The first run of 2018 was a mixed bag

in #running7 years ago

The rain stopped today and the sun came out again, yay! And that meant it was time to strap on my running shoes and see just how much damage the Christmas break has done.

image source

I have to say, it was not pretty. Two and a bit weeks of pretty much no running, a broken rib and more food and wine than was good for me have really taken a toll on my fitness. With less than a week to me next race, that was not the result I wanted at this stage.

I kicked off the run and set a good pace, trying to hold it for as long as I could. Since I was only planning on doing 10kms I wanted a good solid run, but not go out hard enough to get injured. I also didn’t want to slow jog around the course either as that would not shake out the cobwebs at all.

So I got into race pace and hammered along for the first 5kms. My legs felt heavy, my stomach was bouncing around (the abs are gone!) and I couldn’t breathe deeply because of the broken rib. So after the 5k mark I slowed down a bit and just ran steadily for the rest of the way.

My time / pace was not too terrible in the end, but what concerned me more was how I felt achieving that pace. It was not comfortable and it was not easy. Instead of continuing the taper (which has gone on long enough really) I’m going to ramp it back up again for the rest of the week and try to get some level of fitness back.

I think if I just do shorter runs, around the 10km mark, I should be fine and not fatigue my legs too much.

One the good news front however, the Sony Walkman (mp3 player) that my wife got me for Christmas works a treat.

Tomorrow is the end of Christmas and it’s back to the grindstone for me, so I might have to start running in the morning before breakfast again to get my body used to the idea of being stupid before it has woken up.

It will be interesting to see how many other people turn up for the race, and how many have jiggly Christmas bellies also.

Mr. Garmin says:

  • Distance: 10.44km
  • Time: 1:06
  • Average pace: 6:24 min/km

Check out my stories here on Steemit

Running Deer

Running Deer - part 1
Running Deer - How legends are born

Charlie Rabbit

Meet Charlie Rabbit
Charlie tides up
Charlie Rabbit and Margery Mouse
Charlie Rabbit and Margery Mouse make music

Little Peppers Adventures

Runaway Rabbit and the hungry fox
Maybe and the land of purple rainbows – A Little Peppers adventure
How Pappa Pepper and Monster Truck the Pepper got their wild hogs - a Little Peppers Adeventure

Dark Angel Regiment of the Space Marines - Mission Files

First Squad Sniper Elite - Zaresith mission

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The Lady Of The Lake

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Check out and find out what other madness he got up to!

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Glad to know that you have some form of physical exercise like running and it seems to me you have some fun time with this... it would surely make you fit and healthy. Enjoy!

It has certainly made a difference. Last year i got quite fit, but Christmas food and wine has slowed me down a bit. But I'll get back there ;-)

Thanks for sharing, it inspires me to get into being fit and healthy in whatever small way I can. Hope it adds up for me becoming totally healthy...

As in - don't quit?

That's not in my nature ;-) I'll run the race, but it will not be as much fun as it was going to be.

I must have missed the news about the broken rib. Damn, not what you need at all.

Yeah not was i was planning on running with. But you get that on the big jobs. I'll just have to grin and bear it.

A 1:06 10k with a broken rib is pretty good in my book!

I keep attempting to dust off my shoes and get back into 'plodding'. I'll never be fast due to back damage and sciatica but find it's a great stress reliever. I was hoping to get out this weekend but alas man flu has taken over (probably due to the lack of activity!).

It wasn't too bad in the end. A bit painful though. But i didn't feel good doing it. My legs were heavy and it was a struggle to keep going. At this stage 10kms is supposed to be a warmup that I can do without even breaking a sweat.

Lesson learned - no more partying over Christmas! hehe

To get back into running start out walking (even with man flu). The run the distance between two lamposts. Then walk again.

This will actually help the flu honest. It will help break up the mucus in your chest and shift it out so it is easier to breathe. And you should recover faster. Just don't over-do it ;-)

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