Week eight colonye post. blackmail and magic?

in #rpg6 years ago (edited)

to the how-to-do-darkland-and-tutorial how to jone comment below or go on Discord

a have increased my delegation and whit all of you we are sitting at 962steem power. all players get there post up voted and comments "up vote 0.04-0.07" now even more comments the **


all photos from pixabay
you need to expect miss spelling in the post. its a work in progress on many levels. special this week did not have time to go over it as much.

The trading outpost.

the goblins has been driven back fore now. we are setting up a guard post up there to be sure.
gunnar is working hard to try and understand what going on whit the cold weather and the dead not staying dead anymore.

the snake clan has been spotted. it look like them are scouting the colonists. we lost most or men at the goblins attack. so this time you are alone (one of you are getting attacked. you can pay extortion money or fight you can invite colonist to help you.)

buying wood, stone and food 1-1

  • selling ale 1-2 food
  • selling hide chest 2 silver
    we are buying +3 wepons for 4 wood or stone
  • +4 for 5 wood or stone

Rules, updates and Quests

the playable quest. remember to inform on your comment how much damage you are doing, in the last comment of your attack round. so the rest of the colonist now which target to attack on the goblin quest the colonist killed the goblin 3 times over.

All info in the file the playable quest day is Wednesdays so make your turn before Wednesdays.

Overview over all collonyes getting update every week.

The snake clan is going to attack random colonist now and then. The attacks are based on the size of the


after successful attacking the goblins. Blockurator is study hes new cross bow. it fees power full, the silver mine was constructed while he was gone. his colony is starting to take from. the outpost gave you two stone clubs and 4 silver as a payment.
but the book the methus and creativetruth fund up there is worryingly.

the snake clan is asking fore protective silver of 5 silver. your colony will be safe. yes or no?

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 20SP (two workers)
Wood 5 (+4 worker)(+4 trade)(-30 construction)(-1 fire)
Stone 24 (+7 worker)(+4 trade)(-5 construction)
Food 3 (+3 worker)(-4 consumption three workers)
Silver 11 (+4 quest)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty farming)
+1 Stone -1 wood -1 food (cold)
+1 stone gunnars pickaxe

Colony defense
Blockurator 5
4 workers 12

(+4 iron axe)(+5 iron long sword)(+3 cross bow "4 dam")(two +3 stone clubs)
(+2 hide chest)(+1 hide leggings)

Buildings: (+- bonus) on production)
Research bench (need a worker)
silver mine +5 (need a worker -2 food)

Colony Phase:
you can move u four workers around if u want.
to hire one more cost 15 silver
here are your workers from last week.
1 Lumberjack; 1 Forager; 1 Miner; 1 Builder; 0 Scientist; Silver miner 0

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Farm,Lumber,Stone Quarry, Wood wall,Barracks ,Research bench two and balista

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,iron mine,Brewery,Blacksmith,armorer,stone wall

the outpost and gunnar has some info (easy)
The dark tower (medium)
Enter the spider cave (hard)

@cyber.explorer "fyres forest"

is going to the outpost the speak with gunnar. when he is arrives he is meeting paradigm42. gunnar has made a small cabin just out side the wall of the outpost he is wandering around and a around talking to himself...it cant be..no can it..no.but it most be..oo hello. Ecoinstant fund a staff a wile back and a have studding it. its a legend around here of a war long time a go
between and lich and undead sorcerer controlling the dead. and a group of sorcerers. ho over the years build this tower around the world. but they are long gone. it sems something has woke up. but a need more info to understand this go to the tower not far form here and investigating
this is very important.

the snake clan is asking fore protective silver of 5 silver. your colony will be safe. yes or no?

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Wood 30 (+9 worker)(-5 construction)(-1 fire)
Stone 15 (+4 worker)(-20 construction)(+5 trade)
Food 12 (+7 workers)(+2 quest)(-4 trade)(-7 consumption six workers/dog)
Silver 15 (+2 quest)
hide 10 (+2 hunters)
ale 3 (+2 trade)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)
+2 wood -2 stone +1 stone (gunnars pickaxe)

Colony defense
cyber.explorer 5
6 workers 18

(+4 stone spear)(+5 iron sword)(+2 armor hide chest)(+1 armor hide helmet)
(+1 hide leggings)(special item wolf pelt +1 hit)

Buildings: (+- bonus) on production)
Hunter cabin (+3 food +1 hide (need a worker)
Lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 stone (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move your six workers if u want.
to hire one more worker u need 15 silver
here are your workers from last week.
2 Lumberjack; 2 Forager/hunter; 1 Miner; 1 Builder; 0 Scientist;

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Wood wall,Barracks, Research bench two,Armorer,
Blacksmith and Brewery

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine,iron mine,stone wall,wizard tower

The dark tower (medium)

@creativetruth "Silvery Marsh"

and big Jake went to attack the goblins. it was a success. he and methus whent in to a strange building at the goblin fort. it was left empty a long time.
dust everywhere. creativetruth fund a staff when he picking it up it was like it was draining his life away. he packing the staff in some clothes.
methus allso find a book in the same room. its unnatural heavy. on the way home the captain from tho outpost thinks he remember his father tacking of dark magic. but he always thinking it was a joke. your workers made the lumber yard. the outpost gave you some extra silver to.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Wood 27 (+5 worker)(-20 construction)(-1 fire)
Stone 10 (+5 worker)(-5 construction)
Food/wheat 5 (+5 worker)(-5 consumption five workers)
Silver 13 (+4 quest)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty farming)
+1 stone (gunnars pick axe) -1 stone

Colony defense
Creativetruth 5
5 workers 15

(+4 "Fang")(+4 bow)(+5 long sword)(+2 armor horn helmet)(+1 armor hide leggings)(two +3 stone club)(staff and book unknown)

Research bench (need a worker)
Farm +5 wheat (need a worker)
lumber yard +5 (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
you can move your five workers if u want
U have 10 silver u can hire one worker
here are your workers from last week.
1 Lumberjack; 0 Forager/farmer; 2 Miner; 1 Builder; 1 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Stone Quarry, Wood wall, Barracks, Research bench two,
Blacksmith, iron mine and cabin

research (need a Scientist)
silver mine,Brewery,armorer,stone wall. (staff and book)

Contact Gunnar the dwarf (easy)
The dark tower (medium)


went to the goblins attack. came back victorious and much richer then before.
but he notes the staff Creativetruth and methus fund it reminds him of the staff he has but mine is different he. he is wooryd of this. so much we dont now. but he is forgetting this when he fining a gem stone to.

Resources Phase:

SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Wood 21 (+8 workers)(-1 wood fireplace)
Stone 23 (+5 worker)
Food/wheat 4 (+5 worker)(-6 consumption six workers)
Silver 25 (+14 quest)
gem 1 (+1 quest)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty farming)
-1 stone and wood

Colony defense
Ecoinstant base 5
6 workers 18

(+4 bow)(+4 stone spear)(+5 long sword)(+2 hide armor)(+1 wood shield)(+2 iron shield)(+1 hit gem necklace)(wizard staff "cant use it")(two +3 stone club)

Lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
Farm +5 (wheat/food) (need a worker)
Research bench (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move your six workers if u want
you can hire one worker 15 silver
here are your workers from last week.
2 Lumberjack; 1 Forager/farmer; 2 Miner; 0 Builder; 1 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Stone Quarry,Wood wall, Barracks ,Research bench two, Brewery,Blacksmith
Silver mine and wizard tower

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,iron mine,armorer,stone wall

Contact Gunnar the dwarf (easy)
The dark tower (medium)


went to attack the goblin. even if the ods where not it there favor it was a glory's victory. he and creativetruth when in to the creepy hut. when he opening the door he ses a big book in on the table in the middle of the room. he trying to pick it up. it so heavy but he manage to take it whit him. dont relay remember more of it. your Scientist has figure out how to make the silver mine. and your hunter killed his first elk. you think whit a Armorer
you can use the hide.

Resources Phase:

SP Delegated: 10SP (One worker)
Wood 44 (-1 fireplace)
Stone 22 (+5 workers)
Food 3 (+3 worker)(-3 consumption three workers)
Silver 22 (+4 quest)
hide 1 (+1 worker)
Ale 3 (-1 used)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)
+2 stone (+1 stone gunnars pick axe) -1 food

Colony defense
Methus 5
3 workers 9

(+3 bow)(+4 bow)(+4 spike wood club)(+4 heavy stone spear 3 dam)(+4 stone spear)(+2 hide chest)(+1 hide helmet)(+1 hide leggings)(

hunter cabin +3 food +1 hide (need a worker)
Research bench (need a worker)
Colony Phase:
u can move your three workers if u want
you can hire one worker 15 silver.
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 1 Forager/hunter; 1 Miner; 0 Builder;1 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Lumber yard, Stone Quarry, Wood wall, Barracks, Research bench two,silver mine,Blacksmith and Armorer

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,iron mine,Brewery,stone wall (staff/book)


The dark tower (medium)


one worker is starting making the hunter cabin. she is going to see gunnar at the outpost. when she is arrives she meet cyber.explorer on the way there, gunnar is wandering around and a around talking to himself...it cant be..no can it..no.but it most be..oho hello. Ecoinstant fund a staff a wile back and a have studding it. its a legend around here of a war long time a go
between and lich and undead sorcerer and the sorceres how build this tower around the world. but this is old history. it sems something has woke up the dead is waking. but a need more info to understand this u most go to a tower not far form here and investigating
this is very important.

special the snake clan is attacking u .
pay 5 silver to make them go away.
or fight (u can ask fore help from colonists)
(its a medum attack.)

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 18 (-20 construction)(-1 fireplace)
Stone 8 (+7 worker)(-5 construction)
Food 11 (+2 quest)(-2 consumption two worker)
Silver 13 (+2 quest)

'Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)
Resources: +1 stone +1 stone gunnars pickaxe -2 wood

Colony defense
Paradigm42 5
2 worker 6

(+4 bow)(+5 long sword)(+3 wood spear)(+3 bow)(+4 spiked club)(+2 armor hide chest)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+2 armor studded hide leggings)(+2 hit bear cape "special item")

Research bench (need a worker)
Hunter cabin +3 +1 hide (need a worker)
Colony Phase:
u can move you two workers if u want to
you can hire one more worker 15 silver
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack;0 Forager; 1 Miner; 1 Builder;0 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard, Stone Quarry, Wood wall, Barracks,
Research bench two and Cabin

research (need a Scientist)
iron mine,silver mine,Blacksmith,armorer,stone wall,Brewery,


The dark tower (medium)


went to help whit removing the goblins. a lot of arrows where shoot and in the end the colonists manage to be victorious. he and happeme and ecoinstant
went for the building whit the silver? he almost gave up fining anything but in the end the fund a chest whit a lot of sliver and one gem stones to.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 21 (+7 workers)(-1 fireplace)
Stone 8
Food 10 (-2 consumption one worker)
Silver 19 (+14 quest)
gem 1 (+1 quest)(need a blacksmith to make it in to something)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty fish)
+1 wood -1 stone +1 stone gunnar pick axe

Colony defense
Ronaldoavelino 5
two workers 6

(+3 wood spear)(+3 bow)(+4 spike club)(+2 armor hide chest)(+1 hide helmet)
(+1 gem necklace "special items")(two +3 stone clubs)

Fire -1 wood ever week
Research bench (need a worker)
Colony Phase:
u can move you two workers if u want to
you can hire one more worker 15 silver
here are your workers from last week.
2 Lumberjack; 0 Forager; 0 Miner; 0 Builder; 0 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
fisher hut, lumber yard, Stone Quarry, Wood wall, Barracks, Research bench two
Blacksmith and iron mine

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine,Brewery,armorer,stone wall

the outpost and gunnar has some info (easy)
The dark tower (medium)


went to jone the attack on the goblins. he went right into the heat of battle
the outpost lost a few good men but colonist mange to take out the fort. when inside happyme, ecoinstant and ronaldoavelino went to building ho had the guard on it. the manage to brake up the door. it was a room full of empty chest and barrel but in one of them was it a pile of silver and some gem stones. its and excellent start fore happymes colony.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 14 (-5 construction)
Stone 4 (-3 construction)
Food 3 (-1 consumption one worker)
Silver 16 (+14 quest)
gem 1 (+1 quest)(need a blacksmith to make it in to something)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: Cold/missing bed (-20% production)
+1 stone +1 hunter -1 food +1 stone gunnars pick axe)

Colony defense
@happyme 5
one worker 3

(+3 stone hammer)(+4 iron spear)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+2 hide chest plate)
(gunnars pick axe)(two +3 stone club)

Buildings: bed

Colony Phase:
u can move you one workers if u want to
u can hire one worker 10 silver
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 0 Forager; 1 Miner; 0 Builder;

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

hunter cabin 20 wood 5 stone +3 food 1 hide per worker
Fireplace 5 wood (-1 wood a week)
Research bench 10 wood

the outpost and gunnar has some info (easy)
follow foot steps (medium)


now its a place to call home his worker had and excellent week. and he made the bed.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 8 (+6 worker)(-5 construction)(-1 fire)
Stone 2 (-3 construction)
Food 2 (-1 consumption one worker)
Silver 0

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:

Colony defense
@simplegame 5
one worker 3

fireplace -1 wood turn

Colony Phase:
u can move you one workers if u want to
u can hire one worker 10 silver
here are your workers from last week.
1 Lumberjack;0 Forager;0 Miner;0 Builder;

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Research bench 10 wood

the outpost and gunnar has some info (easy)
Discovered the immediate area (easy)
Contact Gunnar the dwarf (easy)


build the fireplace now the camp is in good shape but she didn't give the worker and job this week so he just pick up some stones and a bit of wood to make it cleaner.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 0 (+1 worker)(-5 construction)(-1 fire)
Stone 9 (+1 worker)
Food 1 (-1 consumption one worker)
Silver 0

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:

Colony defense
@wren1221 5
one worker 3

Buildings: bed
fireplace (-1 wood a week)
Colony Phase:
u can move you one workers if u want to
u can hire one worker 10 silver

0 Lumberjack;0 Forager;0 Miner;1 Builder;

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Research bench 10 wood

the outpost and gunnar has some info (easy)
Discovered the immediate area (easy)
Contact Gunnar the dwarf (easy)


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I want to have my worker get more wood,
I want to gather food

@wren1221 will do the same with her turn.

Thank you.

good ty. its not easy to remember this but a hope it will be easy soon.


Selling two +3 stone clubs for 8 wood


  • Lumberjack
  • Miner mining stone
  • Miner mining silver
  • Forager

I will delegate 20 more SP and pick up two more workers. One will become a forager and forage for more food. The other is manning the research bench.

I will sneak over to the @paradigm42 camp with my long sword, bow and arrows, hide chest, and leggings, crouch within bowshot of the camp in a hiding position and watch and listen to what is going on. Does @creativetruth engage with the tax collector?

@blockurator sorry late Response so meny comments..:) . eksellent. whit 20 Sp more u get one more worker . so am going to make him a forager. remember you need to tell me what the research bench are doing.

What are some options? And what are the rewards on the other end? I guess I don't really understand what the research bench is for.

no worrrys...its for unlocking buildings. in your colony post where it sying
research (need a Scientist) all this buldings need to be research before u can build those. and in the colony file you can see the tech tree, more info on the buildings so u dont realy need to unlock or have a worker on the bench. them before u plan build them


So I have to have a researcher on the bench before I can unlock the next building?

Also, I should have at least 5 workers by now. I started with one. I bought one with 15 silver. I paid 20 SP and got two workers. Now you're saying 20 SP buys me only one worker? I thought it was 2 workers for 20 SP. I'm getting confused by this.

the price on workers are increases.

how to get workers.
its two ways. silver is a rare resource you can get it in mining you need a silver mine or in questing and trade.
you need 5 silver to hire one worker the next one is 10 and 15 and so on.
by Delegation to the @darklands you can get workers to and a bigger up vote
and more of them.
10 sp 1 workers
20 sp 2 workers
40 sp 3 workers
80 sp 4 workers
160 sp 5 workers
340 sp 6 workers

so you are delegating 40 sp (3 workers)
and silver you have two there. the next one is the 15 silver one a went true your colony to be sure.

so you ar correct you have 5

Okay thanks. Makes sense.

I will pay 15 solver for another worker (my 7th)

I will set 4 to work the lumber yard
1 to research stone walls
and 2 to farming

I will contact gunnar the dwarf on the easy quest.

My spirit goes out to those defending the colonies, as I IRL do some travelling this week.

Workers: I will buy another worker for 15 silver. I will have one worker foraging, one worker mining with the special pickaxe, one worker building a silver mine, and one worker researching a stone wall.

Quest: I will join the defense of @paradigm42 colony, taking my (+4 bow) and (+4 heavy stone spear 3 dam) as weapons, and wearing the (+2 hide chest),(+1 hide helmet), and (+1 hide leggings). I'll also drink an ale.

I will trade 6 food for 3 ale.
I will have my miner continue to mine stone with the Gunner pickax. I will have my other worker hunt and make use of the hunter cabin.
I will NOT pay the snake clan for their attempt at extortion. I will prepare for battle to defend my camp (as a playable quest). I put on my bear cape, studded +2 leggings, +1 helm and +2 chest armor, and arm myself with my +4 bow and +5 sword. The rest of the weapons my workers split between them.
I am grateful for all of my fellow colonists offers for help, and will happily except all who are willing to fight and will definitely return the favor in the future!

OK, so I think I need to have a research bench for 10 wood.
I'll hire a Lumberjack for 10 silver and keep my other worker collecting stone with the pickaxe for +1

I see I now have a bed, so my production modifier of "missing bed" is removed?

the outpost and gunnar has some info (easy)

to modifier is gone yes...are u thinking to build the bench this turn in this case of the rest of your plans you are missing one worker.

Oh... so a worker needs to BUILD the bench? In that case perhaps it is best to gather some resources FIRST, then build the bench NEXT WEEK.

More questions:

hunter cabin 20 wood 5 stone +3 food 1 hide per worker

Cost to build is 20 wood and 5 stone? Is the +3 food and 1 hide a modifier I GET or are these more costs? Please explain.

My specialty is HUNTING. Should I be hunting or can a worker do it with a +modifier for me? I suspect I need a HUNTER CABIN before I can begin hunting?

Which provides more food, a hunter or a gatherer? Since only you really understand all the rules, a few suggestions would be very helpful at this time in order not to make ignorant mistakes that will cost a lot of time to correct.

20 wood and 5 stone. the + are the produksjon whit a worker.
when u bulid the hunter your gatherer become a hunter. the gatherer getting a d4 dice if he is working. so if u are unlocky he can get 1 food. but whit the hunters cabin u get a 3 for every worker. am woring on making a wiky on all the info but slow moving. a lot to do outside etc.

How does this look?

a have not got around to make the spreadsheet or a post on this. but this Sems to be correct. the wood and stone has a d6 as base. then +- bonuses.

If mine is accurate, then why not just use it?
Here is an updated version:

I was too lazy to look for an equal-or-less-than symbol to insert, so I simply used a less-than symbol and increased the values by one, so when using the chart, you must remember that where the less-than symbol is used, your score must be SMALLER than the shown value.

its good points is there a can add it in the colony file.

Thanks for that information. Very helpful!
You don't really need a wiki; just a spreadsheet is fine.

I forgot to include this, but need to know what the BASE production for each is.

I will keep simple this week, because I am travelling abroad.
My quest will be :the outpost and gunnar has some info.
I will use the blacksmith to make the gem into something...
I will sell the two +3 stone clubs at the outpost for stones.
One of my workers will be a scientist and will research armorer.
The other will be a builder and build an iron mine.

am make a random choice on the gem or u can select one:
the gem + to hit "spesial item" or + damage on a wepon or + armor on a armor item?

cool on the rest. have a nice tripp

I would like a +damage on a weapon. Thanks.

cool. will do.

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