Oslo downtown #2

in #sailwithme7 years ago (edited)

Today the big bird that I presented in Oslo downtown #1 was gone.

Mission for the day: check if I still have my dhingy and fill up the big boat with fresh water. Water is generally free in Norway, and it's generally easy to find - but in the winter time it can be a challenge. We once went sailing down to Göteborg and back again in the yuletides, we had to do quite some research in advance and plan on where to fill water! Anyway ... here are some pics.

I got quite surprised by the ice. There was not much of a problem to plow through it, but as I have rubber potons on my boat I need to be very careful with sea ice. The island ahead is called "Hovedøya" ("main island") and is the nearest one to the city centre.

This is the ferry going to Copenhagen. It arrives in the morning and leaves 16:30, and has been present on quite some of my recent photos (as I have night duties and daytime off this week).

We have quite many boats like this in the Oslo fjord, most of them operates as "party boats" for charter or ferrying tourists around sightseeing - they are never seen going by sails.

Fire service has two boats here, "Redningen" ("the rescue") is frequently seen on the fjord (and heard on the VHF radio).

This area is Vippetangen

A man fishing

The Astrup Fearnley museum to the left, Aker Brygge marina, Piperviken.

Kavringen fyr to the left

Hovedøya and Kavringen fyr

The building in the middle belongs to Akershus fortress

The two towers of the Oslo City Hall can be seen to the left of the fortress building

Pipervika, with Aker Brygge to the left and Oslo Rådhus to the right.

Dyna Fyr

Koppernaglen, at the other side of Dyna.

Oups! Big fast thing ahead!

... and Nesøyferga from behind!

This ferry is going to Kiel, and it's huge - so huge it was creating a mini-tsunami every time going in and out from Oslo! Not just the regular waves from the ferry, but waves with very long wavelength moving faster than the ferry. Those waves have big impacts on the environment, washing away beaches and fundaments. They have tried to reduce the problem by reducing the speed of the ferry.

Astrup Faernley museum again.

Aker Brygge marina

Akershus festning

The garbage bins for Aker Brygge Marina to the left ... and the restaurant.

Nesøyferry arrived

The maritime museum at Bygdøy to the left, and some dolphin swimming.


All photos available at IPFS QmUnEd1Q1cvGeedNG5gXxfPqmPib6XLdb6168bXosmX8Tn


You live in a beautiful country. What a pleasure to be able to sail the fjords on a regular basis. It's a good thing it's so cold, or it just wouldn't be fair.

Be sure to keep your eyes open.


Wow, the sea is not frozen at all!

A bird sorry, so beautiful was :)

Well, there was some ice on the first pictures :-)

I love the Dyna Fyr some lovely scenery. Docks are always interesting places 💯🐒

I was going to take more photos of it, but then I ran out of battery on my phone (there is a time gap and change of boat and direction right after the photos of Dyna).

What a beautiful boat, it reminds me of Titanic!
you are lucky you have seen it with your eyes :p
and we are lucky we got chance to see it through you.

i like i love its scenery

Regaleme un voto en mi publicacion

Thanks for sharing such beautiful view with us.
Don't be sad.
it will come soon again.

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