’ll take whoever I want. And we will rule the world. I am not mad. I am not upset— I just really needed to qualify this before I rip into the fucking Duke of Suffolk.

He’s just not good for you baby! I mean seriously, it’s heart wrenching. Look, I get why you all initially attracted to one another. I get it! I see it! You both are a ton alike.

And when I saw him —
yelling at you like that?
Getting heated like that?


Demanding of you like that?

Come on.
Let him go.

I mean I get it, you want to make up. You want to get back together with him. You want him to understand your point of view. You want him to see how you’ve changed and grew and suffered. You want to see him adapt and change in a similar way.

Darling, let the man go!

Remember the saying that my sister, Mary***, used to whisper in your ear... right before you came into her, “if you love something, let it go; if it was meant to be, it will it return.”

I hope you will understand that I will never tell your secret. As long as we can rule together; I believe in equality dammit.

However, consider yourself blackmailed.

Your Queen,
Anne Boleyn


May she live 10,000 years
She does not poop.
...wait, no — that’s Kim Jong-un

*Fun Fact: Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk and Anne Boleyn hated each other. Nearly a thousand years of beef.

**Fun fact Why was Henry VIII called Harry? The name Henry derives from the Old French name Henri, and over time (during the medieval period) the English version – Harry – started to be used over here. Most monarchs called Henry were referred to by those who knew them as Harry, including Henry VIII. ... So that's why Henry has just remained an 'official' title.

***Fun Fact — Henry VIII hooked up with (that means had sex with...) Mary Boleyn.

otherwise I'll continue to put up whatever the fuck I want to.
because I can.


All hail the queen! I'm so tired of people worrying what others think and being all PC like speak your mind, but also be open to allowing others to speak theirs

I say post whatever the fuck you want regardless, its what I do with moderate to no success but I like it so fuckit

Amen to that! I am in total agreement.

I just believe in freedom of speech. I think I've found in my creative endeavors something that stops me is thinking to much about others. If I think too much about 'what is everyone else thinking of the art that I making?" (making in fact for myself, ultimately and for my own personal expression and growth) -- It stops me. It controls my writing. It's very hindering. Social engineering much?

I think part of what I am doing right now is just getting messy abstract art out of me! And I love it. I just really like writing and I think expression is important.

I do too, I know a lot of people who only believe in the freedom of their own speech and not that of others, which is the hard part, I do struggle with it myself but I try to remember others should enjoy the same right as me, even if they a dumb dumb poop brain lol

Oh I totally agree, any form of censorship eliminates certain elements of creativity and limits one's abilities or think, especially outside the box and problem solving which is why it's such an effective tool to keep hierarchical structures going. Total social engineering, you are spitting fire today girl!!!!

I say get it out, it might all make sense to you now, but it's all steps in the journey eventually you will peace it all together, but for now, have fun with it.

There's so much truth in that -- especially being able to piece it together over time.

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