[thewinneris][readersdigest] no dear diary diary today, dear, how about that post .. well ... how about the money ? is it here yet ?

in #rudyardcatling6 years ago (edited)

maybe a little deardiary.png

effort huh ? i put in 25 years of effort and it got me nothing ... i write a script to combine what i do and its no longer effort after that ? spoken like a babyboomer from the sixties ... always positive men do it with their hands

me too, the right one for the last few years ... maybe that's why middle finger's stuck in a cramp and you keep concentrating on it, despite the teachings of Bruce Lee ...

quiet night but short its FUCKING SUMMER, summers never been my friend, hayfever ... im used to being the night but this place just won't let me, broke as fuck , stuck in a place i hate since i was 15 , no way out ... don't need dopamine, i need MONEY , REAL MONEY if i cant have that its not worth the effort ... effort huh

they try to lure me into rolling over and doing tricks for their entertainment by dangling cookies in front of me

but i can bake those myself .... i need MONEY

... dear diary, a heart-felt fuck.png


here ...

its not #steemkitchen it's #poormanskitchen ... 30 minutes and yes i know there are people who have less so i should feel AWESOME about being stuck in a dead zone, the "christian thing to do" , the worship of suffering ... the mega dopamine adventure . Well some educational videos can't be spread enough, i mean, rihanna might come by with a vid with the same title and make ure all the rest disappears from youtube ... dont know how they do that, but that's how rich the people who sue downloadmom are ... they can do that :)

well you asked for it, and here it is, the amount of hours i spend on steemit for a few cents trying to build independence amounts to a seven day job ... which i can manage


for myself ... never again FOR YOU

well then .. i has a post (but not enough effort i guess) WANT A COOKIE ?

well you asked for it, i was just gonna winner is and readers digest, doesnt matter since its not whale cookie material , so

fuckthat.png ... too, i told you, that hippie shit "law of attraction" breaks down when you're living inside or at the event horizon of a black hole, knee deep in the swamp where old people and ideas come to die, if you push it, something will come out, but mostly vitriol since that's all thats left ... where's my money ? every cent you owe me since the day you stuck me back here, i was doing just fine, so where's my money, every cent i couldnt make since the day you stuck me back here ? +intrest ... i did your calculation once, a very optimistic estimate (for your side) ...

don't have it ? then we're done here i guess

wednesday tomorrow ... double hell day, i think im gonna take some extra pills to make sure i miss the daylight

yea its easy when its plus ... but i think the millionaires are here for the money too, otherwise they'd be sharing more than i do with my 10% i give away

yea wednesday, broke as fuck, dont get your hopes up, not using garbage pail kids, bende van blo or stalker cars, im so broke i cant even buy potatoes at the market

but i got pasta til december ... yea i ask in january to pay the bills until july b/c i had the money but "thats not how its done" now i have to puzzle it and they have to wait ... FUCKING RETARDS

stick your positivity up your fucking ass, it doesnt work like that here

yea, bla and whatever ... fresh in btw, last edit ... only four or five this time huh ... wel WHO cares, if i would make a stat on reward per hour spent on post average it would tell me what i know : IT DOESNT MAKE A DIFFERENCE, i see pictures from 9gag getting 10s of dollars and 2 page poems getting 0.01 IT DOESNT MATTER, and what's more, the complaining and the yanking, *are you yanking my pizzle* ? as henry said before they patched it ... if my vote were still 0.04 like last month i could split it in half and give zero posts a payout, it would probably be close to 0.06 now and seen as from the start 0.08 or 0.1 BUT its not due to pricewars ... SO, i DO give 10% away for 10sp i get i give 1sp away ... i have two accounts that give about all sbd on every post away ... and YOU WERE SAYING ?

cos all ihear is "blablabla thats not how its done" sounds like the people who wrecked my life

FRESH IN : EOS FREEZES ACCOUNTS ! ... so far decentralized central authority and more LOL i just saw while checking mail which i generally dont

when that shrink the solution was to get a nightshift job at the local factory ... me the concept-cat that i am ofcourse immediately applied, well knowing the result, (well i do, and that deskjockey quack who hasnt seen anything but his desk for 40 years clearly doesnt)

much to my surprise

they actually replied

well-shrink-san-about that suggestion you made.png

maybe a bit of education on current situation in 2018 outside of the office buildings is in order for people who think they got the power


ah wut ? yea another edit you know, its rising chickens, its poking me to get up and masjen in den of ... no actually from what i read the accounts have been frozen by the (not so de-)central authority (talk about not hiding your oligarchy there lol because they were 'suspected' not because they were proven because in soviet russia, all you have to do is point your finger, dearie ...

now, no ofcourse not , sober as a bat ... where does this ... this legend come from ? i probably drink half to only 10% of your average belgian, if you were to walk around here on glass day you would see the baskets outside full of bottles ... its hard to hide in a country were recycling is "by law" ... and you would see how many i have too ... last two times none, now a few ... i DO drink yes, i eat porc too, i'm not religious ... but i tend to concentrate the efforts because half a party is none and leaves me wanting ... does make me -holic, only in the eyes of salems puritans ... and where does that come from anyway ?

posers and camera phones perhaps?

you know the jpg, its already in here twice

gud, sleep well, cat is home, i can close my eyes now

ow yea, there's a lot of revolution going on ... mostly by people who don't seem to know where it comes from and half the time dont even know what it is or how it works ... i DO know the original blockchain could run nodes by anyone (which didnt save it from the 51% attack last month (or was that this month) but thats because too many people have been giving up ... the neo-chains all seem to have central authorities in the form of a few dozen to hundred VERY RICH people ... who DICTATE what is coming ... i know blabla but thats how it is) with startup why would i do "the next blockchain killer" or "the dapp to rule all crApps"? by then it's gonna be SO centralized and regulated it will impossible to get into unless you run underground (like tor systems or the likes) ... i would more be thinking smaller initiatives i can leave to the people who helped set it up (for shares ofcourse so i keep some money coming) if need be non profit but non profit doesn't mean people working for it don't get paid you see ...

sustainability, edri, quadrature, tpp ... hell fucking jaimie the health cook ...

smaller units

TRULY de-centralized :)

so i keep saying i will never go for witness here not even when i have the money ... way too much hassle, and no fun, im not interested in billions, a few million would last me more than a lifetime probably ... is that not thinking big ? then you're not from around here, darling

allright, nuff talked, for the four or five eyes reading this ...

bleh (and also bla)

ow yea, there's a lot of revolution going on ... mostly by people who don't seem to know where it comes from and half the time dont even know what it is or how it works ... i DO know the original blockchain could run nodes by anyone (which didnt save it from the 51% attack last month (or was that this month) but thats because too many people have been giving up ... the neo-chains all seem to have central authorities in the form of a few dozen to hundred VERY RICH people ... who DICTATE what is coming ... i know blabla but thats how it is) with startup why would i do "the next blockchain killer" or "the dapp to rule all crApps"? by then it's gonna be SO centralized and regulated it will impossible to get into unless you run underground (like tor systems or the likes) ... i would more be thinking smaller initiatives i can leave to the people who helped set it up (for shares ofcourse so i keep some money coming) if need be non profit but non profit doesn't mean people working for it don't get paid you see ...

sustainability, edri, quadrature, tpp ... hell fucking jaimie the health cook ...

smaller units

TRULY de-centralized :)

so i keep saying i will never go for witness here not even when i have the money ... way too much hassle, and no fun, im not interested in billions, a few million would last me more than a lifetime probably ... is that not thinking big ? then you're not from around here, darling

allright, nuff talked, for the four or five eyes reading this ...

bleh (and also bla)


and the winner is :

@steembasicincome #steembasicincome #borderlessnation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOTHING is sacred, YOU have the right to question


people who are receiving daily votes thanks to yours truly @rudyardcatling because i got a share in @steembasicincome for me ... isnt that the nicest thing ? a pledge i made long ago when things looked a bit brighter right in front of me, 10% of every year, slightly distorted and applied (for now, with no obligations ofcourse)

i have to thank @dannyshine for enrolling me (without telling me, i wouldnt have noticed if i didnt check my logs) so i dont tell the others and they wont know unless they read here or check their logs , just remember long after you use it before they implement it

@dannyshine, @fishmon , @futuremind , @free999enigma (x2), @mikebluehair42 , @lastditch , @darsico(x2) , @moeenali , @bobdos , @hfnetworks , @yehey , @travelkorea , @zoeyvalliant , @hispeedimagins , @xplore , @pinoy , @recordrealm , @lovelyboo , @tushar83904 , @naf , @pssf84 , @truthbeyondlies , @lemouth , @papa-pepper , @nanocheeze, @sammycakes, @qam2112 , @thedailysneak , @andre-verbrick
find #steembasicincome at @steembasicincome, they will reply on the feed but better on the discord
not sure if all those are still correct, i'll check it some time, but im sure you can find their feed if need be ... the rules ? blablabla, first of all i give away what i give away so i dont think there's anything to debate but first goes random from the top voters at the moment of 10X, if all top voters have had one within one month then it goes random from then 1000+ followers, MIND YOU : ONLY NON STALE ACCOUNTS, NON BOT ACCOUNTS AND NO ACCOUNTS THAT ONLY RE-STEEM or it would be a waste, so yea, there's two people who have two, they happen to be top-voters on my account, why would that be unfair ? and even if it is ... you're free to refuse a share if you get one, i dont get paid to diplomat

i have a small idea on how to give to people who already received a share if they come up but i have to test that first


(image from https://www.innovationtoronto.com/ )

i will ofcourse check the account before i send, if it's a 'stale' account then putting sbi bots on it to vote is 100% pointless

i think we can all agree on that ?


there we are, see you at 240 (im not sure i'm keepin track here i send the sbi way before because i keep the messages for content, open book, hyperthread, THINK MORE, work less unless its for yourself, symbiosis is the key to nature)

@rudyardcatling catta liiina , puts his cat in the senate then asks the powers that be : "if you see any whale with 2million sp give 10 percent out in daily vote shares instead of telling you to entertaim them ... you know, do a little monkey dance and tell a funny and maybe then you get a crumb ... give them a round of applause) ... i think that's it for now
i know its caligula, dude, but how does that rhyme with cat?

thanks for your patience

and kind consideration

owh .. by the way ->

i do not ask for anything in return nor will i refuse anything that doesn't come with strings attached, if anyone for any reason doesn't want their share , they can always give it back, it's all in the faq, since this is the internet i assume you know what that is, and where to find it
it's easy to be magnanimous and enlightened when you're pockets are ALREADY FAT

me : https://steemit.com/introduction/@rudyardcatling/signature-post-20180501
last but not least :

readers digest

a nice way to flatten the planet in an environmentally friendlly way or "why sapients were born to go extinct"


i know my passions and i know what i miss to get them : MONEY, REAL MONEY, not snickers money, if i cant get real money its not worth the effort


so much hype from all that money, this is starting to feel like Apple, Cola and mickey Dees being "the best" ... basically its what hyperledger and banca did from the start if i'm not mistaken ...

id almost think microsoft owns ethereum, i mean .. that or apple if i see the way ideas are being

"borrowed" ... yay for open source huh ? take it all give nothing back, then sue pirates cuz "omg my 12the ferrari this year"


we'll see about that TOO ... ethereum is backed by cash so they get to hype and advertise whatever the fuck they want , seeing is believing though


i guess we had it coming ... and i fear its gonna be hollywood interpretation of reality a la "hackers" ... but we'll see, maybe, cos movies are xpensive


i'm sure its all with the best intentions but pushing the steem chaing into the face of the EU to get investors ... now that's what i call BOLD, these people are the regulators of the world ... pfffffrrrrr .... that's like flipping a coin that might explode in your face, man


yes when steem hits $5000 and i open my own school this will be a mandatory course


here come the morganites and the edisonians, patenting innovation right into its grave ... on top of that the EU is gonna crowdsource blockchain ... like they did with that piracy report i guess ...


there you go, the old tale of the last doctor making himself obsolete seems to apply exponentially to programmers :)


there, there, just have Trump deny climate change and if that doesn't work write a law that forbids it, THAT'l teach it !

Herbert & Turing in one article omg .. recognition :)


just what the doctor prescribed :p ... MORE particles ... sterile neutrinos ... to use a sexist expression ? "what's more fickle than a women" KNOW WHAT YOU WANT particles ? trans-gender particles ?

and moreover , has the whole standard model been wrong for 40 years ? DUDE ! :p



Hi, we have voted on your post because you have posted your article to either food, recipe, recipes, cooking or steemkitchen #tag. Steemkitchen is a brand new initiative where we want to build a community/guild focused purely on the foodie followers and lovers of the steem blockchain. Steemkitchen is out of the conceptual phase and growing each day. We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas.

We are almost ready to Launch the first Decentralized Recipe and Food Blog Website that will utilize the Steem BlockChain and its community to reward contributions by its members.

Please consider joining us at our new discord server https://discord.gg/XE5fYnk

Also please consider joining our curation trail on https://steemauto.com/ to help support each other in this community of food and recipe lovers.

Kind Regards


Ps. Please reply “No Vote” if you prefer not to receive this vote and comment in the future.

thank you very much ... i'm thinking about opening an account and have my mother provide me a post-a-week lol ... i'll make sure to tag you if that happens

A fantastic idea that I myself have been contemplating.

no harm in trying :)

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