The Man the FBI claims justified Them beginning their Mueller fronted Russian Investigation. Hear who made Papadopoulos go to Rome and WHY!

in #russiancollusion5 years ago (edited)

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Was there ever probable cause for one political campaign to spy on another campaign?

FBI claiming they launched an investigation to spy on the Trump. campaign all due to George Papadopoulos.

  • Due to a conversation he had with an Australian Diplomat.

  • Papadopoulos was a former Trump Campaign Aide and states he has been a Deep State target

  • Never even been to Russia

  • No Colleagues, nor associates of his have Ever been to Russia, nor have They worked for Russia

  • Instead for 5 years prior to working for Trump, he was in a Think Tank and working on energy.


  • Worked on Ben Carson Campaign

  • Contacted Cory Lewindowski about joining Trump Team June 2015

Lewindowski- Not hiring he would get back to Papadopoulos

  • Ben Carson drops out Jan. 2016

Pictorial of part of timeline

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  • London Centre of International Law Practice contacts Papdopoulos from Linkden

  • He was living in London and on the Energy business in Europe and that Law practice contacted him out of the blue wanting to know if he would come work with them as a director.

Pictorial of timeline from London law firm with Global Connections

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  • Papadopoulos found out All of the officials he was working with at this London law firm were either FBI, Western intelligences, Western governments and were some of the partners of the top law firms in the world were affiliated with this company, but there were absolutely No Russians at this company.

  • Why Did a company working with intelligence agencies and the FBI decide to suddenly reach out on Linkden to Papadopoulis?

  • He accepted the job and within Just 48 hours he was made a director. This didn't make any sense to Papadopoulos.

  • He felt that it was fabricated just to get him into the room to meet certain people and to introduce him to various officials around Europe and the United States.

Papadopoulos' Summary was that , "it seemed like some sort of front company and front job!"

  • So in March he decides he wants to go work for Trump, tells his new colleagues he's leaving and quitting to go work for him.

  • They told him he was crazy, they were furious and reminded him that he had such high level connections there at their law firm. Connection to Europe and D.C., they couldn't figure out Why he would go and work there, they reminded him Ben Carson had dropped out and they told him Trump would not win.

  • They told him that before he left, they needed him to go to Rome with them because they had people there that would help Papadopoulos on the campaign.

  • He went to Rome with them to the University.

  • He was greeted by the former Italian Foreign Minister, Bencisco Scottie and other high level Italian officials, who were associated with this university. He suspected there were also high level FBI and CIA people there also because it was the University at which they Train!

  • He was introduced to Mifsud by Scottie.

Mifsud is the overseas professor that Bob Mueller falsely characterized to the world as a sort of Russian cutout trying to conspire with Papadopoulis over the Russians had concerning Hillary's emails.

  • After he met him in mid-March and prior to his name even being public in Wapo, these officials were introducing him to Mifsud. Set up much?

  • There were bizarre conversations with Mifsud moving forward about a potential meeting between Trump and Putin.

They were only discussing this, Trump Was Not, yet why was the media and the witch hunting clan okay with this from Obama?

Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility'

  • Mifsud could never introduce him to Anyone in the Russian government or Anyone of substance over all.

  • In late April, he said, "hey George, did you know that the Russians have Hillary Clinton's emails?"

  • Papadopoulos said that made him very suspicious of Misfud, and he took note that both Facts and Events proceeding this Professor's statement about the Russians and Hillary's emails were Very Bizarre.

  • Papadopoulos feels This Was the Reason all along they Needed him to go with them to Rome.

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  • So they Needed and Intended for Mifsud to tell Papadopoulos of the emails they felt Russia had of Hillary Clinton.

  • He feels Mifsud was some kind of plant. He has been living out in the open in the U.S. Embassy somewhere next to Rome.

  • Mifsud being protected currently by Italian Intelligence.

  • He's gone missing for 2 years.

  • They wanted Papadopoulos to go back and tell Trump what they had intentionally conveyed.

  • Since he considered what he was told bizarre and hears a lot of gossip and strange things when you're in these political circles, so he Was not going to jeopardize himself over something he felt to be illegal.

  • So even though Papadopoulos had done Nothing with this information, as it wasn't in Any news cycle at all. . .he starts getting outreach from U.S. British and Australian Intelligence.

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  • April 15th Australian Gov. reached out to him for the first time.

  • April 26th Joseph Mifsud tells him the info concerning the Russians having Hillary's emails.

  • May 2nd the British government reaches out to him, who was the #2 at British Foreign Affairs, Tobias Ellwood, who said he wanted to have a conversation with Papadopoulos and get to "know him a little bit."

  • May 4 Contacted by two officials at the DIA, the British Embassy in London named Gregory Baker and Terrence Dudley.

  • May 10 an Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, which Papadopoulos testified to Congress under oath And told the FBI and Bob Mueller that he felt Downer was spying on him and recording his conversation.

All of this occurred early 2016, Far before there was any FISA warrant.

  • Papadopoulos was asked by the FBI When he met Downer.

  • Papadopoulos is the one who brought up Mifsud and the emails, then was caught in a perjury trap.

He thought he met him in March, but met him in April so went to jail for Perjury.

I wonder why all the Actual Liars where there is Evidence they Knew about those Clinton emails on the Weiner laptop and didn't want to deal with the CF child sex crimes. . .so they lied And shirked doing their job of investigating That so they could focus on setting up Papadopoulos and continuing their own devised Witch Hunt.

Now when I say LIARS, let me be point blank about it,






Just to name a Few!

He states that This is what the whole case was a set up for. . . A set up and a Perjury Trap!

  • He was sent to jail for 11 days After he had thrown his way. . .*Honeypots, Wiretaps, Surveillance by Foreign Countries when he didn't succumb to Any of them, he was caught in some perjury trap.

  • Entrapment. David Nunes sent a letter to Secretary Pompeo and Gina Haspel to get more information on Mifsud.

**Now if it's proven Mifsud was involved in Entrapment and that there was a coordinated effort between these other intelligence agencies, including the DIA and Australians to extract this Fake Information, to spy on him with another honeypot in London and Halper. **

This reeks of spying, entrapment and illicit behavior!

It shows How Global all of this really is with all of these different Intelligence agencies all over the world reaching out to him.

When Declass happens according to Papadopoulos we will all see the evidence of. . .

  • The UK and Australia interfering in the 2016 election

  • We will find out Who Joseph Mifsud really is and Who he is working for

  • We will know who was running all of these spies at him and likely other people on the campaign including Flynn, who Also encountered Stefan Halper in 2015, then Papadopoulos encountered him in 2016

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How about We look into him? Coming Soon!

You can hear a great Papadopoulos interview here in the video below,

Does Papadopoulos have any connection to Russia?

I find something quite interesting about a case concerning George and his wife Simone, you will find it in this upcoming article including. . .is Papadopoulos sure he wasn't Already being taken in by the "honeypot?"

What are your thoughts on this? Was this a set up well before they ever had those FISA warrants, based on Fake allegations they themselves gathered from a Fake dossier? Please let me know in the comments below.


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