Another world is possible.

in #russia6 years ago

Hey there Steemians!

It is a decidedly red county, the USA. We live with a government who has admittedly given national secrets to the Russian government, and our presidential elections were fixed by Russian haxors.

Furthermore the Russians backed the candidate who is the current commander and chief. By any measure our country has been influenced and controlled by outside actors and financiers.


The vast majority in the USA want a more sustainable and a better future for ourselves than the one which is being pursued by the ruling class of banksters and war profiteers in the USA. We know that the oil industry has gone berserk over the past couple of years since 45 took office. We have seen the use of the executive order as a policy making device. Our leadership has been steadily destroying our collective future through the repeal of safeguards put in place to protect the quality of life for the people of this country and the world.


It’s difficult to reconcile our present with our future, because the future we want seems so remote from the present we are living with. We know that there is an amazing future for us if we can find the courage to pursue it. Sadly the leadership of our country is not interested in this better world we are envisioning and pursuing. Which means that our attempts to make a better world are met with fierce resistance. The people who have invested themselves in reaping profits off of oil, coal and nuclear power are steering our country towards a toxic future which the public doesn’t really want. We make choices in our personal lives to pursue that better world, but with the leadership heading off the rails and off a cliff and further off of this planet, we the people need to find ways to displace the dangers our present administration is shoving down our throats.


I believe that the majority of people want a better world for their children and grandchildren to live in. I believe that we actually have to power to pursue this better world, if only we can make the shift in leadership to a realistic, forward thinking administration which values life, liberty and freedom above profits.

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our presidential elections were fixed by Russian haxors.
Furthermore the Russians backed the candidate who is the current commander and chief.

false. If you could prove that was true I know some people who would like your help.


You seem to be concerned about some of Obama's environmental diktats being rolled back, are you afraid the environment will become as dirty as it was during the Obama era?

In fact Russian meddling has become such a mainstream concept that it was adopted by Wikipedia.

The Clean Air Act of 1963, and the Clean Water Act of 1972 were not signed or sponsored or anything by Obama...

those acts are still in effect. Indeed, it's become a joke

I could spell it out for you.

But I believe in your ability to do the research.

Tge clean water act was gutted, as was the the clean air act.

Do read up on the subject if you have some time. I believe you can find it in meme form if that helps.

Trump rolled back Obama era restrictions.

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