Decentralise 2050

in #satire7 years ago (edited)

A smuggling operation is simple - get something from point A to point B without interception. And better, untraceable. No one likes to get caught years after some so-called illegal transaction. So these days, we have decentralised VPNs, marketplaces, and drones of all sizes - from mansion to mosquito-like proportions. These smart drone networks fly around all day filling up the skies, confusing the eth out of everyone - all while intelligently coordinating its swarm of decoys and runners 24/7 with massive redundancies to boot. Using platforms like, these drones can also do their drops in decentralised locker networks and toilet cubicles discreetly while protecting its recipients with indirect deliveries.

Pictured: Supercharge your smuggling operations with indestructable smart locks today, secured by the Ethereum blockchain.

At first, the state politicians came up with the only solution they could ever come up with - regulate and ban the eth out of these motherethers! So for days, mercenaries and state enforcers all around the world tried swatting out these drones with emp grenades and projectiles of all sizes. But the collateral damage and cost effectiveness of it all were simply abysmal. These are self-repairing and self-replicating carbon lightweight drones after all, thanks to advancements in nanotechnology and multivariate renewable energy generators. Plus, they're only paying attention to the decoys that account to 99.99% of 2050's sky traffic. It was an ething clustermuck. Maybe the actual smugglers weren't drones after all. Maybe most people were just printing stuff with nano-molecular replicators in the comfort of their decentralised homes.

Pictured: Swarm of drones and industrial Raman spectroscopy detection boxes with a 99.99% failure rate.

The amount of firepower required just for intercepting the smuggling of nukes, slaves, exotic snakes, and little bags of weed weren't worth all trouble and capital involved. So after the dust has settled, no one cared anymore because the game was simply unstoppable. Resistance is futile. The ancap wet dream was then complete with the advent of decentralised autonomous smuggling networks, something which goes beyond zero-knowledge proof, anonymous peer-to-peer digital cash transactions. It was the physical manifestation of Satoshi Nakamoto's vision. Let people trade whatever they want with each other.


All failure until they policy enforcers introduced their own drone interceptors to trace and evaporate smuggling drones on sight with high power laser beams. Supported with cutting edge molecular scanners and loaded with projectiles of nanoinsect swarms. They smuggling operation was reduced to have mere 0.000001 effectiveness :-P
For now, until the smugglers figure out the countermeasures :-)
The infinite techplay of hack and mouse ;-)

Damn, i knew someone would eventually see through the little plothole! haha

But then again, decentralised VPNs like Mysterium, nobody can trace anything :P unless its all fire on sight

I do think there is nothing humans can counter measure or hack now. Until they encounter network of self evolving hyper AI that learns quicker than humans can invent. We won't be even able just so-called "remove the plug". Impossible the turn off millions of AI unless you EMP whole planet. But then we go to dark ages :-)

I think I saw my pizza delivery in there too. Great post @kevinwong. Cheers.

Sure beats shoving it up the ass like the old days.

Definitely safer when it comes to radioactive compounds

Even those little memory sticks hurt... but I wouldn't know that.

@kevinwong - Having been closely related to transportation, I can imagine that a decentralized drone drop network with secure blockchain technology to assist can be both exciting and terrifying - depending on what one perceives the use to be. Definitely will be great for secure transfers of documents and important small items such as medicines or gems but will have far reaching consequences if used for drugs or micro-weapons.

Thank you for this thoughtful article written in bit of a sarcastic vain too.

I am continuing to focus on my beloved wildlife blogs (with my original photos and content). I have posted one about Brave-heart lion cubs -
Lions in the making - A cub's story. I request you to take a look when you have time. Your comments would be eagerly awaited. Thanks.

Not sure if drugs are a problem but the heart of the matter is, is it necessary for us to keep track of exchanges? there are definitely some cases which things could turn out to be truly destructive for the rest, although that's a corner case that poisons the well, as always

Well, technology has its own perks as well as its blasts. Drone technology is helping the humanity for, in most of the areas, but if it is doing some damage into other, then technology cannot be blamed for this. With each day passing, we will rise ourselves with more and more techs, this doesn' t mean they are dangerous or something taboo.
If one is misusing technology, then it's his fault. We cannot blame the WORLD for it. There's no one to blame. Same can be said about bitcoin.
Bitcoin was introduced for purpose of fast transaction and mobility with low fees. But now people are misusing it heavily by speculation , as a result it's benefits has declined greatly.
So, technology has its own ups and downs. Its completely upto us how to see it. @kevinwong

Definitely, technologies are neutral until applied. And I expect plenty of abuse too..

It's all about the demand and the supply. Then again, an entity called, "the government" tries to put their pesky little fingers into the honey jar via something called "taxation." I wonder how taxation plays out in this scenario of the decentralized world. Shooting down swarms of drones from the sky seems like an awful waste of resources given the amount of "$$$" the government can potentially make.

Abstractly, government will be a new kind of deal instead of the traditional one. Maybe a mix, but it'll be one or many trust-networks, perhaps blockchain-communities. Tax will then be something directly or indirectly imposed by the protocol of these communities. It can be zero too. What are we talking about again..? xD

"drones of all sizes" - haha I got one too, even though I (usually) dont use it for smuggling ;-)

amazing post, thanks!!

LOL very entertaining. Go get those motherethers!

Lol thanks. There's just no way to stop em motherethers, no off button :(

Ha you're hilarious! Thanks for the fun read. Following you for more of this :)

Technology is forever progressing. Either for the good or the bad. Kind of scary.

I guess it'll stop once we've evolved to our most efficient form - just a ball of energy lol

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