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RE: Today I come to you all with a sad heart....

in #sadness7 years ago (edited)

I am deeply sorry for your loss. May I ask you some questions? If it hurts you too much now please forget them. Or if you prefer come when the time will have passed.

Please it's just to better understand what happened. you wrote: "I had no choice she stopped eating and drinking and after four days at the vet still didn't improve..she stopped walking and was basically living a horrible quality of life." Can we break this down? Could you please provide more details?

  1. for four days she didn't drink and eat at home.
  2. after the 4th day you went to the "vet".
  3. while being at the vet she stopped walking and looked to have a horrible quality of life.
  4. decision to end her life.

Is that right? Or I am missing something?


After not eating or drinking for a couple of days...I took her to the vet and she continued to not eat or drink and declined in health fast. .with being so weak and unable to stand or walk ..she had slowly been losing weight last 6 months ...she was always petite..I figured it was old age slowly creeping up..the vet said no need for thousands of dollars worth of testing her condition was poor life quality. .they said more than likely old age..being as they are familiar with her health history..and asked me what I wanted to do...which was of course her recommendation. .I didn't want her to suffer....I believe I made the kind choice for her..but all I keep thinking is a few hours ago I was holding her in my arms with a heartbeat and now shes gone

okay thanks, at least there is no misunderstanding. Did you post recently about a living in a new home? the cat did move too?

Yes...7 days ago we moved in...and yes she moved too

How long did she lived in your previous location?

If you answered me and followed my reasoning you have an idea of where it leads. I am sorry if it causes you more pains or questioning. You are free to read.

My premise is that most working in any health paid professions are suspicious. I am just writing that bills and debts have to be paid and those health professionals use their health knowledge to do it. This is something fundamental, can be debated, but is a simple fact.

So you have (as cats are always there, somewhere, where only cats know) an advanced aged 17 years cat female. Who 7 days ago arrived in a new home, causing a lot of stresses. Who then lowered her food and drink intake after moving in which resulted in her being weak to the point of not walking. Whose body had already a very low body mass index.

I find it strange that the "vet" had only 2 alternatives : death or thousand dollars exams.

Did the vet asked about the life experience of this cat? Did you know this vet?

We lived in our prior house 7 years...and yes as I previously stated she was our vet and familiar with her ...when I say thousands of dollars of exams ..I just mean a bunch of overpriced tests that will lead to the same conclusion. ..look I am very upset and just trying to grieve the loss of my baby girl...

okay girl, but what ever your sadness, you have decided to do it publicly in the open on steem. there is no reason for me not to ask myself if your cat wasn't assassinated way too early because it was only stressed and depressed from changing home and all the gigs that come with moving. Then knowing that most women have a tendency to regard the medical profession in such high esteem that it borders irrational worshiping and may cause a blind trust in the thinking.

As long as YOU know that it was the best choice, there is nothing a few pixels on a screen should be able to do to your mental state.

I am sincerely sadden by your loss, and honestly would love to share your pain and grief. sadly there is absolutely nothing that I can do but see if there isn't any lessons that could be learned by other loving cat owners about the old age of their family members.

And asking the ultimate question, is there really more pain and suffering in natural death? Have we asked our pets before killing them?

I was a CNA for 10+ years and I worked with seniors...more times than not once they lost weight could or would not be regained...I had said in last 6 mos to a year she was slowly losing weight anyway and so this really made it worse...she only weighed 5.13 lbs skin and bones...I have 3 cats and 1 german shepard...I am well aware of the trauma animals feel from a move. ..which is why I hesitated taking her in the beginning and blame myself for not taking her in sooner ...when I brought her in I already had the "what if" fear...I didnt just go in blind and stupid and listen to what the Dr. Said ...not that I don't respect vets or Drs. But I make my own decision. ..and I was carrying her because she couldn't walk ...they obviously put her on iv to rehydrate her but she was not improving...I think it was just happening at the same time as the move....and yes I assessed the situation and could not watch her suffer...and that is what she was doing...and I chose to share this publicly because I'm hurting I did not expect to be called an "assassin" that is awful...but with putting my business out there I guess you get the good with bad...but I can't continue these conversations with you because I am very depressed and this just isnt helping me any having to justify my decision. ..that I already feel awful for...I'm not God ..I don't determine who lives or dies...but I couldn't literally watch her die slowly and suffer...she wouldn't have made it through the weekend ...

you see, you have justified it. again so sorry.

flush those xanax shit from your system with water, try to move to get tired and sleep.

sorry, again for your loss.

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