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RE: Running Project: 5km Training Programme Wk 6 Results - Shaming, Not Having It, Moving On

in #runningproject6 years ago (edited)

Sorry I haven’t gotten to the roller yet. I need to get my model to pose for pics. I wouldn’t recommend rolling for the shoulders though. Here are my thoughts. Everyone seems to hold tension somewhere. In my experience it seems like women hold it in their shoulders more than men. That has zero science to back up, just my experience. Regardless, we can address tension in any area first simply by being aware of it, and making it a priority to relax that area. Breathe into your shoulders when your walking and running. From there, there are some specific technique pointers for the shoulders. You want to practice the armswing as a fluid motion where the arms are locked in a 90 degree bend, shoulders are relaxed, and you’re simply, gently, pulling your elbows back and letting the forward motion happen on its own. There’s no need to push the arms forward as they will fall back into place after the gentle rearward pull. Try it in front of a full length mirror with your feet in a staggered position. Watch yourself and tell yourself to relax. See the tension in your shoulders and then see it ease up. Let me know how that works.

I’ve been more tired lately too! Getting back in shape is no joke. I’m enjoying the current process because it’s making me appreciate some things I forgot. It does take a big adjustment to develop a consistent practice. It’s a fairly significant lifestyle choice, and that requires some shifting of priorities and routines, to say the least.


Thank you - good ideas about the shoulders, I'll try them tomorrow.

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