An interesting paper on the damage ultra running does to your body, or not

in #running6 years ago

This paper turned up on Facebook today. It’s an interesting meta-review of studies done on ultra runners looking at what effects it has on your body.

I went looking for warning signs and “OMG I’m going to die!” messages. But it was pretty balanced and overall seems to say that if you are not an elite ultra marathoner, and don’t push too hard, the benefits far outweigh the harm, and for most the ‘harm’ is very temporary.

So I’m not looking at quitting just yet.

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I would be interested in reading a study like this in say another decade to see how much the gap in men & women's finish times changes. I am sure it will narrow more. I would even predict the median age would decrease as well.

I told you you were better off taking the car :p

*When someone tells you that what you want to do is impossible, change the word in your head to hard. What you want to do is hard. Hard is doable – it just requires dedicated work and effort and you can make it happen.

*Resteemed by @runningproject

Hey thats an interesting article. It seems quite balanced but it seems to be the media that will take any negative and turn it around to make us think that endurance sports are going to kill us instead of making us healthier. I guess any justification to keep people sitting on their couch.

Very interesting. I am fascinated by ultra running. I would love to make time to pursue longer distances in the future.

It is an interesting thing isn't it? I'm finding out more and more stuff the more I get into it.
And the more I find out, the more it seems to be this is actually really good for you.

The big caveat seems to be how hard you go - if you are an elite runner or trying to win the race, this can be really hard on your body. But if you are a middle of the pack (or back of the pack like me) runner and you don't push too hard, then you get all the benefits with none of the detriments.

The biggest problem I have is pushing too hard. It's just my personality. I am constantly trying to go further and faster, and my poor body is trying to keep up. One day it was say STOP! and I'll have to slow down for a while. But until then...... ;-)

No chance of anything elite here so I’ll be enjoying my benefits with you. Thanks for the answer. I gave you an upvote on your post! Please give me a follow and I will give you a follow in return and possible future votes!

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