The @runningproject Fast Friday - 2

Quick And Dirty Running TIps Every Friday - Time Saving Tips For Runners

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This week, the @runningproject Fast Friday post is looking at making the most of your time. Life always gets in the way, but with a little forward planning, you can use some of these time saving tips to make sure you are still getting your runs done.

  1. Bring Your Running Gear With You(Everywhere). I'm lucky enough to be able to wear running shoes most of the time, so in my backpack along with my work laptop, I also have a spare change of running gear and a small towel. It means I can get to the gym or go for a run whenever I have some spare time.

  2. Split Your Training Up. You might not have the time to do your long run, but you might have time to do two smaller runs. By splitting your long run up into two runs, you don't have to take out such a long period of time during your day. Your body will still be fatigued when you go for your second run, and your training will still benefit.

  3. Run on Your Lunch Break. If you get an hour for lunch at work, why not head out the door. With 30 minutes, you can take it easy for the first 10 minutes and then run hard for the last 20 minutes before heading back to work to shower. Even though you may need to eat your lunch at your desk, once you get out the door, you won't look back.

  4. Run Your Commute. This isn't always practical but you can be a little creative with your time to get an extra run in on the way to work or on the way home. It doesn't have to be just work either. If you need to get to the shops, you could run before, making sure you finish your run at your location, then walk or use public transport to get home.

  5. Plan Your Time and Use A Calendar. It's always good to let people know what your plans are and even better, if there is somewhere your friends and family can look and see your training before they make plans, they can check your availability. I even block out some time when I go for a run on my lunch breaks at work.

I think it comes down to making time for what's important to you, but with a little planning you should be able to squeeze in all your activity throughout your day.

About the Author
Hey I'm Vince, an Aussie living in New Zealand, trying my best to make the most of the time I have. I work as a Software Engineer but love to run and all aspects of it, including geeking out on the latest science to help get the most out of my body.

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Written by on behalf of the @runningproject


Great suggestions, thank you very much!

The only thing I miss on the job (or in the vicinity of it) is a shower... I need to find a creative solution!

For shoes, I have no problems... since I run barefoot!

Some great tips there. I have just started running to and from work once a week. It's hard running with a back pack on but I feel great having done it before my work day starts. It also means I am doing two runs that day. Two of your tips ticked off in one day :) I really wish my lunch break was longer so I could run during it.

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