Week eighteen quest post: invasion of Black harbor part two

in #rpg6 years ago (edited)

@methus ,@enjar blaze and @cyber.explorer is sinking down the the water. they find the row bout Rastael was telling them about. the manage to get all inn the bout, @enjar start to row they are silent blaze is not used to be in a bout but @cyber.explorer manage to come him down the are gong slowly pass the wall and the can see inn the the village the can see the Snake clan chief. the silent is broken by a scream from where the came from the can see Warriors running to the gate. the Snake clan chief. is shouting commands. they has not been seen.


@ecoinstant sending the first arrow at the guard tower he gets two hits down from his side @blockurator, aiming his cross bow the arrow fly but he is missing the guard. Rastael mumbling Roots from the ground is encircles one of the Warriors he is stuck he try to move use his sword but its no use.
@happyme is running forwards get a good hit on one of the Warriors at the gate. @hhayweaver is joining in his war hammer hits hard knocking the boots of the Warriors be staggers blood is poring out. of a big cut. but swings back but the shock attack make him misses @hhayweaver is stuck at the wall .. and arrow hit the wall next to him, but he is unharmed then he ses arrows hiting @ecoinstant, @blockurator ,Rastael and @happyme he hoping his fellows colonists are ok.
@stever82 is aiming careful but the vind is stronger then expedited. on his side he can see a Warriors running at him he take one hit. @enjoycompany, @creativetruth , big jake is planing there attack thinking how we can save this before its to late.


The bout take three people it take one action to row over the River (from your starting location). or max 6 squares a turn
use the shore line as refaranse point

The rowbout can use normal charge attack so the first turn you can row the shore then jump out and attack then you have two turn left.

The gates need melee weapons it has 15 hit points auto hit meaning you dont need to roll the dice to hurt it

line of sight rule whit the buildings you cant see over them (squares)

normal sneak attack 1-3

when a colonist have 0 hit points he is unconscious by the colonists need to give him a health potions or and Magic heal so he can continuing the quest. if no heal is given the colonists revising no loot and get - on his next turn. if all colonists in a quest are unconscious the quest is over and no loot is given.
'it take a one action to give a potion and you need to be next to the colonists.

Quest rules

Overview over all collonyes


@ecoinstant (cinnamon roll.amulet.ring) 9 (+4 bow gem 3 dam)
4 hit points (+2 of 11 armor) (-9 wounded)
3 health potions


Rastael (cinnamon roll) 7 (+5 wizard staff 2 dam )(+4 armor Iron shield 2 dam knock back)
4 hit points (+5 of 8 armor)(-3 wounded)
3 health potions

Spells:(Dark Heal) and (Roots)


@happyme (ring,amulet) 7 (+5 Long sword gem 3 dam)(+4 iron spear 2 dam)
4 hit points (+3 of 6 Armor) (-3 wounded)


@stever82 5 (+5 Axe)(+4 bow 2 dam)
4 hit points (+2 of 4 armor)(-2 wounded)
1 health potion (from @enjar)


@enjoycompany (cinnamon roll) 7 (+4 stone club 2 dam)(+4 armor large wood shield 2 melee knock back)
4 hit points (+6 armor)


@creativetruth (-3 wounded) (ale,amulet) 5 (+5 long sword)(+4 bow)
** 4 hit points (+6 Armor)**
1 health potion


Big Jake (ale) 5 (+4 "Fang")(+6 hunter's Bow 3 dam)
4 hit points (+1 Armor)


@enjar (cinnamon roll,amulet,ring) 9 (+4 iron spear gem 4 dam)(+4 armor large wood shield 2 dam)
4 hit points (+8 armor)
3 health potions



@methus (cinnamon roll,rings).9 (+5 dark staff 2 melee damage)(+2 armor wood shield 2 dam knock back)
4 hit points (+9 armor)
1 health potion

spells: (Dark heal)(Dark missile)



@blockurator(-3 wounded)(amulet) 3 (+5 iron long sword 3 dam/gem)(+3 cross bow "4 dam")
4 hit points (+2 of 5 armor)(-3 wounded)
2 health potions



@hhayweaver (cinnamon rolls,ring) 8 (+3 war Hammer two hands 5 dam),
4 hit points (+2 Armor)
1 Health Potion,



@cyber.explorer (ale,amulet,wolf pelt) 9 (+5 long sword w/gem 3dam)(+4 armor iron shield 2 dam knock back)(+1 dam Blaze)
4 hit points (+14 Armor)
1 healing potion



Snake clan Warrior (ale) 7 (+5 iron sword 2 dam)(+4 armor iron shield 2 dam knock back)
4 hit points (+6 armor)

Snake clan Warrior (ale) 7 (+5 iron sword 2 dam)(+4 armor iron shield 2 dam knock back)
4 hit points (+1 of 6 armor) (-5 wounded)

(next to @hhayweaver)


Snake clan archer (ale) 7 (+5 bow 3 dam)
**4 hit points (+4 armor) **


Snake clan chief (ale.amulet,ring) 9 (+5 iron war hammer 5 dam)
2 hit points (+0 of 12 armor) (-14 wounded)


wood gate: north west
hit points 15

wood gate south east
hit points 15



map update.

nord west tower is empty
the Snake clan chief is dead
the Snake clan Warrior next to @hhayweaver) (4 hp 1 armor left)

I creep up on the shore, and try a sneak attack on the chief. @rollthedice

Edit: Results - Dark heal hits the chief for 2 damage, and 2 recurring, leaving him with 2 hit points left. @cyberexplorer feels reinvigorated, but no tangible result is realized from the heal. Dark Missile misses.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

Sneak fails, charging in with a dark heal at the chief, aimed at @cyberexplorer

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 14.

That hits for 2 damage. Casting dark missile at the chief. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 16.

Having hid on the boat successfully it is time to spring into action.

Update: Snake Clan Chief is dead.

With my last action I take my spear and saw the head off the Clan Chief’s body and stick it on a spike that I have driven into the ground.

I charge attack off the boat towards the snake clan chief with my iron spear @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 18.

That is a miss I attempt again to finish off the snake clan chief with my iron spear @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 7.

I slice the snake clan chief for 4 damage across the face. it slumps over dead. I enter a guarding position with my last move waiting to decide what to do.

If I may, I suggest that you sever the head from the clan chief's body and place it on a pike as a warning to others of the snake clan... Next turn, we should kill off the "warrior" on the dock, and then make our way to the gates, taking cover between buildings.

Sounds like a fun last action.

I'm tempted to attack the warrior. I just don't like how giant that boat looks and if there could be some kind of hidden ambush aboard it. Leaving me rather hesitant in wanting to move closer to it as my last action in an attack.

I agree, best to be safe, who knows what is on the boat.
We display our new trophy proudly and stare down the snake clansman on the dock--- Let us see what he will do first!

With my last action I take my spear and saw the head off the Clan Chief’s body and stick it on a spike that I have driven into the ground.

The strike knocks me back I a lucky right into my armor. For now I am okay. I gather my wits and charge attack the warrior that hit me with my +5 ax. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

My ax hits him and I see that @happyme also manged to land a blow. I see the archers eyeing me and decide it is time to move I charge attack the rooted warrior with the hope of finishing him. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 17.

I miss to distracted it seems I know that I am in trouble if I stay here so I move into the forest and try to hide @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

I fee safe out o the view of them I will strike back soon.

Big Jake takes aim at the unwounded archer up on the nearby tower.

Attack Archer with +6 hunter's bow. Sneak!

Results: 3 misses.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 5.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 20.

Second attack. Same target and weapon.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 13.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 20.

I charge attack the rooted warrior with my longsword. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 5.

That's a hit for 3 of 5 damage.
Action 2: Strike again @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 17.

The arrow sticking out of me made me miss, so I try to run back into the forest and hide for my 3rd action @rollthedice.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

I damage the rooted warrior for 3 hit points. It has 2 life left.
I successfully run back into the forest and hide.

Noting that the Snw is tougher than I thought I will take another swing at him and hope the archers can takeout the Snake Clan archers.

Update: 1 - Hit on wounded Snw - he is dead, 2 - Miss, 3 - Hit on "rooted" Snw (5 damage).

Action 1: Attack Wounded Snw @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

Boom, he is dead as my hammer splits his skull into many chunks.
I will now try a charge attack on the Rooted Snw, @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 15.

Damn, a miss, I will try one more time staying as close to the wall as possible. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

A solid hit on the Rooted Snw (5 damage), his armor softened the blow a bit but he is staggered, all set up for someone to finish him.
But now I am standing here on the battlefield right next to the gate, I hope nobody comes through that gate. If so this might have been a bad idea.

I am feeling well protected with my armour and new shield so I decide to go in for a close up attack on the warrior still standing. https://steemit.com/@rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Aww warrior already dead so I attack the gate instead https://steemit.com/@rolld20

Posted using Partiko iOS

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 19.

Nice one? Let’s go again @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 19.

Checking the wall to see if I have made decent hole on the wall big enough for some of us to get through. Can someone check for me I have splinters in my eyes from the blows.!

@creativetruth takes aim at the wounded archer.

Attack wounded archer with +4 bow. Sneak!

Results: 2 damage to the wounded archer. 2 damage to the other archer beside him.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

A hit! 2 damage. That's all I needed.

The archer collapses!

Take aim at the other archer closest to me.

Second bow attack. New target.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

Third bow attack. Same target as the second attack.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 16.

I scream. The piercing pain of the arrow in my leg is sharp. If I'd have only seen it coming, I'd have dodged. No time now to worry about what I should have done. It's kill or die.

I raise my bow, aim for the same target in the north tower. The weak one. And let her fly. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

A solid hit. I smirk like the devil as the archer in the tower falls over the edge and plummets to his death below. I nock another and aim for his friend. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 12.

It hits the tower and bounces, falls to the ground below. A third one, same target. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

I see now @creativetruth has already killed the wounded archer and injured the other, it seems. I did 8 damage total, which should kill somebody.

Sure seems like both archers should be dead in that tower!

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