Quest: Attacking the tower (part five)

in #rpg6 years ago

@creativetruth are surrounded he scrams for help. @happyme is aiming his bow to try and take out the bear...two of his arrows missing. in front of @stever82 its the moose. he charge attack him get a good blow in but not enough to take him down He takes a tactical retreat followed by @happyme, @methus ses his chance to do some good and thin out the numbers before falling back. he charge the wolfs and cast a dark heal, killing the two wolfs and healing @stever82 and @happyme then following them through the forest hoping a few undead following them. the moose is charge after @methus he can hear him coming and manage to step aside the moose then trying to kick him @methus gets the air knock out of him of a kick. a few undeads are wandering in to the forest after the three of them. @ligayagardener ses his friends coming back and the undeads following.


the Oger ses a small man standing next to a large fire wall..the oger thinking of dinner and moving over swinging his war hammer. Rastael armor kracks under the massive force..Rastael is trapped on one side a raging wall of fire and a oger. he can see the old man coming forward form behind the nettels wall. only way to get out is to retreat this place smell of death. on the other sia of the fire wall is Paige. big jake screaming and running farward killing one undead then geting a good blow in to a second. but he is to fare a ahead two undeads are approaching. she ses one undead his dead eyes are red. she remembers Rastael telling about a spell make you so angry your eyes are red. the undead are bashing big jake. he falls to the ground, the undead are coming to here.


the bear bites after @creativetruth the three undead next to him hits him. a bite and a blow. @creativetruth is losing of the undead moving to in the the forest.


no Snike attack in both maps

moving map take one action and putting you where the arrow is works both ways

if and colonist/worker is (unconscious) he can not use his actions before he get a healing potion or Magic heal . if he is not heal when the quest is over he gets a -3 o his hits the following week and no loot if a worker is (unconscious) he is dead when the quest is over and the colony is loosing a worker

most likely the quest will last longer then to the colony post. if so you will get the loot added after the post is out.

Darkland wiki

Overview over all Colones and Quest Rules.

@methus (Barbarian Ale,ring,amulet) 9
weapons: (+7 dark staff 4 melee damage and +4 spell dam)(+4 armor iron Shield)
4 hit points (12 of 15 armor)(wounded)
(2 healing potions)
Spells: Dark Missile, Dark Heal, Fireball


@ecoinstant Sustainable acres

Paige (ale, ring,amulet) 9
weapons:(+5 bow 3 dam) and (+5 iron sword 3 dam)
4 hit points: (8 of 10 armor)(wounded)
1 healing potion


Rastael (ale,ring,amulet) 9
weapons: (+5 wizard staff 2 dam)
4 hit points (1 of 6 armor)(wounded)
1 healing potion
Spells: berserk. nettle wall and dark heal.

@stever82 (boar fangs amulet,ale) 9
weapons: (+5 iron sword 3 dam) (+5 bow 3 dam)
4 hit points (8 of 8 armor)(+6 heal from @methus)


@happyme (ring,amulet) 7
weapons (+5 bow/gem 5 dam)(+5 Long sword/gem 3 damage)
4 hit points (17 of 19 armor)(wounded)(+6 heal from @methus)


@ligayagardener (ring,amulet) 7
weapons: (+4 bow 2 dam)(+5 Sword 2 dam)
4 hit points (1 of 4 armor)(wounded)


@creativetruth (ale,ring,amulet) 9
weapons: (+5 iron sword 3 dam) (+4 iron shield)
0 of 4 hit points (0 of 12 Armor)
(unconscious)(need healing potion or heal to get up)


Big Jake: (ale) 5
weapons: (+5 iron sword 3 dam)(+6 hunters bow 3 dam)
0 of 4 hit points (0 of 5 Armor)
(unconscious)(need healing potion or heal to get up)
1 potion of health.

undeads 5 (+3 fist 2 dam)
4 hit points
(-2 movement slow two turns)

undeads 5 (+3 fist 2 dam)
1 of 4 hit points
(-2 movement slow two turns)

location J10 next to Paige


undead bear 5 (+8 paws 5 dam)
10 hit points


undead moose 5 (special charge attack +5 antlers 3 dam)(+4 feet 2 dam)
7 of 10 hit points (wounded)


undead oger 5 (+5 warhammer 5 dam)
20 of 20 hit points
(-2 movement slow two turns)


undead wizard (cape of knowledge,ring) 8
weapon: (+6 dark staff 2 melee damage and +2 spell dam)
4 hit points (15 of 15 Armor)
Spells: Rage, fire wall , nettles wall




I see what has followed us and it wasn’t all our friends. I worry but must battle. I charge attack the moose with my sword. @rolld20

Posted using Partiko iOS

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 18.

OOC man I am rolling high.

I trip and fall but jump back up I have to land a blow so I swing my sword again. @rolld20

Posted using Partiko iOS

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 15.

I am starting to think I should have trained more with my sword. Yet I swing again. @rolld20

Posted using Partiko iOS

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Oh dang. I waited too long, and now I'm dead. Can I join the other team? lol

Did some people not take their turns at all?

hehe...3 dident. but it not over yeat, the can heal you.

Wait a few minutes, I will heal you with Paige

Big Jake is up, and Paige moved him south to the previous screen.

Rastael is reeling, his head is swimming and his breath is short. A tremendous blow from the undead ogre and suddenly he cannot jear the raging battle, only a ringing in his ears.

He sees the situation differently now, from a new perspective as if outside his body. A risky play comes into his mind, only a crazy person would stick around but maybe.....just maybe....

His crazy plan has worked! The undead wizard is beserked, and Rastael flees tonthe previous screen, then moves further to J6 and attempts to hide. @rollthedice

Rastael begins to cast, spinning his words into the incantation for Beserk, aimed at the undead wizard. (+14) @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 7.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

yes a like it...out side the box...:) a putted him in the tree line in J8 to hide he need to be in forest or out of sight

Things are getting serious here so I better not miss! The moose is still alive and right in front of me. I shoot it with an arrow. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 19.

Unbelievable! The near-dead moose dodged my arrow at such close range! It surely must be animated by some seriously strong magic. I unleash a 2nd arrow at the moose and pray to the Gods of war. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

The Gods answered my prayer and the moose goes down hard.
My last arrow is for the undead directly north of me. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

The arrow flies true and kills the undead.

Summary: Miss, kill moose, kill undead directly north of me.

Action 1: Move to the other map.
Action 2: Charge attack the wizard with dark heal, helping out @creativetruth. @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Hit for 6 damage on the wizard. +6 to @creativetruth

Action 3: charge attack dark heal on the bear, benefitting @creativetruth again @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Results: 6 damage to the bear and wizard, with 6 recurring. +12 to @creativetruth

map update/ movment and etc


I landed on blow on the moose he is at 4 life now.

Posted using Partiko iOS

bad luck this quest. but next one its going to go better am sure of it. :)

Paige sees Big Jake fall in front of her, the enemy are too numerous. Shouldering her bow and drawing her sword, she steels herself to be be a hero.

Update: She charges through the injured undead, feeds her only potion to big jake,and moves him back south with her.

Paige must charge through the undead in front of her, knocking him over in order to reach Big Jake in time. Her sword at the ready, she charges! (+14 +2)


Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 13.

Success, the un dead is crushed under her charge to Big Jake. Paige uncorks her only potion, and feeds it to the large man, and helps him stumble to his feet. Together, with his arm over her shoulder, they retreat south to the previous screen.

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the undead wizard is in rage after Rastael put the spell on him...he trying to cast a fire wall on topp of bear,oger and @methus +14 to hit @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 20.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 8.

hit then he running at the oger trying to hit him whit his staff @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 8.

hit 2 dam...the fire wall kills the bear 2 undead and made @methus (unconscious)

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