
Still suffering them or recovered?

I still suffer but can suppress pain with preventative stretching and foam rolling. Do you suggest anything different that keeps you in such good condition for running?

Reduce the volume and fast runs... avoid fast interval runs of 200m on hard pavement...
Foam rolling is fine for the achilles, also cold baths or combinations of 1' warm+1'cold water baths... Groin strain is difficult... Also is a question of educate yourself on running technics, I mean, to have a balanced stride and good step...

I am in the off season for soccer so can reduce fast interval runs for this time. My groin i notice flames up when my stride is too long on a fast run. Thank you Eddie.

Exactly, if the stride is long then your hip suffers...It happened to me because preparing Marathon I changed unconsciously my cadence, from the usual 180 steps per minute to the current 165 or so, enlarging at the same time my stride... It seems to be more economical in terms of aerobical work and so it is, but also you can get easily injured because the force of the impacts are stronger on your hips...

BTW, I used to play soccer as well and, to tell you the truth, I decided to give up since likelihood of get injured playing soccer is huge...not because the physical effort but the impacts you have while playing against other players, sometimes not well trained but willing to play strong...

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