
I have found a wee secret to avoiding the sore legs a couple of days after a run...

If you run a bit pretty much every day, without a gap of more than a day in between runs, you don't get sore legs. It sort of, postpones the sore leg feeling.

I hope that helps ;-)

I wanted to run yesterday, but it started heavy raining...

hehe if it is raining I don't run either.

If it is too windy I don't run, or if there is beer in the fridge ;-)

The trick is to think of days off as recovery days. your body needs those days so you don't get injured.

I'm having one of those days today.

So don't feel bad about it. It's all a valid part of training ;-)

Oh yea. If it would be raining a little i would go, but it started quite heavy

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