My day taking part in the London Marathon 22nd April 2018

in #running6 years ago

Wow, I Ran My First Marathon At The Hottest London Marathon On A Record!

What a day, it was amazing and I still can't believe I've actually done it. Three years ago when I started running I never imagined I would do this but I have and I will treasure my medal forever.

The day started at 6.30am when my alarm went off although I hadn't really slept very much as I was feeling so nervous. I got up and did my usual routine, put the kettle on for a cup of black coffee. Needed to keep things as normal as possible. I ate 2 quaker oats porridge squares, these are equivalent to a bowl of porridge. I tried these out on training runs so I knew they were ok on my stomach which was handy as I was staying in a hotel so couldn't have my usual porridge made with water. I had a banana and drank a high 5 electrolyte drink. I knew this would be important today as the weather forecast was hot!

I got my stuff together and at 7.30am my husband and I headed to Southwark tube station, where we were catching the tube to Canary Wharf then getting off walking to Heron Quays to catch another to Greenwich. The journey only took about half hour and there was lots of other people or going to Greenwich. We followed the crowds as they all walked towards greenwich park. It was all becoming so real.

Just inside Greenwich Park

My husband and I headed towards the Red Start runners area. That was quite a trek, uphill all the way! Certainly warmed the legs up!

Red Start Area

Once I reached here I had to go it alone. Runners only could enter the start area. It was quite emotional leaving my husband, I was feeling so nervous of the unknown territory but we said our goodbyes and I walked in. Once inside the area I got myself organised, I found the bag drop lorry for my number and dropped my bag off, that was one less thing to worry about. I then queued for the toilet as didn't want to leave that till last minute and not get a chance to go. Then walked round to find out where my pen was, pen 5. Took me a while to find it but once that was found I could relax a bit as I knew where I had to be. I weren't sure what to do after that as I was supposed to meet my friend but we just couldn't get hold of each other as phone signals were awful. I decided to stand in a toilet queue again as they were very long and I thought I might as well stand here as to anywhere else. It was quite nice as I got to chat to a couple of ladies although I didn't get to go to the toilet as it got to 9.50am and I decided to join the queue for pen 5.

As all the runners walked into the pens you could tell it was going to be a hot day. There was no shade, the sun was beaming down and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. My watch was reading 20 degrees already. The race started at 10am but we were going off in waves, so after the starting gun went off we waited till we were able to shuffle forward, gradually we got closer and closer to the start line. My wave was being started at 10.24am and I think I went throughout 10.26am. All what kept going through my mind was 'I am running the London Marathon.'

Red Start, Pen 5

Once I started running, I felt a bit better, I had trained hard for this, I knew I could do this, although very early on I needed water, it was just so hot. All my training had been done in temperatures less than 10 degrees and probably nearer to freezing. Thankfully the first water station was about 5k, I took a bottle and sipped it then tipped what was left over my head to cool me down.

I carried on running at a decent pace, not too fast though as I had to reach the finish line, I didn't want to burn myself out too early. Then disaster struck! Someone had dropped a full water bottle on the road just in front of me. I didn't see it, I stood on it and wrung my foot right over, I went down landing on my knee and hand. All I could think about was 'it's over at 7km, all that training for nothing, the people who I have let down as they had sponsored me to do the marathon. People surrounded me asking if I was ok. I got up, ankle hurting, knee hurting and the palm of my hand stinging but I carried on running saying I was ok even though I weren't. I wanted to cry, I was supposed to be enjoying this not worrying about tripping over water bottles. Eventually I forgot about my pains as other pains took over, including being constantly thirsty because of the heat.

At about 7/8 miles I spotted my husband in the crowd, I ran over to him amazed that I had seen him. He said some words of encouragement and I was off again. I ran passed the Cutty Sark where the crowds were amazing, there was just so many people out watching and encouraging us runners. Well there would be the weather was perfect for spectators!

Before I even reached Tower Bridge, I'd seen runners by the side of the road sitting down with the medics struggling in the heat, I'd even seen someone who had collapsed. It was awful to see as no doubt they had trained as hard as I had.

Then there it was, Tower Bridge, I couldn't believe it, I was running over Tower Bridge with thousands of other runners. It was such an emotional moment as its such an iconic landmark.

As I approached the Bridge

Selfie on the Bridge

The halfway mark came just after Tower Bridge and I felt I was running well, even though I was struggling in the heat and having to get water from every station. My time was going well, I was still on target for a sub 5 hour.

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Official chip times

As it got hotter and hotter I did get slower and struggled more but that was to be expected, the crowds were great. Shouting your name and encouraging you to keep going. Adrenalin was high and I was truly enjoying it. Yes I was hot and yes every part of my body was hurting but I was running the London Marathon!

My family had said they would be at about the 16 mile mark so I could look out for them, I spotted my dad first who said I was doing really well and we swapped water bottles as he had a full one for me. I was carrying water with Tailwind in. This is a powder that you dilute with water, it has everything in it to keep you going like carbs, sugars, electrolytes, sodium etc. I then spotted the rest of my family, my husband, my mum, one of my older sons @slayerkm and my youngest son @supertraff . They all cheered and shouted as I ran past. It's the best feeling ever when you see your family supporting you.

I had to walk quite a bit between 30km and 32km, as the I was really feeling it then, the sun was so intense. It was 24 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. I tried to stay in the shade but to be fare there wasn't much on the route. I ran/walked through every shower that was supplied on the side of the road just to try and cool me down. I drank at every water and lucozade station as I was just so thirsty. I only used a couple of gels as in that heat they were just so sickly but luckily the energy drink I had worked really well and kept me going. I got a text from my son saying they were at 33km standing near a bus stop. This spurred me on, so I managed to run again. It seemed to take forever to get to 33km but when I did I saw my family again and this made me feel good. I stopped to chat for a minute telling them I didn't care about time anymore I just wanted to finish.

I managed to run the majority of the rest of the course, ok slowly but at least I was going to finish fairly strong. I felt ok. The miles were coming down and as I ran along the Embankment I saw my mum, dad and 2 sons again. This was amazing as I wasn't expecting to see them again till after I finished. I only had about a mile to go and I was going strong. The crowds were shouting my name as I ran past. I saw Big Ben (covered in scaffolding) I then saw Buckingham Palace, I knew then it wasn't far.

Running down The Mall, I looked for my husband who had a ticket to be in the grandstand at the finish but I didn't see him. I found out after that sadly he got stuck on a broken down train and didn't get to the finish in time. I ran through the finish not really realising that that was the finish until I saw everyone stopping and walking. I stopped my watch and carried on walking with everyone else. Emotions overwhelming me its all a bit of a blur. I was congratulated by someone who put my medal over my head, I was feeling very overwhelmed, I had ran and finished my first ever marathon. Words cannot explain how I was feeling.

Proud Moment Selfie

My time, an amazing 5 hours 6 minutes and 46 seconds. Ok so it wasn't the sub 5 hours I was hoping for but not far out and considering the weather I'm happy. I found out later that most peoples times were slower by 30-60 minutes slower than they had hoped.

Official time

My official times for the second half weren't too bad either.

![Screen Shot 2018-04-25 at 14.39.24.png()

What slowed me more than anything I think was having to go to every water/lucozade station at every mile and slowing down so I could go through the showers to cool down. Ordinarily I wouldn't have needed to this. So maybe next time I will be able to get my sub 5.

It looks like I did more than a marathon!!!!

After meeting my family, we went for celebration drinks, although I only managed two as I really felt tired and weak and needed my bed!

Enjoying post run drinks

Wow what a day! A day I will never forget and I feel so grateful that I have been given the chance to run in one of the biggest and best marathons in the world.

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The official results

I hope you enjoy this as much as I have writing it.
Thanks for looking
Happy reading peeps 🖤

Proud to be part of @runningproject and @isotonic


Great stuff, congrats! It takes some doing running a marathon. Just making the start line, let alone the finish is an achievement. I hope to do either London or Madrid marathon next year. I still haven't managed a half yet, so first thing's first ;). Well done again!

I had only done 1 half before I done the marathon. Good luck

Great job! Always an amazing feeling to train hard for something and then have it realized. Congratulations.

Thank you, it was absolutely amazing x

Well done! I hope I can do this as well on my first marathon in October! How did you train, did you have a schedule and what drink did you take beforehand, this electrolyte drink? What brand was it? I also have these gels and your story helps me to prepare myself just in case it’s too warm for mine as well as I don’t enjoy the flavour either.

I followed a 16 week plan that I found online to train for it, I printed it out and stuck it on the wall so I knew exactly what I had to run each week, I had to reshuffle the days sometimes to fit around my life but it worked as I didn’t really have any issues during training and I feel like I ran a good marathon too. I practiced fuelling on long runs and also what and when to eat before hand. The drink that I drank during the race is called Tailwind I believe it truly works as one of my very long training runs I didn’t use it and I had an awful run. Search for tailwind online. The gels I use are usually ok but I think because it was so hot I was quite thirsty which made them sickly

That sounded like a hot marathon, good job almost making your goal time anyway. And thanks for sharing your story!

Thank you

I love the simplicity and freedom of running. A pair of shoes and you are all set to explore new trails.
Rachel Boston

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Congratulations. Shame about the broken down train with your husband.

Are you going to do it again next year?

Thanks,I’m going to apply in the ballot so fingers crossed

Wawooo thats great work done, shown your passion in hot weather @shazza

Thank you

Congratulations! I bet that pint tasted awazing!

Thank you, I had been looking forward to that pint all day

Congratulations great effort.

Congratulations - you made it!

Thank you

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