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RE: Шишкинские писаницы. Древние наскальные рисунки.

in #ru8 years ago

Да конечно, истины мы не узнаем никогда. Впрочем, могло быть и так конечно, что уж. Похожие рисунки там встречаются. Надеюсь, всем им, и Васям, и не-Васям, было приятно посидеть под камушком в свои времена, старые рисунки посмотреть, своё новенькое дорисовать)
За идею пожалуйста, если реализуете - хотелось бы почитать)


Once I started to think about the overall composition of this story, I realized that the main sticking point to my idea would be the type of painting that a historical Vasya would leave after himself. It should be something very simple that Vasya can do quickly and easily, but most importantly it should be something that wouldn’t provide any artistic or symbolic value and wouldn’t tell any story. This could be a poke of a spear, or a drawing of a cross, or, oversimplified schematic drawing of a person, that obviously be not a part of the previous composition.

Here is the link to the resulting story. Thanks again to the idea and the discussion

Спасибо за ссылку и историю, и пожалуйста - за идею) У вас получается круто, хотела бы я уметь так развивать сюжеты из малейшей идеи!)

Thank you! To build a plot isn’t such a hard thing. It’s much harder to build an engaging “pulp fiction” plot, with lots of action, an opposition of the good and bad guy, and maybe some love of a strong and sophisticated man with equally strong and sophisticated woman – something that an American and, to a large degree, an undemanding literary public requires.

I should have taken a template invented by Brown in “Da Vinci Code.” Otherwise, who would like to hear about thoughts in a head of some nerd? Maybe I should “gird up the loins” and write another one? Somehow though I don’t like templates, although I am afraid I am being stubborn in vain.

Ну, т.к. любовь близка большинству людей, любовная тема часто хорошо дополняет букет. Хотя больше конечно интересует женщин, но ведь нас много) А в остальном - люди часто ищут в книгах и фильмах то, чего им недостаёт в реальной жизни - приключений, страстей, интриг, тайн и загадок, расследований. Всё, как в "Коде Да Винчи" - и это можно понять)
Другое дело - качество написанного, многие довольно требовательны и хотят увлекаться сюжетом по-настоящему, с головой, забывая про время и мир вокруг. И если мысли в чьей-то голове могут развиться в это, они будут интересны, главное, чтоб их заметили)
Но конечно, не все истории одинаково интересны людям - своего читателя нужно ещё найти)
Ваши маленькие рассказы хороши, на мой вкус. Хоть и на английском труднее читать)

Thank you
Sorry, I have no Russian keyboard.
There is a difference between the literature of value and pulp fiction, or as we would call in Russian “беллетристика.” Boris Akunin, who is master of pulp fiction genre, defined the difference very well before he introduced one of his works in the actually literary genre.
The main difference is that literature and art have ideas behind it and is a representation of philosophical views, while pulp fiction might have an interesting plot but has nothing behind it.
Without doubts, you are familiar with Gogol’s “Inspector General” play. Well, Gogol wasn’t the first one to use this plot. In fact, he literally stole this plot from another contemporary author, I forgot his name.
Except that, in the original play, the inspector was a con man, who deceived everybody to swindle the money from them. In Gogol’s play Khlestakov isn’t a con man, but just an empty headed boaster. The city officials offer him bribes not because he deceived them, but because of they all sinners, take bribes, etc. Thus, with this play opened a huge bag of worms and you can dig and dig and relate it to the future, while pulp fiction normally doesn’t live further than one read.

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