True Russian Collusion based on Texts between the Russian Billionaire's Agent and Senator Warner. Opposing info on Ohr's Testimony

in #russiancollusion5 years ago (edited)

Let's consider evidence of some Real Collusion!

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Let's start with Bruce Ohr

  • 4th highest ranking member Obama's DOJ

  • became the conduit for Mueller's Russian investigation

  • He is married to Nellie Ohr who

  • Worked for Christopher Steel

  • Worked for Fusion GPS

  • Worked for CIA

See more info here if not familiar,

They are a firm based in Washington, D.C. The company conducts open-source investigations and provides research and strategic advice for businesses, law firms and investors, as well as for political inquiries, such as opposition research. The "GPS" initialism is derived from "Global research, Political analysis, Strategic insight".

From April 2016 through October 2016, the law firm Perkins Coie, on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, retained Fusion GPS to continue opposition research on Trump. In June 2016, Fusion GPS retained Christopher Steele, a private British corporate intelligence investigator and former MI-6 agent, to research any Russian connections to Trump.

  • Ohr spread the contents of the fake dossier throughout the highest level of government by using her husband's position in the FBI.

  • Used her husband's position and he allegedly abused his position to gain access to people and information in an effort to further the false contents of the Fusion GPS dossier.

Bruce Ohr

  • Passed along a thumb drive through his wife, Nellie to the FBI so that Trump haters, for example, Strzok and Page could have direct access to Hillary's OP research.

  • Both the FBI and the Clinton Campaign were Both paying Christopher Steel for this "Contrived Intel," in order for them to have info to pass along to the other haters in these departments and in the mainstream media who were all too eager to spread the hateful information with Zero vetting.

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  • Main drum beat. . .Trump was an agent of Russia, even though time and time again it was these very same Democrat people who had colluded with Russia.

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  • Steele was also paid by a Russian Oligarch

This surfaced in some texts that were brought into question according to The Federalist,

encrypted text messages between Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Adam Waldman, a registered foreign agent for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, were leaked to the media. In those texts, Waldman repeatedly tried to broker access between Steele and Warner, who serves as the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. It is unclear why a registered foreign agent for a Russian oligarch would be running interference on Steele’s behalf.

Text Messages

Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee who has been leading a congressional investigation into President Trump's alleged ties to Russia, had extensive contact last year with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch who was offering Warner access to former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele, according to text messages obtained exclusively by Fox News.
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So he was going into a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility and this acronym is used in both US and British and US military for a facility where they process Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) types of classified information.

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So, this Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, had a grievance with Paul Manafort.

Steel was being paid once again by

  • the FBI which we fund

  • Hillary Clinton

  • the DNC

  • Oleg Deripaska

We know by Bruce Ohr's testimony, he testified under oath that during the 2016 Campaign he met with Glenn Simpson, who is the Fusion GPS founder and the boss of Christopher Steele.

But Glen Simpson testified he didn't meet with Bruce Ohr until After the election.

Who is lying?*

Ohr also testified he had notified the FBI of his contacts with Christopher Steele during the election.

Yet according to Adam Schiff, he claims Ohr did Not tell of his contacts with Steele until After the election.

According to Lid Blog,

The Hill’s John Solomon is reporting Congressional leaker-in-chief Adam Schiff (D-CA) had an undisclosed meeting with the Glen Simpson, the founder of FusionGPS which is the company that produced the infamous and unverified Steele dossier, the primary evidence for the FBI’s FISA court surveillance warrant against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Schiff was the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, and he is suspected of being the primary source of leaks about the committee’s non-public hearings. With the Democrats’ takeover of the House, Schiff is now the chairman of that committee.

Per Solomon, the pictures show “Schiff meeting at the event with Fusion GPS Founder Glenn Simpson, one of the key and most controversial figures in the Russia collusion scandal. Both men insisted to me through spokesmen that they met only briefly last July.”

According to the Hill,

Simpson ran the firm hired by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic Party to find dirt on Trump in Moscow. He employed retired British intelligence operative Christopher Steele, whose infamous and unverified dossier became the main evidence for the FBI’s probe of the Trump campaign, particularly the surveillance warrant against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

And by the time of the meeting, the House Intelligence Committee had already received evidence from a senior Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr, that called into question Simpson’s testimony to lawmakers.

Specifically, Simpson claimed he had not begun meeting with Ohr until after Thanksgiving 2016, well after the FBI had begun investigating Trump-Russia collusion and after the presidential election in which Simpson's client, Clinton, lost to Trump.

But Ohr provided compelling evidence, including calendar notations, testimony and handwritten notes, showing that Simpson met with him in August 2016, well before the election and during a time when Steele was helping the FBI start an investigation into Trump.

When confronted with the Aspen conference photos of Schiff, in sport coat and open-neck dress shirt, and Simpson, wearing casual attire, representatives for both men tried to minimize their discussion, insisting nothing substantive about the Russia case was discussed.

In addition, Ohr testified that he notified the FBI of the Dossier's extremely biased source And Christoper Steele's personal mission. . .to Stop Trump.

Page 15 of the October FISA Application against Carter Page reads,

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It reads, the FBI was unaware of any derogatory information pertaining to Christopher Steele.

But Wait, in August of 2016 Everyone in the FBI already Knew the Dossier was Biased according to Zero Hedge,

And once again Kimberley Strassel (of the Wall Street Journal) - who by now has become the focus of social media attacks for her truth-seeking reporting - does it again. Confirming what we detailed yesterday - that The Justice Department was fully aware that the notorious Steele Dossier was connected to Hillary Clinton and might be biased, a crucial detail which was omitted just weeks later from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant used to spy on the Trump campaign - Strassel makes the aggressive and correct statement that the Justice Department official’s testimony raises new doubts about the bureau’s honesty.

And stated by the Wall Street Journal,

Everybody knew.

Everybody of consequence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department understood fully in the middle of 2016 - as the FBI embarked on its counterintelligence probe of Donald Trump - that it was doing so based on disinformation provided by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Zero Hedge also states,

Mr. Ohr testified that he sat down with dossier author Christopher Steele on July 30, 2016, and received salacious information the opposition researcher had compiled on Mr. Trump. Mr. Ohr immediately took that to the FBI’s then-Deputy Director Andy McCabe and lawyer Lisa Page. In August he took it to Peter Strzok, the bureau’s lead investigator. In the same month, Mr. Ohr believes, he briefed senior personnel in the Justice Department’s criminal division: Deputy Assistant Attorney General Bruce Swartz, lawyer Zainab Ahmad and fraud unit head Andrew Weissman. The last two now work for special counsel Robert Mueller.

When I provided [the Steele information] to the FBI, I tried to be clear that this is source information,” he testified.

“I don’t know how reliable it is. You’re going to have to check it out and be aware. These guys were hired by somebody relating to—who’s related to the Clinton campaign, and be aware.”

He said he told them that Mr. Steele was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected,” and that his own wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS, which compiled the dossier. He confirmed sounding all these warnings before the FBI filed its October application for a surveillance warrant against Carter Page. We broke some of this in August, though the transcript provides new detail.

The FBI and Justice Department have gone to extraordinary lengths to muddy these details, with cover from Democrats and friendly journalists.

A January 2017 memo from Adam Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee’s top Democrat, flatly (and incorrectly) insisted “the FBI’s closely-held investigative team only received Steele’s reporting in mid-September.”

DNC Paid for it. This means all of these people and More Knew,

  • Comey

  • McCabe

  • Briefed Andrew Weissmann, an American attorney. Since 2015 he has been the chief of the criminal fraud section of the U.S. Department of Justice. In June 2017 he was appointed to a management role on the 2017 special counsel team headed by Robert Mueller. To assume that position, Weissmann took a leave from his DOJ post.

So the people in positions of power had been Long Aware of this biased Dossier obtained under non ethical and unlawful means, yet Never was this revealed to the FISA court.

This shows conspiracy to commit fraud on a court.

To Spy on a Trump Campaign associate and to deny him his constitutional rights by not revealing the Truth about where Paid for biased, unproven information was coming from.

Information that was relevant was withheld from the court and became the primary part of the application.

In the UK, Christopher Steele, himself, the Writer of the Dossier testified under oath, that he didn't know if any of the Dossier was true, it was just Raw Intelligence so maybe 50/50.

So the bulk of that unproven, unvetted evidence became the bulk of what denied Carter Page his constitutional rights that his accusers, those Not doing the job they were sworn to do, the same rights They themselves insist upon, yet denied to another citizen due to their Trump hate and insistence on getting their way even if it including massive deception and breaking the law to do so. After all, they could cover for each other right?

Lindsey Graham reopened the case of FISA abuse and waiting on Horowitz, the IG's on the the abuse.

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The same people who aided the Russian Collusion story based on a Faked Dossier paid for by the opposition. . .

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