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RE: Шишкинские писаницы. Древние наскальные рисунки.

in #ru8 years ago

Thank you
Sorry, I have no Russian keyboard.
There is a difference between the literature of value and pulp fiction, or as we would call in Russian “беллетристика.” Boris Akunin, who is master of pulp fiction genre, defined the difference very well before he introduced one of his works in the actually literary genre.
The main difference is that literature and art have ideas behind it and is a representation of philosophical views, while pulp fiction might have an interesting plot but has nothing behind it.
Without doubts, you are familiar with Gogol’s “Inspector General” play. Well, Gogol wasn’t the first one to use this plot. In fact, he literally stole this plot from another contemporary author, I forgot his name.
Except that, in the original play, the inspector was a con man, who deceived everybody to swindle the money from them. In Gogol’s play Khlestakov isn’t a con man, but just an empty headed boaster. The city officials offer him bribes not because he deceived them, but because of they all sinners, take bribes, etc. Thus, with this play opened a huge bag of worms and you can dig and dig and relate it to the future, while pulp fiction normally doesn’t live further than one read.

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