@Hopehuggs' Runaway Rhymes Poetry Competition # 2 Entry: The Waves That I Braved (Original Poem)

in #runawayrhymes8 years ago

Please be sure to check out, show some love and participate in @hopehuggs' AMAZING Runaway Rhymes Poetry Competition # 2

Please be sure to enter and support her idea, and I look forward to reading all of your entries. Best of luck to everyone. Here is my entry titled "The Waves That I Braved" first without Gifs, then you can scroll down for my poem again with Gifs

When I was young, the waves swallowed me whole
I got too close and I'd toss and then roll
It was out of my hands, the sweeping so cold
I had no control, only bubbles to hold

A rag doll how I thrashed, I was so scared to death
Had sand in my eyes, as I harbored my breath
I was going away, much too far from the shore
The imminent dangers I couldn't ignore

My heart rate erratic, a panicking manic
Mouthing for oxygen, flailing and frantic
Spinning and dazed, I gave a last kick
My head broke the surface, my body now bricks

My lungs were ablaze, compressed without space
A single inhale, with my fading blue face
A tug on my shirt, a gripping of hands
A splashing of sorts, from a woman in tan

A friend of my Aunt, had stopped me from drowning
"Relax, you're okay." My frail body was mounting
We made it to shore, so relieved I survived
Embraced close my Aunt, a bond still alive

This true story I tell, I'll never forget
Each time that I bathe, shower, or am wet
That cavern of water, gripping waves that I braved
Released from its trap, no longer its slave

With Gifs

When I was young, the waves swallowed me whole
I got too close and I'd toss and then roll
It was out of my hands, the sweeping so cold
I had no control, only bubbles to hold

A rag doll how I thrashed, I was so scared to death
Had sand in my eyes, as I harbored my breath
I was going away, much too far from the shore
The imminent dangers I couldn't ignore

My heart rate erratic, a panicking manic
Mouthing for oxygen, flailing and frantic
Spinning and dazed, I gave a last kick
My head broke the surface, my body now bricks

My lungs were ablaze, compressed without space
A single inhale, with my fading blue face
A tug on my shirt, a gripping of hands
A splashing of sorts, from a woman in tan

A friend of my Aunt, had stopped me from drowning
"Relax, you're okay." My frail body was mounting
We made it to shore, so relieved I survived
Embraced close my Aunt, a bond still alive

This true story I tell, I'll never forget
Each time that I bathe, shower, or am wet
That cavern of water, gripping waves that I braved
Released from its trap, no longer its slave

Thank you for reading this post in its entirety. I hope you enjoyed it for what it's worth.

I'll still be continuing accepting donations until I can reach my goal to fly out to america with my children and wife to visit my family as it is very urgent indeed.

I've raised $169 and .07 cents of Steemit Currency in total from both My Posts and Donations from Steemit Community Members this 2017 forward and $00.00 in US Dollar Donations so far towards my goal of $ 6,000.00 (Six Thousand) US Dollars and will keep everyone updated with every new future post that I submit.
This total amount will not only include donations I've received to the Paypal account I've provided: [email protected], but it will also include the Steemit Currency that I accrue/receive from all of my personal posts starting the 1st of January of 2017 forward calculated after a 48 hour time frame is finished for the payout cycle of each post to avoid miscalculating the fluctuating price of Steemit Currency.

For more information on that, please check my New Year's/Happy Bday Post

Thanks sincerely again in advance for all your help, anything and everything helps.

@scammymcspambot, @prufarchy, @trevor.george, @dreemit, @inphiknit

All Gifs used from Giphy.com

Next Post coming tomorrow

My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!


That is a wild ride in poetry and one that sounds like you've actually lived through. I had a similar experience when I was younger. Very scary. I probably should have died...but it wasn't my time.

Thanks as always for reading and commenting. It definitely was a bad experience ending good. I've had many near fatal experiences in bodies of water and I'm glad you and me both lived to tell our tales. Let's pray our times are extended very far and wide from this moment of now.

Wow. So crazy to imagine what that must have been like. I love how you ended with the connection to your aunt, and the feeling of freedom. She must be very special to you...

Thanks and good luck in #RunawayRhymes!

Thank you very much bro, she is indeed special to me. She is like my second mother for sure. I have yet to show her the poem but will do so soon. I'm sure she'll enjoy the poetic surprise of that memory indeed. And yes, I will need all the luck I can get with the high quality competitors in all these great competitions everywhere :)

Oh she'd love it! There isn't much else like finding out someone has been thinking about you...

And that's for sure! @hopehuggs is gonna have a tough time deciding on this round!

Yeah, I definitely agree to both statements, I couldn't hold a contest of my own, deciding would be so difficult!

Wow what an epic poetic tale. I almost drowned in a wave machine, but don't think a poem about it could be a smidgen as good as this.

Been trying to raise funds for you this week with my posts, but after great STEEM week, this week has been not so good. So will keep at till I get a good post or two, then donate all proceeds (plus sorry to say not posted last 3 days as flu has got me).


Thank you very much @hopehuggs, you are a very kindhearted soul to even think of me and about donating. I appreciate any and all of your efforts thus far and it doesn't go overlooked or taken for granted. I hope the flu leaves you soon, me and my family were sick with a respiratory syncytial virus a couple of weeks ago and incapacitated us to a low state of debilitation. It was the worst I had ever been sick, but luckily we all survived the two week onslaught. And that's terrible to have experienced that in a wave machine, I'm glad you're alive today as well. Reminds us always how fragile and delicate we truly are and how precious life is. One moment we are here, the next we are a memory making space for another life to fill the gap. Thank you again and God bless you :)

Phew, what a tale/poem. Great work man!!!

Always nice to see you in my comments feed bro, thank you very much for reading my poem. I'm glad you enjoyed it, it was definitely not fun to live through it lol drowning and burning alive are too of the worst ways to die naturally I feel.

Wow, you are good at getting your feelings out in your writing. I feel the emotions.

Thank you for your kind words, and for taking time to read my work. I've been writing since I was 12 years old, and being 28 now, I have gotten a grip on how to rearrange my expressions in a literary form for people's enjoyment and experience. I'm glad I could make a genuine connection with the emotions I instilled in this poem. Appreciate the feedback indeed.

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