Week fifteen Quest post: the undead horde part two

in #rpg6 years ago

out of the forest to the north a small lady appearing she has a dress on her it has seen better days its muddy and rotten, her left arm is just bone. she caring a wood staff. on her side its a small dog he is missing part of his jaw. she is staring down methus and part of the horde is going up the the wall where he is start hitting it. and the are trying to clime up.


The rest of the horde is moving to the gate. @creativetruth ses @cyber.explorer, Tim, @enjar, @happyme and the bear lady @paradigm42 running out parts of undeads are flying all arund them. he ses @ecoinstant, @blockurator , @hhayweaver ,Big Jake and @methus in side the wall..am hold the door. two undeads are running in @creativetruth cutting down one of them and removing the arm of the next one. out side the gate its total chaos. Tim manage to escape in the the forest he ses what happen after he open the door..he thinking to him self did a do a mistake?. he thinking on his training back in the old country when he was a young soldier dont get surrounded use your speed to your advantage. he ses @enjar take a hit no time to ponder time to strike


normal sneak attack

updated quest rules

Overview over all collonyes getting update every week.

the wood gate has a small door in the wood gate. its sucure by a big cross beam on the inside. its and easy way to get out. the main gate is heavy need. its build whit a pully system and slow to open need a lost of time to open.
to open the small door take one turn same to close it.

wood wall 100 hit points nord east -4 hit points
wood gate 50 hit points (no damage small door open but blocked by creativetruth)

@cyber.explorer and blaze (wolf pelt,amulet,ale) 9 (+5 long sword)
(+4 stone spear)
4 hit points (+8 armor)
3 Healing potion

player symbol:Cyber.png

@enjar (ring,amulet) 7 (+4 iron spear "4 dam")
4 hit points (+1 armor)(wounded)
3 health potions

player symbol:enjar.png

@ecoinstant (ring,amulet) 7 (+5 long sword)(+4 bow"gem" 3 dam)
4 hit points (+4 armor)

player symbol:ecostand.png

@blockurator (amulet) 6 (+5 iron long sword 3 dam/gem)(+3 cross bow "4 dam")
4 hit points (+5 armor)
2 health potions

player symbol: blockcruator.png

worker 3 (+4 iron axe)
4 hit points (+3 armor)

player symbol:: blockcruatorworker.png
@hhayweaver 5 (+3 stone ax)(+4 bow)
4 hit points (+2 Armor)
1 Health Potion

player symbol:: hhayweaver.png

@paradigm42 (bear cape,ale) 9 (+4 iron battle ax with 4 damage. (Two handed weapon.)
4 hit points (+5 Armor)
2 health potions

player symbol:: paradigm42.png

@creativetruth (amulet,ale) 8 (+5 long sword)
4 hit points (+6 armor)

player symbol::creative.png

Big Jake: (ale) 5 (+4 "Fang" axe)(+4 bow)
4 hit points (+1 armor)

player symbol::bigjake.png
@stever82 5 (+5 Iron Axe)(+4 Bow)
4 hit points (+2 Armor)

player symbol::steven.png

@happyme (ring,amulet) 7 (+5 Long sword gem "3 dam")(+4 iron spear
4 hit points (+4 Armor)

player symbol::happyme.png

@methus (ring,ale) 8 (+4 bow) (+5 dark staff 2 melee damage)(spells: dark heal)
4 hit points (+6 Armor)

player symbol::methus.png

Tim (amulet,ale) 8 (+5 iron sword)(+2 iron shield)
4 hit points (+10 Armor)
2 health potions

player symbol::tim.png
undeads 5 (no weapons)
4 hit points
(very slow 3 squares movment) and two turns

undeads 5 (no weapons) (next to @creativetruth)
2 hit points

Color: Red

undead master 10 (dark staff)
4 hit points (+12 armor)

color: big red

undead small dog 3 (no weapons)
2 hit points

color: small dog



"Archers! Aim for the lady with the staff!"

Big Jake hears the familiar voice calling orders from further outside the wall. Is that the same voice of the man he remembers who always seemed to have a smile on his face? Strangely, he wondered if the fellow was still smiling in this dark moment.

A murder hole in the wall provided ample space to search in the direction the fellow archers were indicating. He restocked his arrows and put his eye to the hole. There she was, surrounded by an ominous dark cloud of whirling shadows. Her staff was crackling with morbid energy. The words of her spells sounded perverted and unholy, probably hellish curses insulting the powers of goodness that abandoned humanity in the last epoch.

Big Jake takes aim with the bow. Isn't it bad luck to kill a wizard?


Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Second attack for Big Jake.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 19.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 7.

map update

Tim killed two (one of the one happyme had wounded
paradigm42 killed two
blockurator killed one
enjar killed one
happyme killed one


yes u did...added one

Noticing the undead enchantress approach from the northwest, I study the situation. It appears that at the gate things are going well, but in front of me the undead are beginning to writhe, scrape and attempt to climb up towards me.

I recognize the staff and assume she is some kind of wizard. I aim first for her undead dog.

Update: I put a 3 damage arrow into the dog and one into the enchantress.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

I drive an arrow deep into the small dog for 3 damage, and it falls limp, then I take aim at the mistress. (7+4=11)


Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 11.

Hit! I aim to shoot one more arrow into the enchantress!


Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 16.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 12.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 10.

Seeing a clear path to my right I move five spaces east and one north to circumvent the horde and put me in a better place to attack them, Blaze follows me.

Update: I, (and Blaze) did 3 damage to the old hag.

Next, blaze and I move six space north through a clearing of undead to a vantage point, and then notice the small woman gesturing wildly with a staff towards the undead mass engulfing the wall. I realize she must be controlling them somehow and immediately throw my javelin at her. *surprise attack! @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

she see me! but me spear is already flying. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

She wasn't quick enough to move away! and with a solid hit she takes 2 damage.
With a bolt, Blaze runs up and assists with his trusty bite for another point.

I see undead directly to the north of me. I can’t let them get inside and attack the archers or break down the wall protecting the only safe area we have to retreat to if needed.


1 hit and 2 misses. I kill one dead to the north of me.

I attack undead with my iron spear to the north of me @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 18.

That is a miss I attack again with my iron spear @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 9.

That is a hit 1 killed. I attack the other undead to the north of me with my iron spear @rolld20.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 20.

What kind of dark magic is this! I miss by a mile.

@creativetruth watched as the carrion crows circled above. In the aftermath of this battle, he wondered if the crows would feast, even on the rotting flesh of the undead. Would they not too become diseased, and perhaps become mindless beast? Featherless, boney, weak, and small they would be. Not the kind of undead minions that would be the front line fodder for a future attack. Perhaps they would become the night time murderers, ready to peck out our eyes when we sleep, so we might never wake again. Somehow, that possibility frightened him more than slow moving foes he currently faced.

With his second hand free, it was easy to dodge and maintain his balance for well-aimed and timed stikes against the predictable zombie that approached the gate. Three more behind it were ready to fill its position the moment it falls. These are not patient creatures capable of strategy, he reminded himself. The mindless idiots would press their way through, using their strength in numbers, uncaring of any weapons digging into the guts of the front-runners.

Long sword attack.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 10.

Second attack against the next foe.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 20.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 14.

With a roar I spring into action, charge attacking the undead 2 squares directly north of me near the open gate.

One enemy down, though several to go! I attack the undead in the same square I just attacked.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

Miss.. Fustrated that my blade keeps missing its target, I focus my battle rage and attack again.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 9.

Another undead sent back to the nether world. I postion myself in the square of the 2 undead I just vanquished, and prepare to defend the small gate.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 20.

I take aim with my bow at the one nearest to me @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 11.

I miss as the arrow hits the dirt I take aim again @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 15.

I miss again if he is now up close enough up the wall I will attack with my axe @rolld20

100% upvote worth $0.38 from @betgames

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

I land a hit with the axe but only enough to slow him down a bit.

100% upvote worth $0.42 from @betgames

My worker jumps down off the wall and runs to help @creativetruth at the gate. I slide down to where the worker was and continue firing arrows at the horde trying to climb the wall. First shot: @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 5.

Hit. Dead. I fire another. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 14.

OOC: I will hold my third action until later.

It's a miss. My worker charge attacks the undead at the gate standing next to @creativetruth. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 17.

He stumbles, falls. Picks himself up again and takes a swing. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 12.

His axe swings through the air like lead. He is not even close. Realizing it, he steps forward, raises the axe above his head, and brings it down in a swift motion toward the skull of the undead. @rolld20

Shooting arrows at the undead master. @rolld20

Update: Results - 2 hits for 4 damage on the undead master

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 14.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 5.

Hit. one more shot @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

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