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RE: You and Only You: Announcing My New Tribe!

in #satire5 years ago

The leeches only feed because the host was alive and willing

Most people with any sense of reality realized bid bots are a scam. However I suspect some morons think it is sustainable and universal. In a contained environment they die quickly and cannot be profitable. Its about as dumb as putting a fan on a sail boat and pointing it at the sail.


My next project to satirize is these vote subscribers schemes that everyone thinks are super awesome (its elegant vote trading and buying).


If they truly think it's sustainable, then I challenge them to set up a tribe and just do it like that. Of course the one at the top will earn. That's the idea! LOL! Everyone else is just a pawn.

I don't understand what is so appealing about subscribing to a vote or signing up to get guaranteed votes, whatever. I get that it's money but if you look closely, those who focus mainly on shortcuts like that often don't get much more and their comment sections are barren wastelands full of spam.

The easiest way to get paid here is to impress people who vote, and now there's far more of those voters than there has been in years, with more to come. A good time to focus on your craft.

I agree. Some of the schemes are quickly goig extinct and most of them are outdated. Unfortunately for some, the tricks you mention that are best now require a bit of brain.

I remember when Jerry said he'd give 100% upvotes to something like 4000 people. I saw many jump in, not realizing ALL voters can only do 10 votes per day like that. I saw one lady promoting it everywhere she could talk, not realizing she was lowering her chances of earning with each member she helped. People hear free money! They put their brains down, forget to ask questions, and, yeah...

Jerry gives me upvotes. I subscribed and someone went crazy flagging me for a while because I said I gave jerry my junk mail address. I think out of all the people on Steem, he was one of the more unstable flaggers I've met and he was doing it well before it was cool.

You got in on that deal? Is there any meat left on the bone? I assumed the voting power would be drained by now. And I think I know which flagger you're talking about. We had our moments as well.

For the first couple of weeks it was sweet. Now he has powered down most of it, a lot of the delegations are gone and the vote isn't worth much because he is using up so much vp and volting while low so it is inefficient.

That's what I expected and in typical scammer Jerry fashion, he left out those details, and accepted all the praise. Steemit's biggest snake oil salesman right there. He conned a lot of people.

The easiest way to get paid here is to impress people who vote

Basically write to earn votes....write about Steemit, write what people will vote on. That's unfortunately Steem's undoing. A load of people with very little integrity congratulating each other voting on what they agree with .....
A bit like this post!

I've been experimenting lately. People voted for this post. It's not about Steemit. Satire/general entertainment. My previous post a big experiment with art. Tried another one similar a few days before that. Not taking any flak. Published a lengthy post with three short stories about my life, presented in a creative fashion recently. That seemed to do okay.

I hear a lot of folks bitching or whatever. I still just do my own thing. I don't care what everyone else does. I wrote the other day in this post:
...about how pointless it is to actually do the things you're saying people do.

Anyone with SP is someone who votes. Not impressing anyone is probably the worst thing anyone could do here. It looks like you impressed a few folks with your "Wemyss Bay Station and Ferry Terminal" post. You weren't just 'telling people what they want to hear.' Most of us just do our thing, like that, and some are impressed, so they vote. Impressing someone with a vote worth a penny is just as important as impressing someone with a vote worth $10. No point in producing content if you don't have an impressed viewership.

Anyway, carry on.

? I quoted you and now you backtrack? lol
Carry on. I will stick with integrity over reward fishing :-)

But I will ask. Is this place about Proof of Brain or Proof of stake? No one seems able to agree.

That's not backtracking. I was providing more context because it seems you were misinterpreting my statement.

Did you come here to be an asshole to me? Is there an integrity issue? Do you think I'll sit and write and joke or spend hours working on digital art just to fish for rewards, when I'm not even sure if people will have fun with the joke or enjoy what they see before I publish it?

Is there something brainless about how I've been producing and presenting my work to the public here for the past three years?

Why are you here, Nathen007? If you're here just to be an ass, you can kindly remove your ass, because I don't want to spend time on your ass, under a comedy post.

Did you come here to be an asshole to me?

Was that a satirical comment too? It does however make my point that people here only like people who agree with them! Maybe we should alter Proof of Stake to Proof of Sycophant.

I don't find you funny. Never have, but I do admire you doing your own shit and not falling into the trap of writing for views. This wasn't satire, it was just sneering. There is a big difference. It's so odd that you of all people should accuse someone else who speaks their mind of being an ass!!

Enjoy the plaudits. It's a happy world where everyone agrees with each other. (that was irony, but writing 'that was irony' is sneering)

So there you go, being an ass some more.

I don't care if you don't find me funny. Thanks for admiring my approach. If you don't think it's satire, that's fine. You are being an ass. So what.

Thank you for your time. Have a good day.

You have a great day too.

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